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Everything posted by SHiftER2O

  1. I'm guessing that means it's... inefficient? - - - Updated - - - Well, if you want to see an overpowered SSTO, here
  2. Again?? Ah dang, we're gonna need to scrap and redo everything again
  3. By From the Untied Aces of Jebediah; engineering corps comes the MP-3 "Antlion" Series. Not meant as a successor to the MP-2 "Seahorse" series, but rather a faster alternative. -MP-3 is the base model, for all your base model needs. -MP-3T is the tanker model for long distance flights and refueling (and you know well what those tanks could be used for.) -MP-3X is the Experimental model, which has a VTOL system installled. -MP-3KC is the Kerbal Carrier for transporting8 Kerbals (plus the pilot) around -MP-3S is the Science model, which has a science rover that can be deployed on landing. MP-3 Specs: Weight: 9.6 Tons Parts: 49 Fuel: 408 Top Speed: 325 M/S Price: $28,838 MP-3T Specs: Weight: 12.1 Tons Parts: 81 Fuel: 660 Top Speed: 325 M/S Price: $33,999 MP-3X Specs: Weight: 12.6 Tons Parts: 53 Fuel: 300 Top Speed: 320 M/S Price: $30,770 MP-2KC Specs: Weight: 10.0 Tons Parts: 57 Fuel: 300 Top Speed: 320 M/S Price: $30,473 MP-3S Specs: Weight: 10.1 Tons Parts: 67 Fuel: 300 Top Speed: 320 M/S Price: $42,378 Craft Credit: Thingymajigy OUR FORUM PAGE So yeah, SHiftER2O here also doing small releases for other companies. I do still work for Sparrowhawk Aeronautics, although it doesn't hurt to help other companies grow right?
  4. Very very interesting.... Thank you for the write up Rep rap is R.I.P. for now...
  5. Really? Hmm, so this decent performances are actually just sheer luck or an illusion in the brink of things Noooo~ Well, how about the 2-turbo-RAPIER-Aerospike setup? It is fuel hungry, but provides lossless power, or is it better to just have all-rapiers?
  6. Got the idea from Roflcopterkidlol, aka his cronus titan engine The jets die at around 23ft while the RAPIERS die at around 27ft, but by then, the jets have provided all the thrust you need to get to around 1000m/s plus the RAPIERS which could kick you to 1400m/s I personally like your engine set up, because you have less unecessary weight than my SSTOs, which runs on 6-8 RAPIERS -__- But now, I'm planning to swap the 8 RAPIER setup for a more lighter 4 RAPIER 4 turbojet setup, which would first of all decrease the weight of the spacecraft, and make the spaceplane more efficient for burns running with less fuel-hungry rockets Do you do a jet-only ascent THEN a RAPIER assisted ascent THEN a RAPIER only ascent THEN a closed cycle? or are both the jets and the RAPIERS in tandem to the top?
  7. Wow, I honestly thought it was more than that You sir, changed my view on powerplanting Getting it to atmosphere with the turbo-rapier combo is the kicker, if I'm correct, and the LV-Ns are the interpanetaurs really admiring this, credits to you will surely be given Darnit redp-colldown
  8. The Turbo-Rapiers are a neat idea You can upgrade it to a 2-Turbo-RAPIER-Aerospike to have lossless power at all altitudes Darnit, need to coll down my rep-giving powers
  9. http://i.imgur.com/s7PvKx4.png?1 I really like how you did the cockpit Tell me, what's the powerplant of this beauty? Given out too much rep, and now 24 hours delay
  10. Only has about 6 RAPIERS rotated in a flowery pattern PS I like the flowery pattern, but clipping looks kinda eeehh... - - - Updated - - - This one reies on 9 RAPIERS and a Toroidal Aerospike
  11. .... *leaves* EDIT : Now that this has been tested, Great work actually
  12. Shoot..... Too much save-reloading? Or did the game crash at the wrong time? - - - Updated - - - Seems so xD
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