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Lord Wasteland

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Everything posted by Lord Wasteland

  1. Wonderful, just got called. Due to the tropical storm hitting the States, and worrisomeness about impacting the flight, I\'m stuck here till Saturday. At least I thought of bringing my laptop to watch a few movies. Really pissed off, but they are giving me a full refund. Around $3000 in total, along with hotel costs. Popeter: There are no paragraphs. Also many of the political facts you got wrong. Here is a look at mine which has yet to be submitted: <snip - no posting of test answers!>
  2. In reality, the lander would undock from a ship which would carry it to Mars.
  3. Alright, gonna take two weeks till I can publish Part A of the guide Part A is all necessary mods, plugins, and other stuff once I figure out how to fly a spaceplane in .15...
  4. I hate the weather. I am goddamn grounded till Tuesday at Heathrow, due to two reasons 1) Weather on the otherside of the Atlantic, and the plane I was marked for suffered loss of power to the generators is being repaired. At least I can type the response on my phone. I will probably send it a bit later.
  5. In the air, gonna be a couple of hours before we land at Rome, then to Heathrow, then to JFK, and finally to O\'Hare.
  6. I have yet to do the test due to having me go to America, and it is yet to be finished.
  7. I am 29. I served in the USAF, flying the F-16 \'Viper\', then went to Israel, and joined the IDF. I primarily train pilots, due to USAF experience. ?? ??? ?????, ??? ????? ????
  8. Thanks, Ascensiam. Time to get out of here at Ben Gurion International Airport, a half-an-hour drive from where I live. See ya gents! Please make sure the RP forum doesn\'t descend to chaos while I am gone.
  9. Alright guys, the land I have already claimed, please do not take, as I will be gone until Wednesday at the earliest. Mother died, and have to head back to the states. Didn\'t even know she was sick. Gonna be checking with my trusting phone, to make sure nothing idiotic happens.
  10. Alright, this is following a second global War.
  11. Alright, but would we not have allegiances to one another, since it had just followed a major war. After all, the nuclear bomb was develloped to endorsement a War.
  12. There will be proxy wars as well, so brush up your Cold War history. Charzy, but this forces us to go to space.
  13. Kind\'ve. I run a socialist republic, in a sense.
  14. Also we will have factions to be set for a Cold War setting. in a sense I Will run one faction, and someone may run another. The faction leader will also have more points than others, and bigger militaries. Also there will be unit sizes, and order of battles to denote forces, and if war what you are sending. There will have been a Great War which occured two-year prior to the gané start. So some nations Will have bigger militaries.
  15. Alright, I am stating for the record, that the time period has already been choose, set for the 1950\'s, whichwas agreed by all the moderator team. NOTE: Typed with phone.
  16. It is me and Charzy acting as the current global moderators at the moment.
  17. Popeter, the religions and stuff like that will be made by the mods (probably) not you.
  18. Alright this is the current official map for the RP board right now: No one post a request about a country or you will not get it. Understand?
  19. If you read earlier, you would know the site is down and won\'t be back up till sunday.
  20. Which part, history, chaos, or both?
  21. Alright then. I got made the global mod, after the nation board descended into chaos. Can I at least do a history of Kerbal till the present day, that is modified past each decade we go by?
  22. Also for the map, should I take a copy and make several versions indicating 1. Nations 2. Culture 3. Religion 4. Natural Resources 5. Terrain 6. Alliances, and other maps so it is much more in depth.
  23. Alright. Should I start creating some religions, and other stuff for the Kerbal World?
  24. Wonderful. We need to move the forum...
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