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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. My mistake, then. I guess it is the Karbonite mods that add the many mineable resources. Is there a contract mod for karbonite?
  2. Hi! Just wondering - are there any contracts for mining other stuff than ore? It seems as though we can mine many different resources, even exotic minerals and metals. But I don't see why I would, as i can't find the need for them. All mining contracts I've come across has only taken interest in ore. It would make sense for some agencies to also want other stuff, like exotic minerals. Are there any mods that add contracts for minerals mining? Or are they already in the stock game, I just been unlucky so far?
  3. Excellent mod! Works just as described. It brings better balance to the game. I haven't done the math, but it certainly feels like you can get more science from the Mun and Minmus that you can from Eve. Do you have plans to add more biomes to other planets?
  4. Fantastic! Installing new drivers drom Nvidia did the trick. I updated to Windows 10 a few weeks ago, and the Nvidia graphics driver must have been deleted when I installed a security package for windows the other day. Amazing how you you just know stuff like that Thank you very much!
  5. Ahh, I'm sorry. Haven't done this before so learning as I go. Trying again: Dxdiag Output_log
  6. Thank you for replying I've added the dxdiag file and output_log to dropbox: Dxdiag Output_log
  7. Hi! I've been playing KSP with the community 64-bit workaround and some 80+ mods installed for several months without any issue whatsoever. When I clicked the KSP icon on my laptop yesterday, however, it crashed almost imediatley. An error message poped up, saying the game had crashed and asked me send the error log to the developers. I took a lokk at the error log file, but understood little of it. I figured the problem whould go away if I reistalled KSP and removed every folder, so as to start from scratch. When i did installed it again, now the vanilla 32-bit version with no mods installed, the problem still persist and I am at a loss. Does anyone know how to fix the problem? The KSP version is 1.0.4. I'm running an ASUS gaming laptop with Intel i7 processor, NVIDIA GTX 860 graphics card and 16 gb RAM. Here is the error log that was created: Unity Player [version: Unity 4.6.4f1_99f88340878d] KSP.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module KSP.exe at 0023:00000000. Error occurred at 2015-10-31_135134. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.exe, run by Sebastian. 24% memory in use. 0 MB physical memory [0 MB free]. 0 MB paging file [0 MB free]. 0 MB user address space [3872 MB free]. Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation. Context: EDI: 0x00d33488 ESI: 0x00d33328 EAX: 0x00d3348c EBX: 0x706e2b80 ECX: 0x00bd0480 EDX: 0x00bd4c47 EIP: 0x00000000 EBP: 0x0104f4dc SegCs: 0x00000023 EFlags: 0x00210246 ESP: 0x0104f3a4 SegSs: 0x0000002b Bytes at CS:EIP: ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  8. I've build a huge reusable spaceship to ferry stuff around in the Kerbol system. I've yet to visit EVE, mostly because i fear it the most. I fear the plane will explode on decent. I've used stock aerodynamics up until now, but I'm considering trying FAR, since I've now gotten the hang of "flying". Will it be more difficult to survive an EVE decent with FAR installed?
  9. Hi! Appreciate the mod, like it a lot! It is essential in KSP as it bring a whole new approach and meaning to space stations. I've built a spacestation with experiments from the StationScience mod to complete a set of missions dependant on the experements. The missions say I have to return the experiment module back to Kerbin. I suppose this is by design, so it will give a little more challenge to de-orbit the experiment module before you get the reward. But i've built a station with several experiments, capable of interplanetary transfer, so I can complete missons for other planets without launching new stations. Is there anyway I can complete the experiment-missions without returning the experiment module it self back to Kerbin?
  10. Hi! Appreciate the mod, like it a lot! It defenitely brings more purpose to building a space station. I've built a spacestation with parts from the StationScience mod to complete a set of missions from your mod. The mission says I have to return the experiment module back to Kerbin. I suppose this is by design, so it will give a little more challenge to de-orbit the experiment module before you get the reward. But i've built a station with several experiments, capable of interplanetary transfer, so I can complete missons for other planets without launching new stations. Is there anyway I can complete the experiment-missions without returning the experiment module it self back to Kerbin?
  11. Don't have a picture of it, but landed a class C astroid at KSC with a manned vessel attached with a claw. By mistake i had put the parachutes on the same stage as the last rocket stage, so they opened far up in space. I didn't notice it until I reentered the atmosphere, where the parachutes burned up. With nothing other than air resistance slowing it down, it crash landed near KSC at several hundred m/s. Every module intact, except two solar panels. Which is a bummer since they were expensive.
  12. Hi! I'm trying to land an astroid around KSC, but it always burns up in the atmosphere, around 15,000 to 30,000 meters from the surface. It is a class C astroid. I've never done this before. Would aerobraking a few orbits help with the decrease reentry speed in this case? I haven't tried it yet, because that will make it an awful lot harder to pick a landing spot. I've seen plenty of pictures of people landing astroids around KSC on this forum. How did you keep the astroid from burning up? In advance, thanks for any reply.
  13. I'm experiencing some issue with SCANsat. I have both the MULTI and RADAR on my satellite, but they dont scan. I've tried them in several orbital alltitudes and several inclinations. Also tried a elliptical orbit with a periapsis of 70 km and a apoasis of 800 km to see if it started scanning mid-orbit some place, but no. I've used SCANsat without issue before, in the same save. Both MULTI and LO is written in solid orange in the SCANsat overlay, even though when I right-click the part, the alltitude status says "ideal". Is there any mods SCANsat is known to not work with?
  14. Thank you! I did not know about the ALT "trick", that will save me alot of frustration in the future. But the problem is still occuring. I have the rover as part of a sub-assembly and as a individual save in the SPH. When i load the rover from sub-assembly (it has a rover core and is essentialy a probe with fuel tanks and wheels), that makes the rover "red" insted of "green", and it wont attach to anything. It has no attachment nodes. However, if I load the rover from the SPH and try to select the mk4 cockpit, it is the cockpit that's red. It will attach to the decoupler/docking port on the rover, but not to the cargo bay, since that is also red. Is there anyway to "merge" the to without any part becoming "red" and unattachable? *edit: When I say red, I mean the light red shading that occurs when you bring the mouse over it. *edit: It finally worked. Loading the rover form SPH, attached it with two docikng ports facing each other and attached the cockpit in the other end of the docking port. Attached the cargo bay furthermost from the cockpit first and then added smaller cargo bays closer to the cockpit to fill the gap. Kind of had to wrap the rover. It was hangig in the air, attached to the docking port. Then wraped it with cargo bays, starting from the rear. This in case anyone struggles with the same. *Last edit: turns out it didn't work like I thought. The parts were overlapping in the cargo bay, which is the reason they suddenly attached. What did work was to change the root part of the sub-assembly rover from the rover body to the docking port on the rover. That created attachment nodes on the docking port. Thank you for your help!
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