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Everything posted by Warzouz

  1. @mhoram : So I should even start burnig inward as if I was going to Eve, because I'll need to cancel my (Kerbol prograde) velocity ?
  2. Hmmm, when the orbit becomes hyperbolic, an eliptic orbit pops out in parent SOI. This orbit doesn't start on the current body orbit, It's already quite different. This difference might be around 950m/s ?
  3. But quitting SOI would already give me speed to change incination. When you burn to quite Kerbin SOI, you're already on a non Kerbin orbit. That's why I didn't count the 950m/s
  4. Difference is marginal though. Once I totally forgot to close it and went in space with the same dV left Same thing on Air intakes. Does it matter to close them ? I didn't noticed any difference too. I still do it for RP, though
  5. The editor could be more user friendly and less "Squad-Tech featured". Also, the sound designed could be vastly improoved (rocket engines variants, sounds, chatters, RCS, EVA, undocking, ISRU, drilling...) Music could get better contextual soundtracks (landing, arriving planet SOI, atmo renetry...) Those context menus are quite a mess. All actions should be accessible from another static control menu. Action groups should be editable in space. "Kid game" mod with very simlpified gamplay for kids from 6 to 12
  6. Oups, that would be Kerbin LKO dV + 1.41 * Kerbit orbital velocity, no ? 1.41 = Sqrt(2)
  7. What would it take to put something into Kerbol polar orbit around Kerbin radius ? Kerbin LKO dV + 2 * SQRT(Kerbin orbital velocity) ?
  8. If you want to land, you'll need to expend more fuel if you come from a retrograde orbit than from a prograde one. Fixing your orbit early in transfer is very cheap, and while you're there: put your PE on equatorial, so you'll get a very far AN or DN node to do some cheap inclination change.
  9. First post total rewrite DL file here "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement" mod recommended
  10. OK, so you ignore you orbot Minmus, but you consider you orbit Kerbin at Minmus altitude. Is it precise enought to target narrow window (Moho) ?
  11. I usually start my interplanetary transfers from LKO, using fuel from Kerbin. Some people starts from Minmus, but I don't really understand how. - How do you get a working encounter ? - How do you handle the long revolution of Minmus around Kerbin (to get proper ejection angle) - How do you handle narrow windows ? Is is really efficient ?
  12. I'm working on a Exploration Space Station that allow multiple science trip tro target bodies. The station, in its small tank variant, weights 65 tons and can go to the Mun, Minmus, Eve, Gilly Duna Ike without transfer stage. I've prototypes of this station around every planets. More here (but I must rewrite the whole stuff...) : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132464 Jool station passing by Tylo / Station orbiting Vall. Moho station firing at LKO / Moho station in orbit (with Plume mod).
  13. OK, I've reworked the design on the Salamander Space Stations Now I've 4 space stations Depending on where you want to go, you have to keep fuel to land the miner The 4 stations comes into 8 configurations (Moho / Eve to Duna / Dres, Jool's moons / Eelloo x Large or small tank) I'll get into details tomorrow.
  14. True, the design is quite endgame, especially with the large probe core (which is the same as the small, just heavier...)
  15. All those space stations are very nice. but th point was to discuss about Kerbin Space Station usage and gain.
  16. We don't need all the tech tree to go to Duna, Ike, land some probes on Eve and go to Gilly. The tech tree could be fully open when going there. I don't understand why KSC gives so much science.
  17. Well I only have ONE station per body, and I use them a LOT. Sure that I ignore thos contracts. I usually take it the first time and trash all the other ones.
  18. After graping how to lift payload to LKO, Minmus may be a better place to learn to land than Mun. There are big flat areas and low gravity. Encounter is not much harder and help you understand nodes
  19. You're right. I find docking to be very relaxing. Sliding at low relative speed until you're alligned and give it a litle push to dock is ... nice. (I don't like rendez-vous part though)
  20. Yes, I use them to explore bodies. I've got them from Moho to Eeloo. I usually don't build them around moons if my science lander can explore thos moon in good conditions (multiple hops). But those stations are fuel reserves for landers which don't usually use much so I can send many landings from there. before worriing about fuel. Thoses "exploration" space station avec very logical and pratical, there is an clear gain to use them. - Send a station with landers and return vehicle with several Kerbals - Strip the body of science, research there. - Bring science and kerbals home with return ship. - Return there with only a small ship. Kerbin space station lacks this obviousness.
  21. I like space stations, I build them a lot. I use them to explore bodies. After sending satelites, it's usually the first ship I send. I also have one around Kerbin ; it's the biggest one I have, but I never really used it. One time I used to refuel my SSTO so it could go in high orbit to recover 8 kerbals from 2 missions (Jool and Dres) that didn't had a return vehicle capable of atmo reentry, but I could have done it more easily with a very simple rocket. I thought one time I could go to space easier by sending empty ships and refuel them at a station. But I discovered I would lost a lot of time and need to add a lot of RCS components just to do that. Further more, some big mission would need most of the station fuel so I would have to refuel it often. If fuel comes from Kerbin, I would not gain anything. That would even cost me much more - Cost per ton reduces with mass increase (especially with big engines) - You have to expend fuel to rendez-vous with the station - You need more parts to drive refuellers to the station (probes, RCS, tanks...) The only way it would cost less is by refueling from Minmus or docking the station with an asteroid. But those options take a lot of time. Still I like my Kerbin Space Station. I use it to punish Kerbals : I need one to transmit a crew report when I get a "Recover or transmit science in space around Kerbin" (I forgot to add science equipement aboard). Let's say it's kind of RP Do you use Kerbin Space stations ? Why ?
  22. I like space station. I build something like that around Laythe to explore Jool's moon back in 0.9. I had a great time. BTW, you could fire a single mission which would lift all that stuff into LKO. Simply integrate your tanks into your station (I lifted a double (or triple, I don't recall) biggest 3.75m tanks + science + habitat + com + energy + multiple docking). You can refill the station by docking a tank and transfer fuel. This can be lifted by a 4 or 6 mammoth rocket. The cheapest way is to recover the LKO stage. I don't know ay cheaper way to do it.
  23. I wanted to do something like that. A generic file editor with some plugins to create dedicated features, such as removing parts. But sadly, I've not enough time to develop anymore.
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