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  1. Silly me! I did not realize how the helmet stuff works. Now! The ACES helmet and the EMU helmet lights appear and work well if I have them in the Kerbal's inventory. Thank you for your help!
  2. Hi and hello :-) just dowloaded this mod, looks great and works for the suits, but for whatever reason the helmets don't work for me Do I miss something? Can you please help?
  3. Hi everyone, can someone help me please? I would like to have the solar panel "K12-K 1x4 Concentratig Photovoltaic Panel" of NF Solar not only deployable but also retractable. Which CFG exactly do I have to change and what do I have to build in there? Thank you so much!
  4. Hi, can you please help. I cannot figure out which one I should download from the GitHub site. Nothing else than the GitHub desktop seems to work anyway. Or do I need this? Sorry for this question, could solve it on my own ☺ as i try to activate the addon in blender it says there is a syntax error: SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  5. Hi and thank you both for the help. For now I changed the config file of the parts. Is there a way to change the mass, too? All are working, but some with somewhatr ridicilous mass compared to the size.
  6. Thank you :-) how do i find out? Is this in the config file of the part or somewhere else? Can I change the volume in the config file?
  7. Hi there, in my KIS inventory there is, from some other mod, a handheld camera which won't work correctly, cause it says it has a volume of 345 litres, so the Kerbal's aren't able to have it in their own inventory nore be able to pick it up. Does someone know where / how the volume is defined? I'm not sure if this is the right place for my Question.
  8. Hello Dear KSP community, after some time I came back to try & play KSP again. By this chance I'd like to have my own or at least different Space Suits for my Kerbals. For some reason I don't really understand right now. Both TR or TRR won't work properly. And I don't find any Suits / Visors that really work. Can someone provide the link to a set of functioning Suits, please? And can someone help with creating custom ones? I tried the TRR guide but I'm not familiar with DDS.
  9. Hello IgorZ, I don't know how to check if I'm using some unofficial localization. On the other hand, the place where I tried to remove the helmet was at the launchpad, in my experience with the game some time before, there was never an issue with removing the helmet at said place. If the localization stands for the place where the folders are, they are within the GameData folder of KSP, where all the other mods & Squad folder are.There are also parts in the KAS folder that don't work for me. I think it is called Telescopic Pipe.
  10. Due to my mistake i had two different KIS in my Game Data. KIS and another called KIS-master. Deleting one solved the two inventories problem. I'm trying to make the design for another container, will keep you updated on my progress. And again I found two other questions: If i am using the headalias for headset and sunglasses they cannot be equipped at the same time, am I right? Or can I add / remove something in the CFG for solving that problem? Opening the KIS / KAS inventory during EVA I see the button "Remove Helmet" clicking on it, shows the error: #autoLOC_8003205. Maybe it is broken?
  11. Thank you for the answer. In the meantime i found the right place in the CFG file, still working on the correct position and alignment of the objects, but now I'd have another question. KIS provides one big cubic container for surface mounting. Do you know if there is somewhere a smaler one around plz? Adding one of the inline container makes my ships look too elongated, so I would like to have a more streamlike one for surface mount, which doesn't extend that far out. And I found another problem, as soon as I open the inventory of a Kerbal during EVA, two different inventory windows open for them.
  12. Hi Igor, thank you for your help. Do you know at which part of the CFG I need to insert the alias position?
  13. Hi there! Can someone help me plz, I used stuff from different sources. Sunglasses and a custom made headset. They don't work anymore. Does someone know where they should click to the Kerbals now?
  14. TAC was updated 2 days ago and KIS 19 hours ago it says on CurseForge. Hopefully it works.
  15. Thank you both for your answers :-) actually shortly after I posted my question I could update both mods. Unfortunatelly it did not help, to be honest even the male Kerbals can't wear EyeProtection or the CCA ( Communication Carrier Assembly - look at the picture of my profile, plz) anymore. Does someone know where the parts could be clipped now? I remember some months ago, squad changed the location.
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