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Everything posted by TothAval

  1. I did it again, on my way to minmus. Pperiapsis was 100km and i warped from short after periapsis(after my 20s burn) to short before periapsis, apoapsis was above 5 Mkm, it seems to occur if timewarp with 8-10 arrows is involved.
  2. * mark/highlight contracts as active * pay for access to other already existing launchsites on Kerbin to be able to launch from them as well list updated
  3. do you mean in map view like the indicator on the contract-orbits, but for every orbit or an indicator in flight in case the navballs orientation is different due to special position of rootpart etc.?
  4. Thx for the input. Yeah, i wasn't sure about the part and the strategy either. i will take them out and suggest them somewhere else.
  5. They are green, Orbit is outside of athmosphere. periapsis between 70-80. i have to play and see if i can give you more details on the matter.
  6. Quality of Life improvements for KSP I played my last sessions of KSP with a texteditor open, where i noted everything that bugged me, frustrated me and angered me and that i think could be easily fixed. So i decided to start a QoL-list. I remember something like that from another game and it was really helpful. I intend to keep the OP updated, so feel free to share your thoughts on how the gaming experience can be enhanced. Please don't suggest big features, game-changers or stuff alike. The list shall be a quick oversight tool for the devs and the community as well. Please use a categorisation as i tried to do, to keep it as simple and short as possible. Please suggest improvements on the list, categorisation etc., if you have them. Keep this thread clean and constructive. Please check the questions on the end of this post and feel free to answer them. current QoL-suggestions in categories: Flight, Map, VAB/SPH, KSC, Parts, Career, User Interface, KSP, Modding End of Post Flight choose another category improved inflight information flight data height above ground altimeter heat indicator stage burn time indicator fuel/oxidizer/monopropellant/electric charge gauge (IVA) suggested by Barking Sands here G-meter (IVA) suggested by Barking Sands here vessel data [*=1]have an overlay like the ressource overlay on capsules to show kerbals inside by name and profession suggested by Fishslap here [*=1]better information(out of charge, chute burned up, more drag on nose, therefor flipping) on failure suggested by Black-Talon here [*=1]an option to show CoM/CoL in flight suggested by Bomoo here trajectory player should be able to set up pre-orbits(like the conrtact ones) and to mark them as target or see them as a line on the navball toggable map-info in flight view(Orbit, Trajectory, Craft/Body information, apo/periapsis) toggable trajectory HUD for targeted landing and docking suggested by arkie87 here toggable info about the 6 primary directions in flight suggested by arkie87 here a docking alignment indicator on the nav ball suggested by CaptRobau here orbit dircetion indicator suggested by chaos_forge here game integration [*=1]mark/highlight contracts as active, regroup them in toolbar accordingly, toggable popup for active contract [*=1]sort contracts in toolbar(test, survey, rescue, ...) [*=1]contracts in contracts-list staying open/closed, highlight sub requirements suggested by Audiopulse here [*=1]tracking station vehicle list accessible as pop-up in flight [*=1]access to all KSC buildings [*=1]make darkness a slider-option or make an option to light nightscenes a little bit up for a better gameplay experience(or improve accessibility to experiments and right-clickable parts otherwise) improved vessel control choose another category action groups/staging [*=1]ability to assign/change action groups in-flight [*=1]action groups should be stageable [*=1]default action group for toggling solar panels with its own dedicated key suggested by Red Iron Crown here [*=1]there should be a way to fire multiple stages quickly if you need to suggested by macdjord here [*=1]ability to group container under a user group tag suggested by WinkAllKerb' here [*=1]ability to target container group suggested by WinkAllKerb' here flight control [*=1]allow control over whether SAS can use RCS suggested by THX1138 here [*=1]RCS translation controls always on suggested by macdjord here [*=1]add SAS config panel and allow more fine tuning on SAS suggested by WildLynx here [*=1]lock vehicle/action-group option, disable keybindings as long as lock is active [*=1]key to rotate non surfaced, non athmospheric vessel/suit to camera view [*=1]add an input key to toggle between staging and docking modes suggested by Barking Sands here [*=1]not changing control point when going into IVA suggested by Spartwo here [*=1]capslock should activate precision control on EVA also suggested by falloutaddict here [*=1]add alternative, semi-automatic SAS-mode to change SAS to stability assist once orientation(i.e. prograde, anti-normal,...) is set suggested by neo2001 here flight management [*=1]a ship manifest to allow control of every right-clickable item suggested by arkie87 here [*=1]allow crew transfer from right-click part menu suggested by sumghai here [*=1]an option to stop/set power consumption on specific parts suggested by EricT43 here and here [*=1]easier fuel transfer between craft suggested by THX1138 here [*=1]more control over fuel transfer, f.e. set percentages, set tresholds, combine ressource transfers(LF+O together) [*=1]ability to select which science to store/remove from a pod suggested by Sonny_Jim here [*=1]store a kerbal's active data to the command pod from within the command pod suggested by DavidBowman here [*=1]Fuel should be drawn from the tanks nearest the engine first (not last) suggested by Barking Sands here [*=1]Button to temporarily disable certain tanks and have them automatically reactivate when all other resources are spent suggested by Barking Sands here [*=1]way to view and manage stored science results, see results in a list suggested by macdjord here [*=1]increase the EVA data collection range on Mystery Goo and Materials Bay suggested by TheMoonRover here [*=1]add a switch command module button if more than 1 command module or probe core is present on active vessel Map choose another category active flight [*=1]show all relevant orbital data during maneuver node setup(f.e. apoapsis, periapsis, descending&ascendning node) [*=1]show active craft regardless of hiding craft type [*=1]toggable orbit visuals for improved maneuver nodes placement suggested by stevehead here [*=1]staging in map view [*=1]reopen collapsed maneuver node by pressing the "o" key suggested by Brotoro here [*=1]warp-to next maneuver should stop at or shortly before half burn time suggested by Caelib here [*=1]switch between staging and docking (LIN/ROT) controls while remaining in map view (Allow use of docking linear RCS control to fine-tune orbits in map view) suggested by Barking Sands here [*=1]add an input key to toggle between staging and docking modes suggested by Barking Sands here [*=1]add picture-in-picture view appearing and zooming in once an encounter with other target/body is established suggested by cwood here orbits/patched conics [*=1]colormark target/hide non-target option [*=1]warp-to planet position(click on planetary orbit and warp ingame time to when planet is there) [*=1]some way to determine a proper launch window in-game(f.e. make use of preorbits as suggested above [*=1]orbit dircetion indicator suggested by chaos_forge here [*=1]right-click menu for root part of vessel available in map view [*=1]pop-up location on right-clicking orbit should be fixed suggested by Brotoro here map-gui [*=1]waypoints can be set on the surface of non-athmosperic bodies(planets/moons) [*=1]showing distance and time to waypoint depending on current trajectiry, orbit and/or speed [*=1]navpoints can be set on the surface of athmospheric bodies(planets/moons [*=1]​showing distance and time to navpoint depending on current route, athomspheric conditions and speed/acceleration [*=1]show KSC [*=1]access to all KSC buildings [*=1]navball should stay open by default [*=1]map mode should have enough ambient light that you can see the features of the night side of a planet suggested by macdjord here [*=1]assign some of the map controls to other interactions, e.g. right-click, shift-click, and alt-click or let the player customize it suggested by macdjord here [*=1]add more craft categories or allow custom categories (satellites, probes, spaceplanes,...) suggested by BluetoothThePirate here [*=1]add a derelict/defunct and a satellite category suggested by macdjord here [*=1]show more orbit information on mouse-over suggested by akruppa here [*=1]list orbital reference points beneath each other, instead of showing them above each other suggested by akruppa here [*=1]allow toggling of visible vessel types when the NavBall is closed (currently it only works when the NavBall is open) suggested by TheMoonRover here [*=1]improved maneuvers & planetary encounters suggested by cwood here VAB/SPH choose another category craft and part management improved listing of ships, custom folders(saw that suggested by someone here on the forum) page scrolling like QuickScroll suggested by Robotengineer here folder system in VAB/SPH for .craft-files suggested by Piggius_Max here a search bar for part searching suggested by FishInferno here on activating loader for .craft-files in VAB/SPH typing of characters should lead to the respective craft suggested by Brotoro here drag and drop subassemblies into different categories suggested by wasml here count usage of parts in .craft-files and display that number in the editor suggested by wasml here improved error checking while loading parts so a mis-configured part doesn't freeze the game while loading suggested by wasml here save crew assignments with vessels suggested by macdjord here allow placing kerbals in external command seats in VAB/SPH prior to launch suggested by TheMoonRover here part placement disable part selection while struts are attached suggested by martinborgenhere hold 'alt' while placing a part should keep a copy in your hand suggested by macdjord here add the ability to snap struts and fuel pipes so they are exactly straight and perpendicular to their origin suggested by macdjord here add an option to mirror whatever you're attaching across the parent part as well as duplicating it on the other copies of the parent suggested by macdjord here option to force-add parts that haven't been unlocked yet, craft could be designed but not launched suggested by macdjord here staging/action groups Launch Stability Enhancer in same stage as first stage engines an opion to modify the order of tanks that are drained for an engine, or group of engines suggested by Starwhip here player should be able to add actions that are normally triggered by action groups to the staging diagram, or remove actions that are staged by default entirely suggested by macdjord here the abort action should be available from the start for manned launches suggested by macdjord here ability to remove a part from staging and assign it to an action group suggested by justinpatrick1011 here add new stage to separate parachutes from first stage by default even when no decouplers are installed suggested by Barking Sands here every action that switches between two states should have all 3 action group options: on, off, and toggle suggested by macdjord here eliminate non-functional actions from the action group screen(f.e. SRBs and "shutdown engine") suggested by macdjord here checklist checklist item: is heat-shield exposed? suggested by saskwach here add a list showing what parts and how many are used per stage, hide the information within the note[+]-functionality in the engineer report construction data improved pre-flight/construction information show dimensions of parts suggested by Rockyfelle185 here show torque vector in VAB/SPH suggested by akruppa here vab/sph gui if a craft is placed high up in the VAB and loaded in the SPH, it ends up outside the building and only the shadow is visible, move it down in this case suggested by pellinor0 here parts should not be selectable through staging icons suggested by M3Man03 here an option to empty a specified type of fuel on all tanks simultaneously suggested by Veeltch here option to set throttle default value for launches anything that can be set or tweaked in flight should be possible to do in the VAB suggested by macdjord here chute deployment time should be adjustable suggested by macdjord here an option to type in an exact value on tweakables even outside the typical range suggested by macdjord here make LFO tanks tweakable between LF/LFO mode(or add LF versions of all the 1.25m and 2.5 m tanks) suggested by macdjord here subassembly thumbnails suggested by Starwhip here better, more effective ways to build stupidly large rockets suggested by Nothalogh here KSC ​choose another category allow for vehiclespawn on flag positions within kerbin or ksc suggested by dyson here astronaut center more information on kerbals in the astronaut center suggested by Rickenbacker here administration building mission control sort contracts(test, survey, rescue, custom, ...) in mission control option to activate/deactivate certain types of contracts for certain bodies in mission control a counter for completed and failed missions in mission control suggested by Joonatan1998 here improved mission control ui showing company contratcs and worlds firsts separate, worlds first should always be visible suggested by Streetwind here tracking station folders to sort your flight in tracking station suggested by klgraham1013 here ability to rename/reclassify objects from tracking station suggested by macdjord here (added to or already in game) tracking station list customization suggested by Bug_ here vab/sph launchpad pay for access to other already existing launchsites on Kerbin to be able to launch from them as well better placement of launchbutton in the launchpad gui R&D double-click or hotkey should research tech tree node in R&D suggested by Dreadnaught426 here gui access to all KSC buildings from within the KSC buildings(via hotkeys or a menue) Parts choose another category add "basecost" value to all part configs(.cfgs) for better and easier balancing of parts suggested by Gfurst here command engines fuel tanks 0.625m fuel tanks in the standard sequence suggested by macdjord here control structural 0.625m version of the BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point suggested by macdjord here 3.75m stack separator suggested by macdjord here low-profile 3.75m-2.5m adapter (like the FL-A5 1.25m-0.625m adapter) suggested by macdjord here reduce the mass of the not-rockomax micronode to .075 at the least suggested by Spartwo here utility add a decoupler to the launch escape tower suggested by CaptRobau here LES scaled for the one-kerb capsule suggested by macdjord here add fuel cell toggle suggested by Bomoo here all landing gear stearable suggested by ArcticX9 here 0.625m drogue chutes suggested by macdjord here shielded Clamp-o-tron Sr. and Jr. docking ports suggested by macdjord here add option to disarm a parachute which has been armed but not actually deployed suggested by macdjord here aerodynamic heat shields should have an integrated decoupler suggested by federicoaa here add breakingforce and breakingtorque values to Mk3-parts in .cfg where such values are missing suggested by billyoak here science Career choose another category add planetary exploration (orbit, science from orbit, reach surface, science from surface) to the automatic contracts suggested by Patrick Kerbivan here disable science, disable building upgrades, disable strategies options for career difficulty customization suggested by mdg583 here KSC biomes should have 0 science value, or they should be done automatically for you as soon as you unlock a new experiment suggested by macdjord here barometer and atmospheric analysis should be be per-planet, not per-biome, when used on the surface of airless worlds suggested by macdjord here each asteroid should count as its own biome; doing samples of the same asteroid when its in orbit of different bodies should not give more results suggested by macdjord here a better way to capture per-biome low-orbit EVA Reports suggested by macdjord here the biome/condition interaction should be more strictly defined and enforced suggested by macdjord here show experience trait for stranded kerbals before accepting the rescue contract suggested by TheMoonRover here allow you to change strategy commitment level without having to cancel it and pay the whole thing again suggested by TheMoonRover here add a way to view contract orbits or survey locations in mission control building suggested by macdjord here User Interface choose another category gui action more accessibility through keyboard regarding confirmation of checkboxes inspired by katateochi here the in-flight right-click part menu should not move once opened suggested by madadam here and rkman here warp-to function added to navball suggested by Caelib here warp-to function added to maneuver node suggested by arkie87 here allow use of the toolbar (in-flight) and the Kerbal Knowledge Base (section on the right of Map View) when TimeWarpTo is active suggested by TheMoonRover here add a way to revert navball directions via a button or a right-click-menue option gui hide all UI elements(transmitting data,time warp etc.) while F2 option is active suggested by CalculusWarrior here hide cursor and overheat flashing while F2 option is active suggested by SaintWacko here add a science experiment menu suggested by nholzric here better access to info on kerbal profession, an icon to show a kerbals profession and level suggested by Kuansenhama and sumghai here and here show science yet to be done somewhere suggested by adinfinitum here an option to check delta-v and thrust to weight ratio for each stage suggested by Sky_walkerhere improved accessibility for colorblind people due to the use of more symbols instead of text or customizable color settings suggested by Brotoro here commas for altitudes in contracts suggested by Murph here various user interface improvements suggested by MailletC here quick buttons for each of the buildings at the top or bottom of the screen, when moused-over highlight the building suggested by KrazyKrlhere resizing toolbar apps (contracts, engineer's report etc) or show/hide details of contracts should be persistent suggested by TheMoonRover here improved toolbar navigation suggested by macdjord here improve visibility of the in-game message texts, add a fine black outline to the fond suggested by macdjord here options adjustable text size suggested by nurbleshere improved accessibility for colorblind people due to the use of more symbols instead of text or customizable color settings suggested by Brotoro here resizeable, customizeable navball more options accessible ingame(f.e. joystick setup) suggested by Black-Talon here add crew auto select option suggested by mega_newblar here "do not show again" option for the "welcome to the VAB, this is where..." messages suggested by FishInferno here add input options to change keys for staging/docking modes suggested by Barking Sands here add option to change physiscs range/on rails distance suggested by MathewVaughan here add colorblind mode suggested by Xyphos here user configurable default camera view suggested by rkman here KSP choose another category saving/loading improved savegames, several quicksames within a flight inspired by katateochi here warning if quickload will reset game for more than a day, display of the amount of time going to be resetted suggested by Bessy here enable quicksave while moving over the surface suggested by madadam here the quicksave key should have the same press-and-hold safety feature that quickload already does suggested by macdjord here game should make a separat quicksave when quickloading, player should be able to jump back(forth) to that save if he wants to suggested by macdjord here an option to change the savegame directory suggested by kaluce here flags should not count as active flights displayed on load menu suggested by DSKY here add a feature allowing periodic autosaves with rotating names or something similar suggested by Claw here timewarp/physics warp don't limit timewarp in orbit suggested by madadam here .5x time warp for precision, more values for time warp suggested by oversoul and thereaverofdarkness here and here high value timewarp for long distance missions suggested by arkie87 here be able to override warptime limits by pressing Alt-Period similar to forced physics warp suggested by macdjord here allow timewarp with ion engines using a simplified physics simulation suggested by Grumman here warp-to should use higher timewarps, once they become available suggested by pellinor here flight persistence/revert flight allow "magic" docking inside cargo bays suggested by katateochi here preserve the revert option suggested by macdjord here add option allowing to return to the KSC without reverting flight, treat active vessel as if it had left physics range in this case suggested by macdjord here Modding choose another category Store Kerbal profession as string value in separate parameter after hash-based generation, so that they can be changed later by savegame editing / add-ons (plus support for custom professions) Suggested by sumghai here, hypothetical implemention described here Allow add-on authors to specify angle snap for docking ports Originally suggested by Yakky, hypothetical implemention described by sumghai Allow add-on authors to specify whether ModuleAnimateGeneric is enabled/disabled in the Flight Scene and EVA Suggested by sumghai add "basecost" value to all part configs(.cfgs) for better and easier balancing of parts suggested by Gfurst here What do you think? Please share your thoughts, what small changes could improve the gaming experience in your opinion? Should we do a separat post to discuss this thread? Thx for reading and have a lovely day
  7. I had this issue too, but after switching vessels or after some warptime i could extend all antennas. but i don't know how i did it exactly. it may as well had something to do with the action group, transmitting data and then abort or using another antenna manually to transmit data. It is definetly possible to extend all antennas, even after you an antenna to transmit science. I love symmetric builds and i can enjoy my designs exactly as intended.
  8. KSP Version v1.0.0 build id = 008302015.04.26 at 19:45:40 CESTBranch: master Steam, don't know whether 32 or 64bit, used the default after install Win7 64bit, AMD Apu A-7850K, 16 GB DDR3 All Stock Steps to replicate(it happend quite alot to me, but i do not know if it happend each and every single time i used this feature): raise apoapsis much higher than periapsis warp-to near periapsis Result: warp-to will bring down warptime to 1x(arrows) and immediatly rise it up to 4x(arrows) it seems to occur if one or more different warpzones are involved (i usually have my periapsis arund 70km and my apoapsis sometimes several Mkm out, i warp-to from short after to short before periapsis again and again, so it goes from x50 to x1000 or x10000 in warp and then back, it sets time to x1, but raises it almost instantly to 4 arrows in the timewarp, i think this is x1000) this is quite annoying, because i offen missed good launchwindows because of that Workaround: hold your finger over the decrease time-warp button in case this happens kidding, warp-to next maneuver seem to work, i just dont use this often cause i don't need a node to rise my apoapsis
  9. This is how i use Service Bays so far, i have now done most of the 90 science research in my career. edit: can anyone help me with the imgur album embedding? how is it done? eidt 2: found it myself i mastered the google edit 3: but i haven't mastered spelling yet^^ edit 4: transmitting and stuff only works with doors open, although i one time had the feeling the solar panels charged the battery while the doors where closed, but i didn't try to replicate so far.
  10. EVA-Fuel should drain the RCS ressources on vessels, if it was to much the first time they tried it, maybe work with a factor? 5 units EVARCS equals .05 units RCS or something like that?
  11. as Mat2ch said, use KER or MEchjeb, fly blind and get a feeling or calculate your upper stage mass and build your rocket accordingly. Design, Test, Fail, Redesign and again until you have it, take a look at your ships mass while you do it and try to guess how much units of fuel where missing, or use infinte fuel(if necessary) and maneuver notes if you want to see how much dV was missing. In my career i created a probe for landings on the mun and, out of frustration, cheated my way back, after several failed attempts, i was tired for that day and went to sleep. but i stuck with the design and improved it the next day, made it lighter, added some fuel and flew very effective(at least i believe i did ) the next time (crossing SOI before the mun, using oberth-effect to raise my apo with 20s burns until i reached mun-soi, liftoff from mun retrograde, reducing kerbinperiapsis with another mun-flyby, and last but not least i increased my apoapsis to be able to reduce my periapsis to reach the athmosphere because i had 7.5 units liquid fuel left and needed to decrease my periapsis 5,x Mkm, i burned to fast and ended with periapsis at 12km, the time bevor that, without raising my apoapsis, i couldn't get to the athmosphere, it went well, opened the chute at 5km, mission succces). i play KSP with some breaks since 2013, having 300h in the game(not that much compared to others^^) and i learned a lot about orbital maneuvering through that, was quite some fun. anyway my construction was able to go to the moon and fly back, cheating was justified here is a link to the craft-file if you are interested, its 3stage system with a launcher and a small probe https://www.dropbox.com/s/s92cma0kp8wexnt/SP-03%20Gecko%20L.craft?dl=0 the probe can land on the mun and return to kerbin, it has 2xthermometers, 2xbarometers and 2xgoo. no antennas, no science bay. you have to return it to get the science no need to dock with other craft and no capability to do so. have fun
  12. i don't know how effective this would be, but maybe you could go on prograde orbit and later rotate it around 180°? i mean if he is near jool this is maybe not so expensive in comparison?
  13. I really like this ideas a lot. This could also justify a buildup time for rockets and planes in career. So it will take some days up to some months for assembling and preparing the launchsite. This could be fun, but in case of assembling time a simlulation mode would be required, to be able to test constructions before actually lining them in for construction and mission control
  14. You can accomplish the tourist contracts regardless. Put them one by one in orbit, it will work, use a probecore to bring them back. More grinding though, but it will do the trick. I have unlocked several 45 science nots yet and one 90 not. Did a mun flyby with a small craft. I really like the parttests, they force for some creative vessels if you intend to accomplish as many as possible in one flight Anyway, career is not what i imagined either, never was. I have to constantly force myself to feel the immersion, i am not immersed by the game, which is really sad. But i haven't put much thought into it yet so i don't have a viable suggestion on how to improve this part of the game. I really like the idea and the feeling of unlocking stuff, after a succesful mission. This always makes me feel as if the new tech is a result of that mission, which is exactly what i like most about the idea of a career mode, well, maybe this is the reason why i like parttesting so much Good discussion so far.
  15. Hi, i created this little rocket during my current career game. Nothing fancy. But i quickly realised that it is really good for training purposes in KSP1.0. I only managed to get twice in a 90km orbit around kerbin, after 15+ launches and failed most of the time to achieve an orbit at all. Maybe i am just bad at this game, but i am playing since .19 i think, so there is at least some basic knowledge in my head . With this craft you have to burn and ascend very effective(i think ) in order to achieve orbit. I managed to have 3-5 units LF(and equivalent oxidizer of course) left in 90km orbit, so there is not much room for error Anyway, try out for yourself if you like. Thought it might be useful to others. Have fun. Dear Mods, if this doesn't justify a single thread, please merge. Greetings TothAval https://www.dropbox.com/s/0faxaprxtkd4c1l/SC-01%20Sparrow%20TV.craft?dl=0
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