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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. He ordered human soup. You'll be cooked soon. Waiter, I don't have soup!
  2. Banned for not being obliterated by the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
  3. Granted. It crashes on startup all the time. I wish to have moar money.
  4. Everything else is a dwarf planet. Why did I almost write drawer planet?
  5. 5/10 Non-unique ship company advertising.
  6. 9/10 TF2 Gifs. -1 because you said you were sleeping.
  7. I'm nearly there! After 14 months I need 250 more! HYPE!
  8. Granted. I eat it. I wish I had given Mycroft's pizza to him instead of eating it myself.
  9. 8/10 - Probably WAY more infractions than me (-2 points ), but everything else is awesome!
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