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Everything posted by SHiftER2O

  1. Looks more like a first stage rocket with a cockpit slapped to it. The innovations of kerbal engineers XD
  2. I find comfort in flying this. I don't know. +rep
  3. Everyone's doing the double Mk1 inlines now it seems Nice craft!
  4. Do you work for a kerbal company around here? This looks like something out of Sparrowhawk (Not saying you took it or anything, supposedly a compliment)
  5. Oh, no worries for that Very good job with your B3, gave it dry-run, most definitely needs some torque-ing for a fix, or maybe RCS, other than that, I very much adore the craft's... feel
  6. Well, it's a balance between aesthetics and performance then. Does the open cockpit not create massive amounts of drag?
  7. Seeing that most SSTOs seem to only achieve LKO, maybe this is the time for the rise of LKO refueling stations! they may have been built before, but now they're more practical than ever! Nuke rocket is gonna kick some V!
  8. You know, you could try having a decent name arrangement for your crafts, being that there are quite a couple and that it's very impressive
  9. Also all Mk2 fuel fuselages have been (force)filled with more fuel, and when I loaded some 0.90 crafts using that fuselage, they weren't updated, soo we may have to replace a lot of mk2 fuselages. Old ones have 270 - 330 New ones have 330 - 440 crafts from older versions with the old fuel tanks all have to be... manually replaced.
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