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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. They are cut because you deployed them while on fire. I launch an SSTO.
  2. 4/5 Lets me spy on everyone. Does not let me become delete master.
  3. Wait, what? Waiter, there's no fly in my fly soup!
  4. Seen you around but that's a new profile picture.
  5. Congratulations! PC gamer really likes your Stellaris mod!


  6. Nope. Kuzzter (respect for not mentioning)
  7. Not-sure-if-forum-or-Kerbal-Spacebook (1 word)
  8. It'll warm up sooner or later. Waiter! There's a (terrible Overwatch-related joke here) in my soup!
  9. It's this on my phone right now But it was this
  10. I blink forward twice then back behind you and empty a magazine? from my pulse pistol into you, then recall and finish you off. Tracer legoclone09 best 2k16
  11. By guessing. Who will play as Tracer in Overwatch while I'm not?
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