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Everything posted by Stocchinet

  1. Oh ok now it make sense, i do that trick all the time with the control surfaces, never thought to do that with the big tail piece
  2. Wait a moment, the shuttle tail can split up for airbraking? is that stock?
  3. Only if it's billy-bobfred or any other variation of that name, i'm sick of his family
  4. I once had a similar issue during a duna mission, i call it the "Hallmal incident", the poor guy started to spin out of control after grabbing the capsule ladder, drifting away from the ship. Everything was lost, but capitan joebert was brave enough for a desperate eva rescue. Hallmal was already 1.5km away but after a quick jetpack travel, Joebert was able to hit him with his head stopping the deadly spin, now it's a standard maneuvre teached at the kerbonaut academy. It's one of my best kerbal memories
  5. I once found stalyn too, i wonder if there's a Hytler kerman too...
  6. "It's dangerous to fly alone, take this" - *grabs s.a.s module
  7. True story, i once placed some landing legs too much near the doors and suddenly, BooM! ship destroyed and crew stranded in dres orbit, i don't trhust those things anymore, for kraken sake!
  8. I just hired a very special engineer.... When i saw her on the applicants list i screamed "YES!!", i'm so dumb, lol
  9. I started playing in 0.25 i didn't knew of the rework of duna, i never explored the planet a lot
  10. Look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp6yj2k0Fpc around 5:20 the guy lands on some sort of valley, maybe it's what you are searching for
  11. Look at the south pole, if i remember well in the very middle of it there are some sharp mountains, i once sent a probe to it
  12. Same here hahaha, i blame the internet
  13. thanks a lot, i'm gonna give it a look, if i'm gonna need help where can i ask in the forums?
  14. Thanks, unfortunately i don't know nothing about modding, is that a module manager config? how do i use it? I would be very grateful if you can give me any kind of help, i'll search for some tutorials too
  15. I don't know if it's been addressed before, i would like to assign key bindings to the sas markers (prograde, retrograde, radial etc...) of the nav ball, i looked into the game settings but i haven't found anything useful, i'm planning to build a custom controller so i want to stay as mouse-free as possible, i know that it's possible with some arduino wizardry, but for my progect i will use a simple HID board, so, is there a mod for it?
  16. Put a bunch of illuminati onto your ship, and you'll land softly everywhere
  17. Hi! Will the work on this mod start again or it's dead forever? I don't want to put any kind of pressure on you, i just love your cockpit and it would be great to see it finished!
  18. But are there particular conditions to make them spawn? I have a rover on the surface and a ship in low orbit but nothing appears :-(
  19. Very beautiful, just a litte report, the last release has some issues, at least for me, weird collision detection with the ground (it falls trough it and then explode) and also if i put kerbals into the cockpit they get stuck in it, there's no way to take them out waiting patiently for the update:cool:
  20. More like a dragondi.. ehm fly, yes, fly Bad jokes apart, awesome work man
  21. Such wonderful designs in this thread, here's mine, the K.S.S.T.O ATHOS for crew ferrying pourpose, it can bring 10 kerbals at 100x100km orbit with 1500 dv spare, it's full stock, if someone is interested i can share the craft file:) More screens at http://imgur.com/a/NcLve
  22. Don't get yourself influenced by the negativity of some threads, judge the product by yourself, you know, internet and complaints are close friends..... Personally i really like ksp as it is right now, there's room for improvement yes, but it's already quite awesome. Judging from your avatar i guess you are accustomed with mindless hate, if you know what i mean:wink:
  23. So, any news on the development? Just for information
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