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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Nope never been there. I'd assume cold drinks would help though.
  2. Look at everything. I'm also going, but in August.
  3. Welcome back from Philmont!

    1. Spaceception


      Thanks :)

      It was hard, but it was also awesome!

  4. Start walking. Waiter, there's a pulse bomb in my soup!
  5. 40: Calling a Kerbal's last name 'Kerbal' as in Jebediah Kerbal.
  6. Happy 240th 'murica day something-th birthday. Same thing.
  7. That's just what my desktop looks like right now. Overwatch is fun.
  8. Happy 240th  'Murica day!

  9. I didn't see a thread for @Spaceception, though.
  10. Yeah, 'designer' is a word that lets you double the price. Same with gluten free/low fat/other buzzwords. It gets me mad, an Evike Airsoftcon T-shirt was advertised as 'designer' on the page. How is a t-shirt any different than a 'designer' t-shirt except in the name and price?
  11. And raving now, it's a great game. Only $4.5 also.
  12. Battlefield Bad Company 2. It's got a great campaign and active multiplayer.
  13. *gasp* It was never locked! Ted has failed his job!
  14. If you want life a little easier, try Kerbal Engineer for a Delta-V and TWR readout. Delta-V is how much you can change your velocity and TWR is your acceleration in gees.
  15. Why not auto-remove images from quotes and just say [image] instead, @KasperVld? That seems like it would be helpful.
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