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Everything posted by -M-TheDoctor

  1. Thanks everyone. Turns out someone was having the same issue I was having about a week ago and they had it figured out. I got it working. Of course, I lost control of my shuttle during reentry and it splashed down hard, killing all on board. Then I went and accidentally terminated my space station component I just worked 4 hours to get into orbil, again, killing all on board. It was a bad day.
  2. So I'm building a shuttle, but I can't seem to get anything to lock into the cargo bay. I have a docking port in there, but it didn't snap to center like normal. Can anyone save my wee little space program from utter lack of knowledge!!!
  3. I FINALLY docked two vessels in LKO! Such an accomplishment for me! Then I built and successfully launched a shuttle into orbit and returned it.... not safely though.... forgot batteries. And lights.. it's buried into the side of a mountain somewhere on the other side of Kerbin. But hey! I used a probe core so no loss of life! Yay!
  4. We're going to figure this out, I'm sure of it! I downloaded all of the contents of the zip file into my game data directory. start it up, no NH planets. Now mind you, I have OPM installed. So I figure, well, the zip file was "game data" so maybe if I pull these out of the second game data folder they will work. pulled out the folders in the game data folder, started it up and BOOM! Hey EVE is now working! that's awesome!!!! go to tracking station.... no NH planets. And now no OPM planets. Where did I go wrong! ;.;;.;
  5. I guess I can't read..... I see your banner says that OPM is supported. WOO!
  6. I'm guess the Dev wasn't thinking of this, based on the answer, but with recent Kepler discoveries, our solar system seems to be an exception, as opposed to the norm. Many systems have been discovered with gas giants, called "Hot Jupiters" orbiting very close to their star. Heres the wiki on the hot Jupiters found by Kepler: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Jupiter I have downloaded OPM, but I'm starting to really dig the whole new solar system this mod creates. Now KillAshley, is this mod compatible with OPM yet? I am kind of new here and, I'll be honest, I just skipped to the last page here.
  7. I've never understood the draw to partying and wasting time and money on things like that. Guess that's why I waste time here. But my current job doesn't require a degree and it pays very well. If I enjoyed it more I'd probably not go to college. The stress is as bad as it sounds. Finals are a bad time to make me angry. - - - Updated - - - Nice! I have a friend that just got his Ph.D. in physics from Penn State. Great physics department.
  8. Hello Kerbalkind! So I was wondering this one day, who in this community goes to my university. Then I expanded my thoughts: I wonder how many people here are university students or were at one time. So..... are ya? Are you a Uni. Student? If so, what school and what degree are you going for? If you are no longer a student, do you have any advise for us still in the trenches? I am a student of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. I am pursuing a master's in aeronautical sciences and aerospace engineering. I'm only 2 years from completing my degree and I can't wait! Good luck to you all and happy flying!
  9. I believe it is. I was bouncing around some of the threads and I found scatterer's thread. I believe it said it's ready for 1.0.2. However that was hours ago when I last looked, and with my ADD I can't remember if- BOOSTER!!!!!!!! :0.0::0.0::0.0:
  10. I thought planet shine wasn't ready for 1.0.2. I guess I'll get it tonight!
  11. Hellooooo fellow Kerbanauts! How are you fine and wonderful people this lovely day/night? I have a question about mods (again ) This time I'm curious about environmental mods; mods that create a more realistic environment for a more immersive gaming experience. I have already downloaded OPM and Chatterer. I was wondering if a mod like the Astronomers pack has been developed for 1.0.2 yet? I looked in the mod inventory, but to no avail . Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
  12. I had a funeral in my career today..... image url upload
  13. How does the heat not cause that thing to self detonate? I get something going 800 m/s and it becomes fireworks! beautiful design anyway!
  14. I found out you can save your Kerbals from utter destruction by bailing out of your crippled craft after reentry. They bounce pretty well....
  15. Ok. See, I modded my SimCity 4 and those mods where supposed to go into the plug-in folder. I'll shuffle stuff around and see if it works, thanks. - - - Updated - - -
  16. Hey OPM Devs. this look spectacular, but I'm having trouble getting it to load up. This should go into the plug-in folder correct? Because when I put it there, the add on didn't work. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
  17. I use no mods at all. I might use a few, but I play on a laptop that is prone to overheating. The components are simple. Mobile science lab (with accessories[solar panels, legs etc.]) the orange fuel tank, a hitchhiker can with drill and large storage tank. nothing will be too large. Sorry I don't have pictures, I haven't built any of the components. I've only made an attempt at building the carryall. I used a mk. 2(the sleek 2 seater) cockpit for my design. wish I had screenshots for you guys
  18. So I'm trying to build a Carryall. An air-breathing cargo craft that can carry base components (i.e. mobile lab, drill rig, rover, fuel tanks) to any part of Kerbin. The idea is that I can build drilling bases, fuel depots, and science labs across Kerbin, using this craft to transport the components, then use another aircraft to transport the crews. I had made one design, but it was far too fragile, and it experienced a Random Unscheduled Dis-assembly event in a most spectacular fashion. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  19. Kinda new here still. This is a great guide and I'm much obliged. One question. How does one make sub-assemblies? I mean, I make the component that I want, then.... how do I save it? I play stock, FYI. THANKS!!!!!
  20. This is my flying wing the X-51 'Bat'. It's testing and design cost the life of brave Jebediah. My first successful aircraft, the X-42 'Slingblade'. Subsequent test flights claimed the life of Valentina. We had a rough day at KSC.... The X-21 'Lark'. Bartby flew this to a potential Antarctic drill site. This is probably my most successful aircraft.
  21. Wow! Lots of stuff to look through. Great suggestions! I can't rep fast enough lol!
  22. I'm not looking for anything too crazy, although there are some weapon mods that look pretty interesting... Anyway, what do you suggest for a light weight (already overheating) computer system (laptop). Thanks! :D:D
  23. Thanks for the help guys! I deactivated the SAS after reaching orbit, and that stopped the wobble. I still couldn't do any moves with the first stage, but that was a non-issue. image hosting 15mb Thanks to all of you, the Foreseer Mun Probe has safely landed and is transmitting data from the surface of the Mun! :D
  24. Sorry, yes, screen shots help... temp image upload My first version of this rocket had only one reaction wheel, near the top. This version does have two, one at the top and one at the center, under the stack separator on the first stage. I'd never used two so I wanted to see if that fixed the issue. The wobble doesn't stat in earnest until around 40,000 m. Perhaps not using SAS after reaching orbit will help?
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