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Posts posted by ensou04

  1. The game define Unity Joint and set their breaking force and torque. They are handled by the Unity physic engine and you don't get to see the internal values (AFAIK).

    You can get the Joint class used by searching the part gameobject component (The Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod code can show you how to do that) but you can only set limits there. The game when a joint break with the OnJointBreak message, that provides the break force.

    You're right, theres no way to know the internal values. and alot of stuff is hidden within KSP itself. I guess there really isnt anyway to know the acceleration per part.

    Thank you for explaining it to me :D

    My last resort actually is just use FAR, I think somewhere inside FAR is a code that breaks joints and I Guess I could do something about it to do what I want to achieve

  2. I remembered that FAR adds aerodynamic stress calculations to parts. FAR numbers are available to modders.

    I actually took a look at FAR, though i still have to find where it is :D

    Edit: Sarb explained to me how the joint breaks unfortunately, there really isnt anyway way to know the internal numbers "the stress". So I think this feature cannot be done at all. UNLESS its FAR which actually adds physical forces to specific Parts. Though I need to ask Ferram first about it

  3. You can't get the current stress applied to a joint and you can't know the acceleration applied to each part, so I don't really see how you can get the stress :(

    Yeah thats what I found out, because most members inside the Part class are constants and some are just universal like the angular velocity and drag.

    So there is really no way? how does the game handle joint breaks though?

  4. If someone here has knowledge on how Part works in KSP, I need help for this feature im trying to add

    Im trying to figure out what forces are in play that causes parts to break and bend in code format.

    I have Isolated each parts already, I know how to grab the BreakingForce and Torque limits but I cant figure out what I need to get the amount of stress there is for specific part

    The plan is to add soundeffects for each part that is being stressed so you can "hear" which part is having it worst. And at very high stresses where parts will actually break, I would play a sound that would correspond to the situation.

    foreach (Part part in vessel.parts) {
    if(part.physicalSignificance == Part.PhysicalSignificance.FULL)

  5. Im trying to figure out what forces are in play that causes parts to break and bend in code format.

    I have Isolated each parts already, I know how to grab the BreakingForce and Torque limits but I cant figure out what I need to get the amount of stress there is for specific part

    The plan is to add soundeffects for each part that is being stressed so you can "hear" which part is having it worst. And at very high stresses where parts will actually break, I would play a sound that would correspond to the situation.

    This is for the mod Im working on in This Thread

    foreach (Part part in vessel.parts) {
    if(part.physicalSignificance == Part.PhysicalSignificance.FULL)

  6. excellent idea. It's one of those things ksp really lacks. Kerbals are totally mute when they really should be making sounds.

    I suggest heavy research of squad's official ksp videos. There's plenty of kerbal vocalizations inside.

    By the way, you got mentioned here on modding monday.


    i panicked when you said that shipeffects got mentioned

  7. Guess what! We now have docking sounds!!

    But I dont know if I should do UnDocking sounds as well and how to do it.

    EDIT: I'll just leave the undocking part alone. figured it'll be too difficult when the API is quite hidden. Still WE HAVE DOCKING SOUNDS!

    Alarm Systems on the other hand will be a separate(ish) Part Module mod. but will still be inside the main plugin. I'll put a hold on this for now and will work on it later once im done adding a few little details to ShipEffects itself


    SEASys (ShipEffects Alarm System)

    So i've been thinking about how the Alarm System will work this morning and I started fiddling around. I got this, its not yet complete. the other indicators dont work yet except for the HIGHG one. And it does make alarm sounds.

    I have a vague idea how Master Alarm Works so what are your thoughts on this? How will I make this behave? "going to add TAC support as well once I now exactly How this thing works". I had the idea of when you click it they will mute, but will still Light Up.


  9. It works much better now. One thing I have noticed though is I have a probe core falling and when I open my parachute, again realchutes if that matter, I get the metallic shake/rattle sound while not IVA and obviously with a probe core. IS this intended that some sound happen with probe cores and while not IVA. Thanks for the update and fix really enjoying the mod now!

    That sound was intended, its going to be a new feature on the next update as well "was meant to be a subtle hint". third person sounds! Those are not the Rattle sounds though, its the Thump Sounds. its the sounds that both you the IVA and the people around you within 100 meter range hears. this is not to be confused with the IVA sounds being enabled in third person though.

    I'm excited for this ensouensou!! Thanks for your great work again, and all the best with the new update!

    Thanks too! and no problem!

    I might end up designing my own muffler as well, as Svm420 pointed out, I intentionally had one sound in particular audible in thirdperson.


    UPDATE 0.2.3

    • Code Re-write, alot more stable, better calculations and ram/cpu friendly
    • Better Dynamics response, now takes into account Rotation, Atmosphere Pressure and DeltaV differences (calculated and actual)
    • Removed old stress sounds. going to be replaced with a better system
    • Engine Response is now more realistic because of better Dynamic response. rattles caused by the engine will ease out when final velocity is reached.
    • Audio widen with Unity 3D Audio

    Next Update:

    Brand new Alarm System, Docking sounds! And a new fuselage Stress Sounds!

  11. What a superb work, Ensou and everyone else who's helping with it! :) Thank you very much for this mod.

    I've tested it with Muffler, and they're kinda compatible: Muffler muffles (!) every sound effect according to the current atmosphere level, but that means the IVA sounds get muffled as well.

    Personally, this isn't a problem for me. I like the results, but I don't know how differently the IVA sounds are affected in our world.

    thanks man! the new version im working on "which will be released today or tomorrow" is WAY more better and also alot more kinder with the computer

    in real life, sounds inside the cockpit stay the same. imagine riding a car and the only sound you'll hear are the muffled engine, and the tire's friction over the ground. but your dashboard, sits and windows vibrate accordingly aswell.

    I watched a couple of cockpit video footage its kinda the same.

    I imagine even if after breaking the sound barrier, the air particles smashing towards the fuselage should still create sounds inside the cocpkit

  12. Here is the in depth log for linux

    . This was done on my test install with minimal mods so I am positive is is not any interaction. with a mod. For the test all I did was launch a plane and leave it on the runway.

    you were right, for some reason the debug.logs are running even if they are disabled. can you wait for the next update? for good house keeping, i'll delete the debug.logs instead of commenting them out this time

  13. Latest version tried again today still be spammed in logs. I'm on linux x64 if at all relevant.

    Oh I havent tested this on 64 bit and also, what kind of log, there should not be even one log except for when you initially start "it will log the settings once"

    All debug.logs are commented out. can you send in the ksp.log ?

    But it does work with Realchutes... I use both mods without any problems.

    OHH i SHould try this aswell

    I gotta hand it to you, ensouensou (well, that wasn't half-hard to spell,haha)... You're really going all out on this, and I just have to thank you for it. I've probably used IVA more in the past few days than I have ever used it since I got this game. This and KerbQuake just go hand in hand, noooo doubt about it. Just go IVA, re-enter the atmosphere with some epic music and Euphoria will be achieved. :D

    I'm even using it so much that I'll try to do most of my missions in IVA (if it doesn't require me to see my surroundings very well). It's a shame that the Mk2 cockpit is really hard to see out of, the Mk1 (inline) and the Mk3 have no interior and the standard capsule only has a tiny square window :(

    Edit: That's it, RasterPropMonitor is being added onto my expanding list of mods, just for more immersion haha.

    Thank you so much! well its fun! I never had a finish program before and I randomly just decided to make this mod because i couldn't wait any longer for someone to write it. NO REGRETS AHAH

    True, mk2's windows are too high. You should try NearFutureShip(cant remember correctly) they have a cockpit with big windows :D and also bigger Screens for RasterPropMonitor. Oh btw, the last 'ensou' on my name is silent xD


    I got the sounds, thanks for this raw assets but I dont know what to use them for

  14. @ensouensou Can you edit the sounds? Like pitch, echo, duration, fading in/out? If so, I have some nice sounds up my sleeve if you are willing to mix them: air decompression and such.

    Grab it here

    Also check out the freesounds.org site, good source for many sound endeavors.

    I used clips from freesounds.org as well as sounds(synthesized) created by me and also I edited and enhanced all the sounds to fit my needs. Thanks for this man!

    Immersion mods are my favorite. Real nice job. Now all we need is for KerbQuake to work with RealChutes.

    thanks! lets hope it gets updated

    Just a headsUp

    I've been doing alot of reworking on the mod, things are going very well. Sounds are now more Wide so they dont seem like they all are coming from behind. *thank you Unity Documentation*

    So far the rattles, vibrations and rumble sounds are running good, very responsive as well. doesnt take as much ram anymore, I changed how they are played, instead of playing all at once with Zero Volume, they will only play when a Curtain Velocity is reached (i also did my own math instead of using the default one for Gravity, now it disregards the Constant Gravity).

    Thrust are now very responsive, they will also ease out when the final expected Velocity is reached by grabbing the difference between the calculated a=f/m and the actual Acceleration (has bigger difference in bodies with atmospheres). they'll still make your ship rattle a bit even if you reached the final velocity.

    Added angular velocity to the equation as well, so if your ships are spinning it'll make sounds :D

    I still have to figure out how to play sounds during docking success

  15. It sounds like "ssswwooososososohososhsshooooooclank...brvvvvvv"........... Best example ever :D

    If you set the alarm to go off at 5gs, you're gonna have to make it configurable. Nearly all of my craft (even my massive ones) can pull a 5g turn using FAR, so the alarm would be going insane at me, haha.

    Ahah win example. And ofcourse im going to setup configs for the alarm system. as usual I want things to be easily customized.

  16. Would you be able to add a setting or reduce/stop the logging done by the mod? My log is spammed with mass is and g pulled. Leading to a massive slowed down in my game. Love the mod, but can't use it with all the logging. Has this been reduced in the newest version?

    Thats not supposed to happen, what version are you using? I had the latest version's (0.2.1) debugging settings disabled and no one can enable them unless they have the source and recompile it.

    That is just awesome!:D

    Also +1 for docking sounds :)

    Master Alarm was a part of very useful Caution and Warnings System - something like that would be very cool e.g. for Raster Prop Monitor. I hope that somebody will implement this system.

    EDIT: But I HAVE NO IDEA How docking sounds like ; A;

    Thanx~ I'll try what I could do

  17. I wouldn't put an alarm at 15 G. You're inconscious by the time you breach 10.

    It's best to put the first high-G alarm at 5 G, second at 10.

    Also, SpeedyB's idea about alarm for stuff breaking is excellent.

    As for the temperature, vessel breaching 1000 °C in KSP happens rarely and is a good alarm point.

    Low power alarm for the 15 % charge is a nice idea.

    If you're gonna add TAC support, there are low oxygen, low water, low food. The mod does stop the timewarp at certain threshold points.

    So far this is my new Goal for this mod together with the gathered suggestions :

    New and Improved ShipEffects

    •̶ ̶S̶o̶u̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶j̶o̶i̶n̶t̶ ̶b̶r̶e̶a̶k̶s̶

    -̶ ̶S̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶d̶e̶p̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶

    no need for this silly me its already in the game

    • Alarm System

    - Low Power Alarm

    - Temperature alarm above 1000c

    - Alarm for breaking parts

    - Gee Warning Sounds when pass 5gs

    - TAC Life Support

    OMG THIS IS THE MOD I'VE ALWAYS WANTED!!! Awesome job man. Downloading when I next can. :)

    THANKS bro! if you could make a video about it that'd be awesome!

  18. It would be really cool to have an alarm go off when things on the craft break. Think the Apollo style master alarm (

    Ohyess thanks for this! I should watch the movie itself too

    yeah for those crazy enough not to use realchutes, but seriously really enjoy the mod.

    AHah I havent played with realchutes lately. is the author of KerbQuake still active?

    Throw in all your suggestions with samples and help me craft this mod to a better version. I really enjoy reading up suggestions and help me out how will I achieve such feature :D keep em coming

  19. Oooohhh, yes! An alarm sound would be amazing. Sometimes when I'm re-entering kerbin's atmosphere from the Mun, my G-Force is like 15+, maybe an alarm should sound at 15Gs, or possibly make it configurable? Would be amazing.

    Edit: Is there any chance of releasing your own version of KerbQuake? I can't find any version of it that is 0.90 compatible, so I have to use the one for .25 :(

    ALARM IT IS THEN. just to hype the pressure more when re-entering :D and of course i'll make it configurable.

    kerbquake seems to work fine for me at 0.90 with the 0.25 version. unfortunately i'll be focusing on the sound part for now. maybe in the future.

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