I've had an idea that i think would be great fun as a mode, not the entirety, of mutiplayer, when it comes out. My idea was that there would be a player who was a "kerbal" and a player who was "mission control". The mission control player would get all the stats and orbital info, and the kerbal would actually have to use the controls, going by what the mission control person says. The kerbal would be stuck in IVA mode, and maybe if squad ever releases advanced IVA's, then they would have accsess to that, as well as EVA's and collection science.The kerbal's navball would not have any targets or prograde/retrograde etc. markers, so the purpose of the mission control is not defeated. The kerbal would also not have altitude, speed, vertical speed, or atmosphere gauge, or anything else i'm missing. Both players would have to have a microphone, but that may be a given in the entirety of multiplayer. This would only be a mode of multiplayer, so players are not stuck in the real-life player to mission control gamemode. What do you guys think?