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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Is it everything's birthday right now? First Valve, then Linux, now the SNES! What more could I want? oh right half life 3
  2. If they mess up your name I think they will correct it. I think the current method is fine, every 24 hours would be mayhem for a forum.
  3. I can be Booster for upcoming launhes, but not Saturday. Sunday I likely can, provided it is past 2 PM EDT.
  4. Maybe some more 0.625m engines? Something a little more substantial than the Spark. Like a shrunk-down LV-T45.
  5. I've covered it up and you can safely go above it now.
  6. Personally, I must say Navball Docking Alignment Indication (way better than the GUI version, at least for me), then MechJeb just to see how to rendevous from experience and not a video, and then Bluedog Design Bureau which adds parts. Lots of parts, around 250 currently. Then if you want a bit more, Stock Visual Enhancements and Stock Visual Terrarin, but since I don't know how powerful your computer is, only get those if you have 8GB of RAM.
  7. Yeah, I do like it. I might try to see if I can get the textures like what @passinglurker has done, and if you want I can send it to you to upload for the mod.
  8. 3/10 Meh. I took the purple one. The orange pill was a placebo. Made you look, there is none.
  9. Also for mods I definitely recommend @CobaltWolf's Bluedog Design Bureau. It adds about 200 parts, and they look great.
  10. I was just looking at my Reddit front page and saw it. Then I remembered this thread and went to share it. https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/4zdkh2/astronomers_have_found_an_earthlike_planet/
  11. I think they released it or something. I saw something on Reddit in r/space about it. This is good. Someone said it might be in the top 5 closest to Earth planets (like similarity)
  12. Yeah, OMS pod at the back looks a little different. Well, it's still a LOT better than what I can do in the same-ish style.
  13. I'm in, right? Hope I am, if not, I'm in.
  14. Yeah, I've made a small mod before and it's been received nicely. I've got Blender and looked at lots of the tutorials, but I can't figue put animations or anything beyong the actual model itself.
  15. And make an ad for Leninade.
  16. Hey guys! I love making Mk1 SSTOs, but I can never do anything with them because I don't have a cargo bay. Would it be possible for somebody to make a cargo bay similar to the one in Ven's Stock Revamp but with Porkjet's textures? If you can, thanks very much!
  17. Wow! You've done really good! A few weeks after I got the game I was just making 2.5m rockets and crashing them everywhere. Ah, 0.21, that was a good time.
  18. We should make a motivation thread. Just to cheer people up!
  19. Would you be willing to help the Real Space Program make a website? The domain we want (realspaceprogram.com) is not taken.

  20. I made that because I remembered a meme like that. It's why I personally can't stand the news on for more than 5 minutes.
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