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Everything posted by TothAval

  1. that game was so cool, squad should make a remake on topic: i am quite happy with 1.0.0 - 1.0.2. i will soon start adding mods to build bigger and better stations and stuff, but stock is quite nice atm. in my opinion career could be more polished, thought through and some QoL stuff should be done, but these are minor concerns. i am confident that with 1.1, unity five and proper x64 support and the features and fixes beside these major features the ksp experience will once more improve. even in oct. 2013, when i buyed .22 or .21, it was a lot of fun and worth every penny, and felt already like a complete game to me, considering what it offered and still does. i don't get the discussion about 1.0, it was a better game in early access than most AAA titles 29 patches after release, considering playtime, fun and replayability. it got better each patch and i believe it will continue to do so. considering the major changes from .9 to 1.0 there are surprisingly few problems with 1.0. just my 2 cent on the matter
  2. * show active craft regardless of hiding craft type list updated integrated ideas from other posts in Suggestions and Development Discussion - - - Updated - - - although i am with you on this, i can't put it in this list, it is to big of a feature, although it could improve the gaming experience it is not something a dev could do in a short amount of time, therefor i can't add it unfortunately - - - Updated - - - same here as stated above - - - Updated - - - same here on the contract stuff as stated above
  3. feel free to share it here: [support - Windows] Warp-to is broken sometimes
  4. i would love some sort of KAS functionality in stock, it would be the most intuitive and natural way and i am backing your idea, a lots of mods show that this is working and a lot of fun and it would render my suggestion invalid if something like that would be integretated in stock. anyway, in case this is not about to happen, which would be pretty sad, there has to be a solution for increased comfort in playing. unfortunately building bases on the ground or refueling stuff on the ground is as uncomfortable in stock as it can get, which is really sad and which i tried to adress with this idea
  5. see title, happens with all my craft, no energy is consumed, as long as ox panels are inside the service bay, regardless the fact that the doors are closed, unless i oversaw something i can't imagine this is intended
  6. surface refueling unit(SRU) must be deployed on a surface can ​refuel vehicles/transfer ressources within a small radius without the need to dock Engineer needs to perform an right-click EVA action on the SRU as well as the vehicle to connect them heavy and expensive 3.75m carries no fuel by itself, can't store anything high up the tech tree allows for ressource transfer between connected parts/vehicles (if some graphical effect is desired: establishes tube between ressource tanks) base connection unit(BCU) must be deployed on a surface can connect base structures within a small radius around without the need to dock Engineer need Engineer needs to perform an right-click EVA action on the BCU as well as the modules which should be connected to it heavy and expensive 3.75m carries no ressources, can't store anything high up the tech tree allows for crew transfer between connected parts/vehicles/modules (if some graphical effect is desired: establishes connections between docking ports or crew hatches) maybe combine them in one part, since stock has no functionality like KAS or no ways to connect ground station modules wtih each other other then docking and docking on surfaces is not fun, i think something like this could be a good and relatively easy solution your thoughts?
  7. * access to all KSC buildings * show apo and per on maneuvernote setup *navball should stay open by default * right click menue in map view * staging in map view list updated integrated ideas from other posts in Suggestions and Development Discussion
  8. to op: this could work as some sort of tutorial guideline, a connected tutorial and after the last scenario you have all the evidence of your previous scenarious still around and are now going to enter career with some basic tech and knowledge already accomplished. i would love that as an introduction option in career for new players. This could also be a recipe for a good mod, combined with my ideas on science and funds. i would prefer something like this in stock, but a mod would also be a viable option for stuff like this
  9. warp-to was also broken when i had a soi change from kerbin to mun periapsis. same stuff happening as described above, timewarp completes and time jumps immediatly to 4 arrows after completion near periapsis.
  10. They really should make those pills illegal on kerbin
  11. Good info, although i would prefer having access to such customization ingame, and not via a cfg file, quality of life and such Good contracts btw. so far, i really enjoy them.
  12. did some more testing, here is the persistent file, craft file and quicksave file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bgetrb9ahdhw0nj/persistent.sfs?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/gprb5iik5ozmwpk/quicksave%20%235.sfs?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnqeuqikm5dtu7/SP-02%20Gecko.craft?dl=0 i ran the following test with the sp-02 gecko craft, you can found the craft already in lko in the save game, isn't craft-specific, per 74,616 apo 78,768 - arrows 4xgreen max time warp, raising apo, warp to per per 74,593 apo 120,552 - max time warp 5 green arrows, raising apo, warp to per per 74,585 apo 266,825 - max time warp 5 green arrows, raising apo, warp to per per 74,570 apo 360,167 - max time warp 5 green arrows, raising apo, warp to per per 74,556 apo 1,872,240(is rising!!!) - max time warp 6 green arrows, warp-to per is broken, jumps from 1 arrow to 4 after warp-to is complete apo continues to rise while ship is near per (1,872,500), , warp to apo, raising per per 101,758 apo 1,872,515 warp from apo to apo is working, peri nor apo is rising warp-to from apo to per, warp-to per is broken, apo continues to rise 1,872,515+ after this test i am sure it has either something to do with the raising apo or with the difference in warp factor, apo is climbing by it self, without engine burning, as soon as per<<<apo as it seems after this first test, i hope this is somewhat helpful - - - Updated - - - more information on the subject: raising my periapsis to 305,420 while apoapsis is 1,872,756(and rising while at periapsis) fixes warp-to from near periapsis(after burn) to near periapsis(before burn), apo is still rising, warp-to is working properly so i came to the conclusion that warp-to is broken if apo is much higher than peri, while the rising of of apo without engine burning is complete new to me
  13. that shouldn't even be a question, we are still talking about ksp, aren't we?
  14. I like your idea except of this. i love satellite contracts and want to fill kerbins soi with them I would prefer an option to deactivate certain contract types for certain bodies or an option to allow or disallow completion of a contract type(while allowing would lead to the results you suggested)
  15. * option to activate/deactivate certain types of contracts for certain bodies in mission control integrated ideas from other posts in Suggestions and Development Discussion
  16. i back this up, contracts should not vanish, maybe there could be an option to deactivate certain types of contracts for certain bodies, i personally like satellite contracts, as it is a major part for todays space agencies as well. kerbin is currently filling with satellites really nice keep in mind that not everyone want's to go beyond kerbin, mun and minmus, but more options regarding contracts, more contract types and monthly funds are definitely something i support
  17. well, it sucks being something official, you could never just say: "it looks cool, that's why!" i am by no means an expert, just speculating, but the good look of it is probably the main reason. i personally doubt that a thin gold layer is a decent protection against higher levels of radiation and the levels they do protect from probably won't build up to a dangerous amount of radiation in the body considering the time an astronaut spends on EVA. maybe it is mostly for dimming direct sunlight and a broader area of the electromagnetic spektrum?
  18. i voted 1.0.2., but i generally don't care at all. it's a gameplay environment and i treat it the same as every environment i encounter, whether in a game or in RL, i simply adept to it. and if certain things don't work anymore i change them and try something new, until my will is enforced upon the environment. i don't see the need to waste energy on this matter.
  19. i could live with a solution where it is up to the player whether to start with planes or basic rockets(rockets have been around long before planes, so it is arguably possible to invent flight as a result of rocket engineering). this could be achieved via basic plane parts or via selecting a gametyp with different techtrees, one focusing on planes, the other on rockets
  20. could be handled by being able to manually request the specific contract on a certain celestial body via the infoscreen in map view or via an additional option in mission control. i also added this suggestion in the QoL list i am currently making
  21. i am, since careers(science only) where first introduced, a career-only player and i am ok with the system, nevertheless are some things missing that would make the progression in career so much more fun in my opinion. as pointed out by many, career in it's current state is some grinding(which i don't care about, i love satellite and part testing contracts). i like the contract-system, but being forced to do contracts for private contractors all the time doesn't feel right and at some point it will get boring nevertheless. where is kerbalkind? where are the governments? i think a second source of income for science and funds would be perfect for career mode. there should be government funding and science income through planetary research. below is what i feel would be a great addition for career. Science income doing contracts and experiments (as it is now) slow income over time on a selected/random node by planetary research(originating from kerbalkinds universities, research groups, industry, and so on) timewarping science would be possible, yes, but limiting the amount to max 100 science(or less) a year should make this an unattractive and boring approach science over time could be boosted via a strategy tech-tree node progression could be boosted via strategy newstrategy: rush science reducesscience cost for tech-tree tiers significantly onlyone part of per node can be unlocked tounlock more parts in a node unlocked this way parts need to be paidwith science and funds changingstrategy does not effect nodes which where unlocked using thisstrategy Funds income doing contracts (as it is now) monthly income based on reputation, science unlocked, science conducted, flights in progress, flights succesful returned, government contracts/goals fullfilled monthly income could also be limited by not performing launches(decaying reputation), killing kerbals, crashing craft on kerbin, pending government contracts/goals monthly income could be boosted via strategy monthly income could be boosted if research over time node in tech tree(as mentioned under science) was completed using science from experiments monthly costs to counter the income, for example labor costs, maintainance, mission control for flights in progress, power consumption, pensions for relatives of killed kerbals,... costs and income could also be adressed via building-upgrades Reputation since managing and organizing a space program is a complex task, some developement to handle this aspect would be nice for example an additional small branch of the techtree costing reputation, funds and tiny amounts of science could improve administration(IA) of the program IA could lead to hiring kerbals for less money, support more flights/contracts, purchase unlocked parts for less funds, increasing monthly funds, ... if it would ever cost time to assemble something on the launchpad, IA could reduce the time, would only require some simulation mode to build and test craft as usual [*]more reputation could allow to make contracts with other agencies and grants access to other launchsites on kerbin(there are some as far as i know) [*]this contracts could require a monthly share on money and science implementing something like this and make it a slideroption for difficulty, some tweaking of the techtree and career would be perfect in my opinion. i know ksp is about rockets, not management and this is perfectly fine, but career offers a promise to me to play as a space agency struggeling to achieve what ever the goals are. but this aspect comes short and this is why people are upset about career i think. what do you think?
  22. who could blame her? i mean she is alone in the middle of nowhere with three guys... or she is holding her breath, since there is no face shield on her suit, someone in the planning staff screwed up big time, probably the dude with the sandwich from the release video
  23. i just unlocked all the 90 science nodes and one 160science node, i don't follow a specific strategy. i want to unlock docking ports next, to be able to set up bigger missions, and extendable solar panels, beside that, no clue.
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