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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. [quote name='Commander Zoom']All of this is predicated on the assumption/perception that development is slowing down (for lack of money). IMO, it's not. It's just not fast enough for [i]you[/i]. I submit that people have been [s]making this argument[/s] complaining "why isn't it out yet" since we hit double-digit version numbers. Throwing more money at the problem will not solve it. Y'all need to have some frakking patience and accept that "it's out when it's out."[/QUOTE] It has nothing to do with the speed of releases. I never used the word "fast" in my initial post. Did you read my first post? I also don't have the impression that the development is slowing down, its fine as it is. But how long further will Squad keep developing? There are still so many things to do, and so much potential in this game (although the game is allready great). I am just scared that this development dies before all (or just more) of the potential got implemented. I think I spend something like ~20€ for the game, thats long ago, and I got much much much more fun out of it than you can expect from Investing 20€ in any other way. So if not Squad, wich developer deserves more, that you pay a bit more for their great work? I am completly fine if I don't have to pay for anything KSP related. It would be ok, too. But there are plenty of other things I waste my money on and don't get much back. The relationship of fun/money is more than justified in this game. Well you guys mentioned that Squad is earning more than enough money. Ok, then all is fine.
  2. I dont say they should add content through a dlc. I am no fan of micro payment dlc like the well known horse armor for example, in fact I hate them. But there are 1000 of other ways too release something that enhance the KSP experience and gives us the possibility to pay for. Well, long story short, keep developing KSP, and if u need money, give us the chance to pay for something.
  3. Hello everyone, i am a very big Fan of KSP since the Alpha. I have played this game hundreds of hours and I know there will be plenty more of hours I will play in the future. Well, this game got released quite time ago. 99% of the people who are interested in the game have bought this game. Nevertheless Squad is still developing the game and adding new content aswell as improving the code and the game mechanics. And I love Squad for doing this! I hope that Squad keeps developing and polishing the game also in the future. And here comes in what worries me. Squad dont earn much money now cause the majority of players allready bought the game, so the development must stop sooner or later, and I am afraid that it is sooner. So I write this post to ask Squad for something like a DLC or Addon or Standalone-Addon. Something I can pay for and throw my money at Squad (I dont like to donate, I want to Invest). I made many thoughts what can be done or released which won't upset or split the community and the loyal fans of this game. So it came to my mind that there is kinda big fanbase for the SuperRealism mods. Mods which change the Solar System to our real one, change sizes of planets, distances; isp, trust, size and weight of parts to real Human Earth parameter for example. So maybe Squad can releas a Full Realism (as far it is possible with the engine) overhaul Version of the game. Me, and I guess many of the players would like to buy such a game. So Squad would get some money, and imho they deserve it after this long time of developing and good work. On the other hand this kind of release won't upset the owners of the normal KSP, cause they wont miss anything in the game which stays the way they love it. I write all this cause money is neccessary for any future devlopment of the game. And I don't want that this development ends for as long as possible. I am interested in commands and thoughts of the community.
  4. Just a quick commend to ferram4: Thank you that you keep working on this mod, FAR always was the most important mod in KSP. Looking forward to your new version. Keep on doing that amazing job
  5. Ty for the fast answer, i followed ur advice and all works fine.
  6. Short question, actually i am running TextureReplacer 2.2.5, when i want to update to 2.3, should i just delete the old TextureReplacer folder and replace it with the new one? Or do i break my save, or my crafts or something different important?
  7. I copy my own post the second time cause it got lost amd i still didnt get a proper answer. One question, i tested it several times and it seems that it does not matter for drag if air intakes are open or closed while using FAR. Is this intended or a bug? I tested it with the FAR airstats window opened, and the values for BC and Cd didnt changed at all (I guess Reference Area didnt changed too). The speed or acceleration didnt changed too. I tested it again, and i didnt recognize any influence on speed, drag or acceleration when intakes are closed or open.
  8. I copy my own post cause it got lost i guess. One question, i tested it several times and it seems that it does not matter for drag if air intakes are open or closed while using FAR. Is this intended or a bug? I tested it with the FAR airstats window opened, and the values for BC and Cd didnt changed at all (I guess Reference Area didnt changed too). The speed or acceleration didnt changed too.
  9. One question, i tested it several times and it seems that it does not matter for drag if air intakes are open or closed while using FAR. Is this intended or a bug? I tested it with the FAR airstats window opened, and the values for BC and Cd didnt changed at all (I guess Reference Area didnt changed too). The speed or acceleration didnt changed too.
  10. Thats a good example for how incredible overpowered the stock Jet-Engines in the game are. The other point ist the aerodynamics which made this possible. Sorry i dont want to play the defeatist. Never the less im surprised that this was possible, good job.
  11. Ok i choosed Environmental Visual Enhancements cause i was scared for the high cpu requirements of Astronomer's Visual pack. I deleted the city lights, and it works great. Looks very nice from Space and works while flying in atmopshere, i like it. Thank you guys for the help. I love this community This thread can be closed.
  12. First off, thank you for the quick answers. Here I got 2 answers, Astronomer's Visual pack and Environmental Visual Enhancements. Now i need to know what is better for clouds. My PC specs are i5 2500k 3,3 Ghz, 8 Gb Ram and Geforce GTX 560 Ti.
  13. Hello guys, recently i saw several pictures with clouds, some with Planes fly through clouds and some where u see Kerbin from Space with Clouds in the Atmosphere. Which way is the best to get this into my game, which mods that work in 0.9 are recomended for this?
  14. I am often that fast when i reach the Jool system that i need to go below 105km when i want to reach Laythe. But i am using the Far mod, this should change the things a bit.
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