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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Banned for logging in just to ban people.
  2. Banned for not appreciating the 5 man rez.
  3. Gotta catch em all! Waiter, my soup just refilled after I finished!
  4. Banned for not being able to revive. https://streamable.com/2981
  5. So what's up? Anything goes, I don't care. The mods do, though.
  6. https://m.imgur.com/WjNk9st?r
  7. Yep, after visiting the KSC I realized it wasn't worthless. What vehicle has that downmass, 10 crew at a theoretical maximum, and has ~25 tonnes to orbit? Sure it was expensive, but it did all of that.
  8. Cool! Meanwhile I have some stupid 7x5x3 oak plank/log houses. At least they aren't 1 story cobblestone cubes.
  9. Chuck Why did you say Crye? As in CRYE Precision? My favorte gear manufacturer? This one? http://cryeprecision.com/ If so, awesome.
  10. Granted. You fall of a cliff and die. I wish to have infinite battery on my phone.
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