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Everything posted by SHiftER2O

  1. You can try shifting the fuel levels before reentry and see if the CoM balances
  2. Yep xD I tried utilizing the design of a "belly-fuel" layout, so there's a partially clipped adaptorin there. Belly-fuel designs are very effective in balancing the CoM, like really other than that, there's not much clipping there. - - - Updated - - - A shock-cone intake covers the Mk1-Mk2 adapter because, in recent findings, they have actually less drag than nosecones
  3. Screw SSTO designs! I want a LEARJET We may have some problems with... keeping it cool. But warmth and toast is all you'll ever need... in SPACE!!
  4. Why not both? Whoever said that creative SSTOs are impossible... are not obviously trying hard enough xD Bill : "We need a shuttle that could take 20 kerbals up in orbit, I'm suggesting a work on the STS-" Jebediah : "I WANT A LEARJET." Bill : "A LEARJET? How on earth-?" Blackbird CEO : "SOLD!!" It does tend to get warm and toasty....
  5. You should make the normal-sized modules for the smaller clamp-o-trons
  6. Majority of people considered it dead.. to themselves Sometimes all you need is just the right tinkering to get the right thing - - - Updated - - - PS: A lot may say SSTOs are revived in 1.0.3... and then we'll have a flood of easy-make SSTOs or something
  7. It has a lot of LF, try having a 10-20 degrees up to 21km (which would take like 5+ mins but oh well) and see if it breaks Mach
  8. If we can get enough braincells and seconds, I bet most of these would fly wonderfully! Care to extend out to inigma for diagnosing your STS?
  9. I would recommended to add drogue chutes to the White Dart 1.0 for a safer and less-experience required landing to Duna
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