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Everything posted by Falkenherz

  1. It seems, for Kerbals, ladders are a high tech item, right next to wheels...
  2. I bought the game just some weeks ago. It is kind of hard to throw away my current 0.9 game when faced with too much grind. This is how the new career feels to me after the initial automatic contracts. I constructed a triple "hammer" launch stage (2+1 setup) with a triple command pod and just take those tourist contracts for suborbital. It seems to be the fastest credits/hour rate like this, go up, go down, cash in 20k, but not much fun. I have no idea on how to obtain science, since the marketing strategy of "outsourcing R&D" has been seriously nerfed, so I am currently stuck before the 45-science unlocks. Maybe I need to do separate unpaid science missions with the mystery goo and the jr. science lab. I tried to go into orbit, but figuring this out has become, as opposed to 0.9, a real challenge it seems (i.e. different deltaV, no more simple 45-gravity turn at 10km...). In 0.9 where I was able to launch a laucher consisting entirely of boosters; now, patching together some LFE stage with those small fuel tanks only feels similarly too limiting as option. t is fine, I take the challenge. I just wish I had access to parts which do not make me having to construct silly constructions like the triple-command-pod-rocket.
  3. Kerbal Engineer Redux has a hard time showing me the required deltaV of 4500+ m/s for achieving orbit. Some guy said he could do orbit with 3200+ m/s? Anyways, my trusted 0.9 setup based on the "Hammer" booster (staged 2+1, 1, 1) does show less deltaV than in 0.9 and does not achieve orbit anymore. Or is it just me having to adapt how to pilot that thing?
  4. I might add, stacking M1 cockpits does not only look silly but is game-mechanic wise the most lightweight setup for multiple crews. Maybe they should change around mass values so that 2- and 3-manned cockpits are actually more efficient, mass-wise?
  5. That "asteroid 1" tutorial mission: Halfway through the burn, the nuke engines blow up the fuel tanks, even though its overheat bar is only half full. Not very intuitive, even less so in a tutorial.
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