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Everything posted by dhole

  1. Hi all! Tell me please - landing legs not working now?
  2. Work perfectly - as is should! Interesting - crawls to orbit ?.. Today we will check it out! -
  3. Yes! Exellent ) Instead thousands words - Mk2 lander, for example - I just do not like interface between sections. Not cheat, not magic - and not mechanic - http://enu.kz/repository/2011/AIAA-2011-293.pdf I therefore ask that this really and not complexating for linear engine. But it`s up to you, of cource ! )) Transfering crew to land/cabin. I`m use ladders, but it look ugly ( Integrated ladders look muth better! Wings look perfectly! And the modules themselves seemed to me more accurate than ever before. Nice. nice!! ) In the evening, I look carefully , and I will write more in detail. Thank`s! I`m remember now - new J crew cabin with air intake? As J-QS01 Cockpit. Maybe J-drone with intake air for small SSTO J-size? Or nosecone with intake air for OPT J Drone Core - as your opinion!
  4. One part more - OPT J FuelTamk 2m - And OPT stabilizer Type A will not work now as stabilizer ))) - Maybe just me only? If you have littl time - check it, please. 2 @K.Yeon - maybe double Cargo Bay? J and K. And 1.5 long! )) Also interesing both side opening, as J-Experemental Cargo Bay. For OPT Linear Aerospice Rocket engine - maybe a gimbal? Small pitch only gimbal, 1.5-2.5 degree? And for OPT J-61 Advanced TurboRamjet to! ) And anoter one interesing part - - hatches section. If you want make analog, there are useful with ladders, ajustable ladders ) Best regards all!
  5. Greetes to you and happy new year! ) Two parts - OPT stabilizer Type A and OPT Mk2 Nose Thank`s again!
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