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Everything posted by Pak

  1. Flat spins are tough. There's a few bigger reasons they happen in kerbal but it's hard to say for your case. Here's a few I've noticed with shuttles; Having the rudder break open at high speeds when pitched up Being pitched up under 800ish m/s (if you're not turning) Hitting the mid atmo going too fast so your rudder gets overcome. This case seems to happen most if you're not pitched up enough in the upper atmo (70-40) I'm sure there's some others but that's all I can think of at the moment.
  2. Thanks for all the good advice for @TDplay, guys. I agree with the general thoughts. Sounds like it's a combination of using 3 OMS and burning too long to circularize. You should only need about 50-70dV to finish your burn from 80ish ap/20ish pe I'm not going to say you need to build things a certain way to make it work, but anything off the shuttle baseline you'll just have to do some testing and make changes. For example if you'd like to use 3 OMS engines you could bring some extra monoprop to compensate for the higher fuel consumption. Keep at it, you'll get there! Also check out the guides in my first post if you haven't, they might help with your ascent profile
  3. @Nhawks17 Ah thanks a lot. I'll put that in my next update
  4. @mrh Not sure which file you're referring to. The only craft file I've put out is in the OP. Just checked and it works just fine. Here's the link, good luck in space.
  5. @Cdw2468 Were you staging the parachutes at the same time maybe? The SRB-4 Return System part has a top decoupler that'll go off with the chutes
  6. I would guess that someone wrote a cfg for FE. I changed file paths so that would have to be updated most likely
  7. @Alcentar Yeah I have an energia planned. It'll be a while yet though. @DarthVader The roll just takes practice, or try this
  8. @damonvv Yeah I'm not sure what causes it. I thought it was normals but it wasn't. I'll probably figure it out eventually but I wasn't too worried about it. @Turk_WLF Thanks, glad you like it. Easiest way would be to check out the craft file. There's a button in the OP with the link. But it's pretty simple. You can line up the ring of the booster decoupler with the bottom of the tank, use the grey hashmarks on the SRB to attach to the node (holding Alt helps), then autostrut to heaviest or just use a normal strut.
  9. @DarthVader If you're using my craft file the main engine gimbals are off at launch. The toggle is to turn them on when the booster thrust is trailing off. You'll still get some yaw with the stock SAS no matter what. Just have to take it slow and try to keep your nose within or near the prograde during the roll. Also don't worry too much about being perfectly aligned during the booster stage (like a perfect 90 degrees East for example) It's much easier to clean up the error once you drop the boosters. Thanks for the support guys. All the big photo albums are great. A couple known issues I'm fixing: MMU Rack E - Attach node causing the MMU to clip into a collider on decouple. ST-25 Engine - ISPs were flipped External Tank - Rigid attach causing nodes to break on phys load @Cdw2468 A lot of my stuff is still untagged. I plug them in as I go but don't think about it too much. In the meantime if anyone has trouble you can find everything in the manufacturer tab
  10. This is and has always been a mod balanced for the stock system. It should be pretty clear that I disagree with the overpowered rocket sentiment. I keep my dV margins pretty tight and put a lot of effort into making parts that are somewhere in between realistic and fun. I didn't toss this together in an afternoon. With no extra fuel and a well executed ascent, this shuttle will just barely make it to a 80/30ish orbit with an 18t payload, go up to about 150 to deliver, and return home with monoprop to spare. That's my intended capability and player skill cap for this. Lighter payloads allow for a slightly sloppy ascent. Larger payloads can be done with modifications and the Block 2 and B2 heavy will lift increasing payloads. I'm not saying it's perfect. I know there's mistakes. I've already found some and got some good feedback on things to fix. Ascent is pretty tough, so I'm definitely keeping my eyes open for feedback if I need to add a bit more margin for error, but throwing 6000dV into the tanks so a small portion of players can use whatever rescale isn't going to happen in the primary release. I've said it many times. If you'd like to see something supported, put some work in, write a patch and private message it to me with some details. I'll check it out and host it on my github and provide credit in the OP. I'm not angry and not looking to call anybody out, but the 'I don't agree with this so it's broken' attitude needs to stop. Huge amounts of work go into mods like this. Outside of cfg goofs, game bugs, or misunderstood references, the author most likely made a decision on whatever little bit you disagree with. Respect that.
  11. Thanks guys. I forgot to put a craft file up. I'll get it posted some time tonight Located on the OP now. Currently just has the Mk3 Orbiter. This is a slightly cleaned up version of the craft I used for the vast majority of testing.
  12. Merry 1.0 Release Day! Illustrations by @Lydesigns Be sure to check out the OP for new shuttle guides and other useful stuff I'm finally at a point with this Mod that I'm happy to call it a full release. We'll be moving over to the Add-on Release forum I started out with 2 parts a little over a year ago and didn't really plan on anything else. Outside of the stock cockpit and cargobay I can build an entire shuttle stack with just my work. Thanks to those that have stuck around through the development and offered new ideas that helped shape CA into what it is. And special thanks to all the other Mod devs I talk to on a daily basis to share ideas, processes and help fight through the more frustrating kerbal modules. As most know development doesn't stop here. Continued work on the Mk3 Shuttle and a bunch of new separate Addons including the Shuttle Block II, full Buran/Energia, Shuttle-C, and 3 new shuttles inspired by early space program concept art will keep me busy for a long time Good luck in space!
  13. @NeoFatalis Yep, these guys Not specifically for the shuttle as they'll be used in the Block II as well, but I balanced them to work well in the SSME role
  14. Thanks to @VenomousRequiem for more RealPlume configs. Lookin' fresh
  15. @awsumindyman Outside of Kerbalism I don't really do compatibility patches. I can't say I'd never do a patch for (insert mod), but if you'd like to see something supported I'd recommend making it and sending it over. All the 1.875 sympathizers will have to go...do something. I don't know. 2.5m is a little big as expected since 5m is rounded down and 2.5m is rounded up, but it fits the profile much better.
  16. It'll be both with mesh switch. So no worries
  17. I scale 1:0.625m and round to the nearest stock or otherwise used size. Shuttle boosters scale to 2.3m. So much closer to 2.5 than 1.875 ET is 5.0m SRBs are 2.5m LRBs for Block 2 and Buran will be 3.125m (mostly to save on parts) All the major stuff is done and I'm in the seemingly endless tweaking, and fixing phase. This has been a huge project but I'm starting to see the light. Outside of the most recent payload parts everything has been cleaned up, retextured and updated in some way. I can't wait to get all this finished and pushed out to you guys.
  18. Maybe a few things, but it's hard to say without a lot of specifics. Common things to check; Entry too steep Anything under about a hemisphere's distance (or about 1/4 the diameter at the equator) will start to get squirrely. Mostly because of the explanation below. AoA at different speeds/altitudes If you're entering with your nose up at 30-40 degrees at around 30k you should be getting into that sideslip speed of 1000-600m/s. I think the most common problem is not nosing down soon enough. Remember the shuttle's only yaw control isn't actually doing anything when it's belly up. So once you lose speed and aero forces start to matter, you need to get that rudder into the air stream to avoid sidesliping into madness. CoM - CoL with the fuel you're reentering with Make sure you check your relationship with the expected fuel and payload. Fuel placement doesn't matter as much since the re-balance I did, but it could still be helpful to try putting more fuel in the nose on reentry to help prevent losing pitch control.
  19. Had a very productive holiday break. Don't have time for a proper set of images, so here's a bunch of stuff. In addition to this I've gotten most of the base UVs and textures updated on the current parts. So we're gettin' there.
  20. Yeah it's supposed to be needs. It looks like I grabbed the wrong patches since USI isn't in there either. Here's this link again with all the current LS patches. I put it in the OP as well. https://github.com/Pak84/Patches
  21. Hello,

    I'm going to be releasing a SRB for my space shuttle mod and would like to use the thrust curve you worked on for Project Ares (I think?). I found it in a thread a while back and it's working really well. Just wanted to see if you'd have any objections.

    I'll provide credit in the cfg and the OP of the thread.


    1. Felbourn


      that's fine, good luck

  22. @DJ Reonic The stock SAS updates had some bad side effects on offset thrust craft. I haven't seen any of the auto pilot mods be able to stabilize it yet. I haven't looked into it too much, but it seems like the best way to do it is fly it yourself. Once the aero thins out and the SRBs are gone you just have to ride the bucking bronco into LKO.
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