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William Nye

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  • About me
    High Command of KSC
  1. After years of kerbal engineering, the kerbals had been to the Mun, Minmus, Duna, and Eve. The scientists at KSC then pointed their telescopes at Jool, the elusive green giant. What they found intrigued them. Jool had a habitable moon, Laythe, with water and oxygen. The scientists decided to send their rover, Beagle I, to invesigate. Here are the results. Laythe was confirmed to be habitable with water and oxygen, even about 1% of karbonite in the crust! Mission Control went crazy with excitement. The next step would be to send a manned lander to Laythe.
  2. This will probably be fixed in 1.0, but if you go low enough you might be able to trigger SrfSplashed.
  3. You can also use some mods which let you use your kerbals to make struts. This will help with orbital construction and the such. I don't know the name of the mod though- I know it's not KAS- maybe KIS or sommin'?
  4. How can you tell they are going in reverse? Maybe the front wheels just have no power. It's night and I don't see any batteries or anything.
  5. Don't phys warp above x1 at around 500m above the ground. This is when the parachutes deploy. If you have phys warp it glitches and assumes you are going at 4x the speed, causing the parachute to die.
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