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Everything posted by leocrumb

  1. I am fine with rendezvousing (that word looks weird). I currently do it fine going from a smaller orbit intersecting it with one burn and then doing the retrograde target prograde thing. It works fine but u often use quite a bit of fuel slowing down to the target speed when u close distance. I was wondering if there is a more efficient way keeping a more constant speed. rather than stop start which is very inefficient. How do you guys do a fuel efficient rendezvous?
  2. Ive been playing for ages and they have never appeared, Is there a trick to finding them?
  3. Thanks, I renamed my settings file, like the thread said, and after I reentered my setting everything was saved when I restarted the game now. Must be some bug that corrupts the settings file. The only thing I did which may have caused it was installing the latest version of the Engineer mod.
  4. It comes up everythime, no matter what I press, and the graphics settings dont get remembered, like the Gui size is always small, when I reload the game
  5. I like your numbers the 250 and 350 limit for 5 and 10k works better. Just tried them, still under atmospheric drag but keeps much more stable after the turn. Thanks What kind of DV do u need. Im getting about 3900 to get to a 80km orbit.
  6. One thing that really helped is a Scott Manley tip to get that 50s to apoapse time at 45 degrees (absolute gold) (I have Kerbal engineer so I can watch this) then you can use pitch to get either side of the prograde marker to get it there. But my pre 20,000 ascent is not efficient enough.
  7. I was wondering about the markers people tend to use for their ascent which helps them hit a good profile At the moment I am using a few which really help and the second part of my ascent to orbit is now really good. I want to improve the first part of my ascent tho ie when to start my gravity turn (altitude, speed etc). The ones im using at the moment which work really well are 1. keep speed under 200 m/s under 10,000 alt 2. keep speed under 500 m/s under 30,000 alt 3. make sure I'm on a 45 degree angle by 20,000 (and time to apoapsis around 50s) 4. get horizontal around 50,000. These work well but I'm wondering when u start the turn and at what rate (if I pitch too early, stability can be an issue, but too late and I lose a lot of DeltaV by being inefficient)
  8. I'm not sure if it is intentional on not but I'm finding this challenge next to impossible. Its a standard rescue contract on a large Kirbin orbit, and my target gets constant mun encounters maybe 2 out of three orbits. Everytime I set up an encounter the Mun SOI encounter pushes him onto a different orbit, compounding to that problem my own orbit also ends up having SOI encounters. I ended up dropping the contract after I whizzed forward in time and saw that the encounters continued indefinitely. Is there any way to do a contract like this, or is it just some freak accident?
  9. Looks like I'm out of touch and everyone else loves them lol. I guess I am the only one who clicks on them by accident because they are right next to all the other intricate clutter on the map view. I find the fact u cant configure them off very irritating, what can I say.
  10. Is there any way to get rid of these things. Since theyve been recently added I keep accidentally pressing them, the map view is fiddly enough with all the things going on. I dont understand why squad have needlessly manufactured a new problem for everyone. If I want to warp I press warp, why do I need a marker on the map. This is a perfect example of someone trying to fix problems that dont exist and making new ones in the process. PLEASE give us the option of disabling the "warp to here" markers Sqaud. In the meantime, maybe there is some way to disable them that someone knows.
  11. Thanks just a couple more questions 1. What do you mean "Store data in capsule" 2. Does this mean keeping data is impossible in a satalite? (no scientist)
  12. Probably a silly question but how do I keep the data from the science bay AND prepare it for re-entry. I cant pack it away without resetting it and losing the data. There must be something I'm missing.
  13. Is there any way to replace the texture of the space background. I have all the settings maxed out but it looks terrible. I understand graphics are not the focus of Kerbal. But it would make the experience even better. Is there a way to do this without large scale modification. I don't want to make my game unstable.
  14. So if you transmit a few times. You can still make up the difference if you recover the same data later in the game? Or if I send a probe to transmit some data are any future science points lost forever
  15. Im sure this has been asked before, but I keep reading conflicting opinions. I understand you will receive more "per instance of recovery" but will you eventually get the same science points if you transmit multiple times as you would from recovery? For example 10 + 5 for recovery (2 times) and 5 + 5 + 3 + 2 for transmitting (4 times) But the same total of 20 It seems if not like this then what is the point in transmitting anything ever?
  16. My plane keeps rolling away, first time is funny, 50th time not so much. Apparently there is a parking brake if you double tap B but it doesnt work. I have no mods installed any ideas
  17. I used to have this problem too until I realized that when you are editing a rocket if you move the initial command module either side of its original position the centre of lift often moves (not always.) My advise is to only move the command module up or down with the translate tool. that way it cannot move to the side at all. I had rockets spinning all the time yesterday, now they are fine.
  18. At least Im not going mad I didn't know there were air brakes, what tech? Or if you have a link to the fix mod?
  19. I would assume they are for protecting stuff during reentry. But if you put anything under the command module it just flips. What is the point if you cant move the center of mass to prevent flipping? Maybe I'm missing something.
  20. I tried for days to reach it from space but I was told the visual survey contracts are much easier in a plane. These Visual survey things are proving to be the most frustratingly difficult things to do. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  21. I just realised they have reaction wheels in the game. So now I am just as confused as before. The question still remains. Before I have the tech for reaction wheels, How am I rotating the craft in orbit?
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