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Herr Rictus Bingo

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Everything posted by Herr Rictus Bingo

  1. Some class type name for my launcher families like "Ajax" family (name from the ridiculous kitshy film Flash Gordon) for the others I used some Syfy author's name like Asimov or Clarke. Otherwise CM, CSM, LM are good enough
  2. The big G ! Oh yeah I love this alternative odd vessel Here's some pictures maybe could help you for "details" dunno Good oldies station
  3. The M14 a russian amphibious choppa
  4. Wow impressive works ! Keep going ! In your last pic, Bob is in Jool orbit maybe
  5. The center of Prague is marvellous ! The gigantic machine looks like a scrap-made from a post apo film
  6. Yeah Congrat for the new IVA, have you planned to ad more buttons/switch or it's a final version ?
  7. For the Apollo-Soyuz mission you can see the logo on this :
  8. Once month 'til the great moment !
  9. I don't know if it was already proposed but, view the results of the Poll for an orbital craft why not this weird bird
  10. There's a Buran in a Museum in Germany "Speyer" (Technik Museum Speyer).They bought it and completly restored it a long time ago. There is a various pieces of European and Russian spacecrafts there
  11. TF2 ! totally free on steam ! You just pay for hats, hats and hats again
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