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Posts posted by Findthepin1

  1. 4 hours ago, fredinno said:

    Doesn't matter, planetary objects in KSP are on-rails. And yes, it would be difficult to get an SOI intercept- but that's something IRL mission planners need to deal with (not to mention players wanting to land on Gilly), so I don't see a problem with that. I never saw the point of having that thing in the first place, but ok.

    BTW, you need to make your own planet too soon. (hopefully a dwarf planet or moon) I really don't want to make Førstsmil your object.

    Don't make Førstsmil my object, actually. Gonna make a proper world tomorrow, probably. Førstsmil's existence was sort of an inside joke on pareidolia anyway. XD

  2. 11 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

    I've given a nickname to the planet GJ 1214 b back in September. It's Belisama, named after the Celtic goddess of fire and water, because this planet seems to be a hot oceania (like in Space Engine). I've imagined Belisama as a "Water Giant", a large planet covered in water but with a large cloud cover. The clouds would create giant hurricanes taking up to 35% of the planet's entire area. They would be a lot like Jupiter's Great Red Spot: powerful, huge, and long-lasting. The atmosphere of Belisama might have a haze of organic gases and salts (that must be tasty:P) with huge, reflective clouds of water vapor. Belisama's atmosphere would also distribute enough heat to prevent an ice sheet on the back side. The oceans will be very sluggish and possibly radioactive.

    So basically, Belisama has an atmosphere of CO2, water vapour, and gaseous soggy potato chips? XD

  3. I built a Jool ship. It is designed to go to Jool and return. I plan to visit all three major moons. It's not designed to land on anything, however it could land on Bop or Pol. It couldn't do a Jool-5 because it's not capable of carrying all my stuff.

    I also realized that extensive radiation shielding isn't required to make things realistic for this mission, for I calculated that Jool's mass relative to Kerbin's is smaller than Saturn's relative to Earth's (Jool's 80 Kerbin masses and Saturn's 95 Earth masses). Saturn's radiation environment is relatively safe.

    I launched the ship. It barely made it to Kerbin orbit. The launcher ran out at almost orbit. So I turned on the nuclear engines on the thing and got it to orbit (barely) with that. It's missing about a thousand units of fuel so I plan to refuel it using the crew deliver-er. It has too much fuel left even now. :D

  4. 18 hours ago, Exploro said:

    I still don't think so. Consider that the surface of Pluto the pressure is 1 bar. That corresponds to pressures at around 100 km above Earth's surface; at this altitude objects like spacecraft or meteors being experiencing entry effects. In other words, the impactor would crash into the surface of Pluto by the time it would begin to experience entry effects.

    That's 1 pascal. 1 bar corresponds to pressures 0.11925 km above Earth's surface, i.e. a couple hundred feet. :D

  5. 1 hour ago, Spaceception said:

    I'm not sure, and I'm pretty sure Universe Sandbox 2 wouldn't simulate it properly, so I don't know, perhaps you should talk to @K^2

    Or he could look at the alternate solar system thread in the science labs for inspiration. There's a lot of good stuff in that that might be useful. robin.heggelund, good luck with your story!

  6. 12 minutes ago, Dfthu said:

    The MN science museums usually has space stuff there.

    Good, Minnesota is in the middle of the continent. What we need to do is get a whole bunch of people to say they're in favour of this event and get the MN science museum to support us there.

    I am having a bit of trouble figuring out Europe. A significant amount of the European players live in Britain and Scandinavia, so they'd have to get to the Continent by boat or plane. This is expensive. They'd rather drive. Is it better to have three KSP conventions in Europe with less people, or one convention for the whole continent, with more people, that is potentially much more expensive to get to?

  7. Let's do one where the most people can drive to easily. From what I've seen, most KSPers live in North America and Europe. Considering the fact that most people prefer to drive, we should have two Kerbalcons. One right in the centre of North America, and one right in the centre of Europe. I nominate Sioux Falls and Berlin, because both are right in the middle of their respective continents. Any large city is less than half a continent from those cities. It could be done in a week's drive at the very most.

    Are there space-related events this summer near those cities?

  8. 48 minutes ago, fredinno said:

    No such thing exists.

    Well, I originally made the calculations based on this:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen_cycle

    Photosynthesis (land)
    Photosynthesis (ocean)
    Photolysis of N2O
    Photolysis of H2O
    Total gains ~ 30,000
    Losses - respiration and decay
    Aerobic respiration
    Microbial oxidation
    Combustion of fossil fuel (anthropogenic)
    Photochemical oxidation
    Fixation of N2 by lightning
    Fixation of N2 by industry (anthropogenic)
    Oxidation of volcanic gases
    Losses - weathering
    Chemical weathering
    Surface reaction of O3
    Total losses

    ~ 30,000

    The variables are going to be different on Venus.

    First and foremost, photosynthesis will be a lot lower. Venus is a desert. There's barely any plant life in deserts. So there will be barely any oxygen. Nitrogen fixation by lightning will probably be lower (little water means few clouds to create lightning) and that by industry is going to be very nearly zero). By the way, this does mean there should be more nitrogen. Oxidation of volcanic gases will also likely be lower because Venus would have less volcanism (Earthlike planet with Earthlike surface temperature means surface geology would be much more similar to Earth's, but drier, so less or no plate tectonics, which means a thicker crust, which means less volcanoes). Zero combustion of fossil fuels by anything because Venus wouldn't have any accessible fossil fuels as a desert. The only areas with significant fossil fuels would be the seafloor, a fact which no Terran civilization would know about and no Venusian civilization would need. And more differences besides.

    The more I think about it, the more I expect a habitable desert Venus isn't doable. Assuming we can't do that, what would be the alternatives?

  9. 1 hour ago, fredinno said:


    No plants to make it. If Venus has so little plants compared to Earth, it'd have correspondingly little oxygen. It's a thin-air desert, a drier version of the Altiplano. The plant biomass is like 1 to 10 percent the Earth average. That means it'd have 1 to 10 percent the oxygen partial pressure.

    Say, for example, it's five percent plant biomass relative to Earth. It'd then have five percent the partial pressure of oxygen on Earth's surface. Earth's surface has 20 kpa. Venus, with five percent plant biomass, would have five percent that number, or 1 kpa of oxygen. It's worth noting that Venus only has significant biomass of any kind near the water, of which there is not a lot. So it'd likely have a quite small amount of oxygen, not enough for any large animal life (insects at the most).

    What we need to do is either give Venus a lot more plants or a lot less animals. No intelligent civilizations there, unless they breathe CO2 or something.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

    I don't understand how anything beyond LEO is possible, but i say think big, go to Titan, anything is possible!

    So have we decided on what to do and where to go? How is moss related in any way to ksp? are we going to send a picture of Jeb? 

    It's not to be related to KSP. It's to contribute to scientific knowledge. It just happens to be run by part of the KSP community.

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