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Everything posted by ChrisSpace

  1. NASA definitely won't do it, SpaceX probably won't do it.
  2. When you're perfectly fine with the idea of one day spending the rest of your life in a glass dome in a frozen desert on the other side of the solar system.
  3. Granted. All future sci-fi advantures are really anticlimatic. I wish finding specific things on the deep web wasn't so difficult.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
  5. I go on a date with my girlfriend, later I decide to walk her home while taking a few shortcuts, what could go wrong?
  6. Nope. The user below me doesn't have a girlfriend as awesome as mine.
  7. Can't think of a good idea for where to go on a date? Go to the baby factory, and see how babies are made.
  8. $126 CivBE with DLCs: $73 Space Engineers: $25 Spore with DLCs: $60 The Stanley Parable: $15 SP2: $10 US2: $25
  9. Thanks. She really is the kindest woman I have ever had the honour of knowing. I had 2 and I don't feel tired at all.
  10. I couldn't get to sleep so I spent the whole night texting my girlfriend on pinterest, before finally falling asleep at 7AM. In that time we talked about everything from the SpaceX Mars Colony to how many kids we're gonna have.
  11. Granted. You get really bored at nighttime. I wish my girlfriend and I weren't so far apart.
  12. For the first few minutes I'd be really excited, especially since my family is prepared for this, and then I'd realize that my girlfriend is in Nevada...
  13. I’m too young to have this many embarrassing memories.
  14. RADIUS. Small typo, I meant Radius. So, 960km diameter.
  15. How much would global sea levels have to drop for a circular object with a radius of 480 kilometres to fit onto the island of Madagascar?
  17. ‘Putting all the evidence together, my best guess is that someone outside of the loyalists made some allies within the faction shortly after the fall of the Kim regime, and after somehow finding out about Lauren and myself making contact, made an attempt on her life. But who would do that? It would have to be someone who was in close proximity to North Korea when the civil war began, someone who’s rich and powerful enough to pull off such an operation but not enough to upgrade the targeting on the missiles, and someone who would have a reason to kill Lauren without having one to kill myself. Who could it possibly be? At this point I have no idea.’ ...Yeah, I'm a writer.
  18. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/appmissiontable.php
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