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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. UPDATE: was having the same problem, it was the dynamic NTRs use LH2 optional patch from Kerbal Atomics that was doing it. made a quick edit to LH2NTRsDynamic.cfg, which i'll share here: // MM Configs for changing various NTRs to use LqdHydrogen // Dynamic patch by TheToric // // modified by ink0r for AJE and AJE Extended compatibility w/o Real Fuels installed // added an exclusion for anything with ModuleEnginesAJE* (ie *AJEJet, *AJEPropellor, etc) @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]:HAS[@PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel],!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer],!PROPELLANT[IntakeAir]],!MODULE[MultiModeEngine],!MODULE[ModuleEnginesAJE*]]:NEEDS[!NTRsUseLF]:FOR[zzLH2NTR] { @mass *= 0.75 @MODULE[ModuleEngines*]:HAS[@PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel],!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer],!PROPELLANT[IntakeAir]] { @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name = LqdHydrogen @ratio = 1.0 } @atmosphereCurve { @key,*[1, ] *= 1.1 } } } cheers, o7
  2. figure i should cross post this here. having an issue with engines configured by AJE extended using liquid hydrogen fuel, instead of LF when not using real fuels. still trying to track down what is exactly going on
  3. i am also having this issue. i have noticed that it seems like only the engines configured by AJE extended are being affected in this way, when not using real fuels. still trying to track down exactly what is going on, AJE extended uses mm templates for patching the fuel types of the engines, the module manager cache shows the templates being loaded, but for some reason not applied (the engines still end up with liquid hydrogen when it should be LF (no real fuels installed).
  4. used these for more than a few sattelite launches, made some tweaks to the configs for your upper stage engines to reduce the thrust but they work quite nicely.
  5. my goodness those soviet parts look gorgeous. gonna check em out now
  6. FAR actually makes spaceplanes (especially of the cargo carrying variety) MUCH easier. still, it sure satisfying when you release that big orange tank next to your station/fuel depot from a ssto that you'll pilot back to the KSC runway
  7. heres some pics . i used tweakscale for the fuel tanks but everything else is transmogrified
  8. to give you an idea of what i'm talking about: 2.5m mod tanks (fuel tanks plus in this case) resize to the (i assume) nominal 4 meter diameter, but their volumes don't scale whereas stock tanks don't get transmogrified (i used tweak scale here to bring it up to 4 meters) and hence have the correct internal volume mind you, my install is ofc modded out the wazoo. it does seem to be working fine for other stock parts, as you can see by the command pod values below thrust values seem to be fine (close enough at least), will let u know more once i put this sucker in orbit
  9. ok... havent launched anything yet but i did notice some inconsistencies with stock tanks and fuel tanks added by mods, i'll need to look into it a bit more tho. pics incoming as soon as i do get to orbit though! you bet
  10. giving this a try now! looks promising :) im assuming this doesnt have the optional extensions mentioned in the OP? (im using this on a 10x rescale with smurff btw)
  11. just chiming in to say this is extremely well done and has been one of the essential mods i use for the last few patch/update cycles. thanks for sharing, i know free time is in short supply for students (well, if you actually do your homework and study that is :P)
  12. Thanks alot for all your hard work, toadicus! Your mods have given me alot of fun over the versions of KSP and years i've been playing, this one in particular being a go to one for me! Good to see its found a new caretaker.
  13. that feeling when someone comes up with a thing that you didn't even know you needed before you learned about it. I have a habit of making big ships , and the last one i did had a catastrophic failure during its escape burn because of the darn docking ports holding it together! in short, this looks amazing. thank you!!! gonna give this a try now
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