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Lord Wasteland

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Everything posted by Lord Wasteland

  1. Attention there is a new forum founded for those who can\'t do the test. You must all be approved by me, before proceeding. I can accept what some people may say to change. URL: http://ksproleplay.freeforums.org/index.php?sid=adbfede46cc8f0d850130cbe8c99dac8
  2. Popeter, you do not need to back-up everything, that is on the hard drive.
  3. I can make a better map, with Greek and Latin names.
  4. Damn, that\'s near impossible. I did build one before however... before my hard drive crashed on me.
  5. Well, I am thinking about ordered a 1000 dollar laptop; Fatwallet link: http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/hot-deals/1204007/ Microcenter Link: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0394503
  6. Aquaria (Water); Marium e Pax; Rivus e Mortuum; Excalibur de Ostri; Listi; Tiberia; Graecus; Using predominantly Roman words; Marium and Rivum is lake and river respecitvely.
  7. Dear (Insert name here) Today, at (Time Here), I received 15+ emails from the site, talking about the forum. From this, this then resulted in the holding of my account privileges\' which include the running of my site. Considering this may be a problem on your end, please respond as soon as you can. From, (insert name here) That would be the base of an email I would do.
  8. I think it was me. My computer crashed completely on me, when I was attempting to send something. It could\'ve caused something to happen.
  9. I think I have only seen nine posts with attachments. That is scary. And Spearka, we liberated your island, in the glory of socialism!
  10. I have a station ready for the RCK, once it gets back up.
  11. I believe we blew past the 10GB per month...
  12. The Venture-Star was a proposed SSTO commercially, like the shuttle was supposed to be...
  13. Nova, I think people are going to try to make lots of Kerbal deaths now. Also for gravitational purposes, assuming an EVA occurs on Minmus, and the EVA keeps bouncing, can you end their \'flight\'? Also since they each control one of the motions, will you not be able to access that motion on the return trip?
  14. Anyone getting a server error connection on this?
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