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    Rocket Wizard

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  1. Hit once for drogues, again for normal ones. If there's only normals, they go on the first press. I can't think of any reason why you'd want normal chutes deployed *before* drogue chutes, so that shouldn't be an issue.
  2. I have hopes myself that parachutes will be taken off of staging entirely and activated by a hotkey or button the way brakes and lights are. It just makes a lot more sense to me.
  3. [quote name='FCISuperGuy'] I'd prefer a "donate" button for those who want to give more money to Squad.[/QUOTE] Bay12 seems to be doing respectably well relying ONLY on a donate button.
  4. Personally I don't expect any more massive changes that make craft behave differently like the aero/heat updates. The aero is probably right where we want it, and the heat seems to be getting where we want it too, so if those change in the future it probably won't be by very much. What I would expect in the near future are some new parts that might suddenly feel essential, and brand new systems like the communication relays which won't really break anything but would add a new mechanic that could change how future craft are designed. I imagine that there's a lot coming that I or the rest of you really have no clue about so far though.
  5. I'm fond of the music in the game, but I can't recall it ever getting stuck in my head the way, for example, the Dwarf Fortress music does. Maybe it's because there's a little more variety.
  6. Or you could turn the bay upside-down, if you need parts attached to the top but don't need them on the bottom.
  7. I crashed a UAV into the Old Airfield because I couldn't get it straightened out on approach. I'm not very good at landing. This is why I use UAVs for atmospheric flight.
  8. Why not have Commanders as a fourth profession (and maybe make Valentina one)? I think that'd be better. Pilots are still useful even if they're not as useful as you want them to be right now. Commanders as a fourth profession would also be useful, but take nothing away from anyone else.
  9. Yeah, to echo and expound on what others have said, generally try to aim your rocket in a gentle curve, say, 5 degrees as soon as you leave the pad, a 45 degree inclination at around 15km and approaching horizontal at around 35-40km. This will put your ship into orbit efficiently as long as you have enough delta-V to get there and not too much drag. (If your ship is unstreamlined and you can't do very much about that, then you'll want to go more vertically for longer and level off later so you get through more atmosphere before building up speed.) You might want to try playing with the throttle a bit too if you are using liquid engines, because going too fast too low will also slow you down a lot with drag. Try not to get any orange flames from drag friction until you're leveled off at the 35-40km level, where the air is thin enough that it won't matter very much. Finally, to keep your ships controllable and pointed the right direction, it helps to put fins on the tail and to not make them too tall and skinny, or else they might flip around. Once you unlock gimballed engines, RCS thrusters or especially Vernors, you can start to make much more controllable and maneuverable rockets.
  10. A truly game-breaking bug right there, indeed.
  11. Might help to space the wheels farther apart for a wider and more stable wheelbase. Also if you want to go fast on the surface, try using a jet engine instead of a rocket as it'll last longer - the mini one coming on 1.0.5 would be ideal for this, but a Wheesley would work too.
  12. Well, if we have weather events like storms, rain, et cetera, then we'll need a science part to deal with this! Perhaps one of those dealybobs with the three cups to measure wind speeds, and a precipitation gauge.
  13. Forgot to take a screenshot, but I landed a rover on the Mun using a brand new lander system that has an angled platform for the rover to rest on and drive off of when it decouples. Unfortunately, after landing in the completely wrong place, it immediately did a somersault and got stuck upside down, immobile. I suppose I really should put reaction wheels, RCS, or something on there next time. At least the landing platform itself performed admirably!
  14. After centuries of constantly banging their oversized heads on low overhangs, Kerbals have developed extremely effective helmet technology.
  15. GoSlash, is there any particular reason that you put the fins more forward toward the middle of the rocket instead of at the tail? Just curious.
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