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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Looks great Beale! And also for the new Antares, could we keep the parts for the old one as well? It's a useful and great looking tank.
  2. It's a picture of my cat sitting in front of my TV with doge meme captions? in Times New Roman around it saying much cat very purr such meow.
  3. 1/10 You lied. There is a wall in front of me. ARE YOU A WALL? Also that was HTML embedding which doesn't work here, just take the normal URL and paste it into the post and it will auto-embed.
  4. Tactical visor activated ELIMINATED TOPHEAVY11 ELIMINATED NEXT POSTER Who is the best Twitch streamer?
  5. Yo and nes. heroes Memes never die!
  6. That pyro is a spy! *soldier kills* *caps point* Blu wins. My map hill.
  7. 5/10 Old meme + Old meme This meme is older sir, but it checks out.
  8. It's you! The screen is a mirror. What am the sky?
  9. https://what-if.xkcd.com/6/ Waiter, Randall Munroe drew my soup!
  10. Sadly, no. @SQUAD Does my Reddit post get Play of The Game Fanwork Friday?
  11. Because why not! Why did I forget to add a question when I first posted this?
  12. Banned for reading stats wrong. It's 30 hours.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wxoggz6AkE* Fixed it for you! Now for mine:
  14. Banned for up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A You deorbited them. You mons-NERF THIS!
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