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Everything posted by ChrisSpace

  1. Australia didn't design, build or launch the rocket you are referring to. The British did all that, they just needed a more equatorial nation to launch it from. All Australians did was allow them to build their launch facility here, and mistakenly think that its our rocket since it launched from our land. As for the 'Congo Space Program', never heard of it. Please tell us more.
  2. Wait, Mexico is going to the moon... this is just like what George Freidman predicted in his book The Next 100 Years. More or less. So, a quick recap on nations capable of probing the moon: America ESA China Russia India Japan And ones planning to do so: UK (independent of ESA) Both Koreas Mexico Possibly Iran Possibly UAE
  3. This is not unexpected to me. I saw this coming. Anybody with the right knowledge could have seen this coming for years. Expect massive cuts to SLS and Orion. In a few decades things might get better again, due to rivalry with china creating a second space race. Or something.
  4. A few things I instantly noticed: - It has a spinny gravity thing in the middle rather than the very front or back, much like the USS George W Bush from Iron sky. - The solar arrays look just like those from the ISS, and for some reason there is a third pair of arrays in a random position at the front that is oriented differently from the other two pairs - The very back of the spacecraft has an X-shaped radiator module as well as 6 relatively small propellant tanks, so the propulsion system is likely nuclear-electric - Overall, the spacecraft has a very modern-tech feel. It also looks like it was constructed modularly, so that is good. This seems about right. Interstellar had the perfect space suit for this kind of movie. Of course, they can't use the same design twice. I think it is supposed to be set in the late 2030s or early 2040s. I think. This is the one thing I don't like so far. NASA won't do this alone, if at all. America simply won't give the money for that. I bet the film won't even mention any other space agencies. I never even thought of that... it's not a bad idea... You forgot about Europa report in 2013. I... How... I literally can't breathe right now...
  5. All the borders and flags were completely made up, just to show an example of what I am saying.
  6. I have this exact same lego set right next to me right now.
  7. I have blogged my earlier post, in case anyone wants to see that.
  8. Okay, I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I think the chance of us, in some form, surviving for billions of years is unlikely. First, it is quite possible that humans will go extinct, or at least deplete all required resources, before colonies on other planets become self-sufficient. The earth's climate is changing, ice sheets at both poles are raising the sea levels, more floods, powerful cyclones and heatwaves are happening, fresh glacial water in the Himalayas (the water that feeds a large portion of earth's population) is running out, millions are dying from air pollution, climate denialists are running for president, entire forests are turning into barren wastelands, ocean currents are collapsing, coral reefs are disappearing, invasive species and crop-killing pests are growing resistance to the human methods of controlling them, the trees that produce the oxygen we breathe are being chopped down for toilet paper, the oil, coal and natural gas that the entire transportation system, energy grid and industrial system runs off will cease to exist in 50 years, the global economy is still unstable, more nations than ever have nuclear weapons, formerly democratic nations are turning into fascist militarized police states, the war on terror is almost lost, almost every natural disaster type is growing more powerful by the decade, basic freedoms are being suppressed in so-called 'first world' countries, and for some reason we simultaneously have around the same number of obese people as starving people. But, say we managed to get through all that. Say we now have self-sufficient colonies and nations across the solar system. We're all good, right? NO. There are still countless events that could wipe out everybody easily. An ASI, or more advanced alien species would have no problem at all cleaning up the solar system for themselves. Even humans themselves could still wipe each other out with powerful enough war machines. I still think it is possible, though. Here is a guy that has done his research. You underestimate the jump from an interstellar civilization to an immortal intergalactic one. This too. The depletion of oil will be bad for 2 reasons: Firstly, pretty much every vehicle on earth, on land, in the sea or in the sky, will stop moving. Second, it will destabilize several nuclear-armed countries.
  9. This is something I really need input on, people. Please respond.
  10. I'd be glad nobody would bother nuking Australia, and forward the message to someone in America.
  11. Can I join? I don't care what district I'm in.
  12. The city gets Nuked. Well, not actually nuked, but it looks pretty much the same. I support the creation of Liberland, WTWTCH?
  13. Mars colonies would be treated similar to colonies in Oceania or the Americas during the European imperialism age. The Hohhmann Transfer time of 8.5 months is even similar to the colonial Australia-Brittan travel time. The colonial economies could grow in so many different ways. The time lag can be adapted to, however it might isolate mars from earth more than the moon (both because of the time lag and the travel time). The soil on mars actually is suitable for agriculture, and there are small traces of water in the soil. In any case, a sufficient amount of plants, closed-loop waste systems and genetically-modified algae will remove the need for consumables imports entirely. Each capable nation will rule their own bits of the solar system, and they should coexist like they do on earth today. Google GlassDome? But seriously, all corporate colonies would be heavily pressured by their Headquartered nation to make it considered a colony of that nation. SpaceX is a company, but they are almost entirely an American one, so SpaceX's mars colonies would be widely considered American colonies. Good to see I'm not the only one with this opinion. Space will definitely be weaponised, like in George Freidman's book The Next 100 Years. But overall the off-world nations and colonies would probably get along better than they do on earth. You seem to know your stuff. I'm not sure what to add to that.
  14. p My prediction is that the first colonies would be considered a part of the sponsoring nation. In my first blog post I showed it is likely the first three such nations will be America (via SpaceX), China and India. These colonies would basically be considered 'states' or 'provinces' of the sponsor until they are sufficiently built up. This could result in mars' land being divided up completely, like this: Once these territories have grown up to a sufficient level, they will be granted independence. However, they would not separate from their sponsor entirely like how America separated from the British empire. Instead their sponsor would form a 'commonwealth', much like the one the UK made once the empire itself collapsed, keeping Australia and New Zealand deep in the British sphere of influence (for those wondering, being in the British commonwealth also dragged Australia into both world wars). Still, these commonwealth-type nations would quickly acquire unique flags and stuff, although they may strongly resemble those of their sponsors: It should also be mentioned that some nations will have commonwealths extending to planets and moons across the solar system, and possibly even beyond, so a nation's commonwealth could end up looking like this: As more nations gain spacefaring abilities, mars and other worlds would have to be divided further, so over time it would turn from something resembling the map above to something resembling this: The moon, Venus, Ceres and the outer moons will be divided up in a similar way. Eventually, the off-world nations would leave the commonwealths of their sponsors. However this would take a very long time, considering Australia hasn't even left the British commonwealth yet. So, in conclusion, the colonies on mars and beyond will begin as just a part of their sponsor nation, but would then gain independence and, one day, leave the commonwealth of their sponsor entirely. As for a unified mars, well, that is highly unlikely for the same reason a unified earth is.
  15. Humans can not be put in such a compact space (believe me, I've tried), so no matter how hard you try, micro-spacecrafts won't be the only ones.
  16. My screenshots from 0.90 say I landed a probe on eve. My first KSP YouTube series says I barely reached orbit. My current KSP YouTube series says I am stuck suborbital.
  17. Okay, a few new things that are needing of discussions: - I have come up with the idea of a fortnightly cycle of recording, editing and uploading. It basically works like this: Week A Mon-Fri: Do other things Week A Sat/Sun: Record 1 or 2 vids Week B Mon-Fri: If possible, start editing vids Week B Sat: Edit vids and get them ready for uploading Week B Sun: Upload vids Now I need to know if this system is a good idea. It is the only configuration I can come up with that takes into account my schoolwork as well as my other things. But I need your opinion. - Since I often loose track of time and half-hour videos are tiring to edit, I have an idea that the moment I start recording I turn on a 20-minute alarm clock or something, and when it goes off I end my video. Again, it works in theory, but would it work in reality? - Okay, im going to come out and admit I cannot create a good channel wallpaper/video thumbnail that I like. Help would be appreciated. - As usual, I love hearing feedback and want to know what other games I should have on my channel. Minecraft, Civilisation V, Superpower 2, FOTW, Democracy 3, Star citizen and Plague inc evolved are all already confirmed to be on my channel at some point.
  18. It has been some time since we heard from this country, I look forward to seeing how far the rocket gets this time.
  19. I am doubtful for Europe's success in space, largely since the entire continent is losing power. From the start of the renaissance to the end of WWII, Europe has been the political and economic center of the world. Now that power is rapidly going away due to population declines, resource scarcity and increasing political fragmentation. Additionally, Europe will soon have to deal with extreme climate change, millions of climate refugees from Africa, Cold War II and increasing destabilization. Other than the Nordics, Europe is weakening by the year. So do I. in my first forum blog post I predicted the three big space powers of the 21st century to be America (largely because of SpaceX), China and India. India in particular has a high potential as it has good relations with America, among many other reasons. For more info about this topic, see my blog post. They are doing quite well for such a troubled nation.
  20. Trust everything the American, Russian and Australian media say, they have the least corrupt news agencies in the world!
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