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Everything posted by TheReadPanda

  1. Just finished a landing on Minmus using this pod and IVA view with no F2 overlay the entire time. But we had some errors pop up and disable about half the moniters on landing. Still got the landing going. Have to say I think this is one of the best things I've ever gotten to use on stream and felt so much more like 'real'. I did find myself struggling with some of the controls but... I think if I used it regularly I would figure out most of them. Just wanted to say a huge thank you to the makers of this mod. -OakTree42
  2. After poking this with a sharp stick repeatedly, the issue was NOT that Val had died. The issue revolved around a 'cloned' kerbal on my minmus base that was causing an exception error when it tried to complete the 'roster' section of the astronaut complex. This clone issue /appears/ to be related to either KIS or some other mod I have in that when a kerbal tries to re-enter a pod it has them reenter but leaves a copy outside. This copy can cause huge errors in the system. That is what just happened. Typically I do not seem to have it happen unless the kerbal was part of a KIS/KAS function. I will be checking to see how that relates but with the 'cloned' kerbal removed everything else returned to normal pretty much instantly in my game, and I was unable to replicate the problem any other way. So for now I am attributing it to that, which while it does effect my mod seems like it would effect anyone's saved game if they had a cloned kerbal in this particular situation. Edit: Since KIS/KAS are not part of the AVC I was unaware there was an update on May 31st. It appears this update /should/ take care of this issue, at least that is what the support thread here indicates: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124315-Kerbals-cloning-themselves-when-entering-capsule In any case I have updated both KAS and KIS and will see if this resolves the issue going forward. Just wanted to update folks on the situation.
  3. So ran into my first really 'big bug' today. Val died on impact due to too few chutes and too little thrust in the waters of Kerbin. Now she should have shown up as MIA but not only did she not show up as MIA but... suddenly the tool bar was showing up in the astronaut complex, and I was getting out of range errors. Now I did death tests with non-big four kerbals in my testing phase without issue. So now I have to isolate this problem. Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone using this mod that there may be an issue here that could break your save. I was able to 'undo' the damage by modifying the persistant save file and changing her status from 'dead' to Available for now, but will try to isolate the problem and fix it in a hopefully soon to come update.
  4. The official trait in the code is BadS I believe but yes, 'badass' however as I try to keep everything I do 'family friendly' I used 'fearless'. I would rather use 'brains' than stupidity but I stuck with stock on that. Basically in the hidden trait it means they seem to get more excited when things are shake-y or scary or high 'risk' as the computer determines it. And yes, both Val and Jeb have this trait by default. It is roughly 10% likely to have it on new kerbals in stock.
  5. I got some great help from other modders and while I did not use their code I also found great insight into how the code worked by looking at many other coder's work. However a LOT of what I found out was by much trial and error as I could not find much documentation about some areas of this kind of mod. Simply put this is an area that has been under-utilized when it comes to modding. So I am REALLY happy to hear that my code has helped in any way and I am absolutely of a mind that anything you see in my code, if it helps? Go for it! Now if you copy/paste large sections of my code as my license says, please credit me, but other than that? Go for it! Please let me know what kind of mod you are making and when it comes out. I have had requests to improve the 'sorting' ability of the actually hired kerbals. And I know several mod makers have talked about making other types of kerbals or changing the kerbal skills system around.... So what kind of mod are /you/ making?? Inquiring minds want to know! Also for anyone else out there? You might find insight into how to change other areas of the various complex scenes in my code or insight in how kerbals are created if you need that as well.
  6. AH HA!!!!! That's got to be it. I had to re-install some mods and I use DDS4KSP And I bet money it converted the agent to a DDS. Let me test this and get back to you. Sorry, I should ask, agent image... I realized your images are not at issue as they weren't converted already... Where should I be looking? Sorry if I sound dumb here... Edit: Ha, found them, agencies. So swapped them all back, and let's see how it works. Already having better luck and at least the contracts now show. Oddly now that error vanished that I first had!! So you have helped me recover this save game file. I do see you updated your mod, but this one thing seemed to be the entire cascade that started my issue. The problem is gone and the contracts are showing again. Thank you VERY much. My twitch watchers probably thank you as well... as this was my core career save for my twitch stream.
  7. The top of the error box actually says: Contract Configurator 1.2.5 Exception... so pretty sure I'm on 1.2.5. I'm not getting an actual dump or do you just want the load log? I'll see what I can do. I also got an error about VCTScenario in the Debug Console followed bu a large number or 'ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Error generating contract. Followed by NullRef exceptions but then a arguemnt out of range parameter name is: index. If that is of help? Here seems to be the relevant part of the log file: I have gotten this /after/ reupdating (re-installing if you will) Contract Configurator, scansat, scansat contract pack lite, and remote tech contract pack... If that helps either.
  8. Anyone have a clue why I am getting: Exception occured while attempt to generate contract of type 'Biome': System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract.Generate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  9. I experienced today for the first time ever a thing where I transfered a kerbal from one part of a minmus base to another... and they just 'vanished'. Happened a few times, all using ship manifest kerbal transfers. Anyone else have this happen? Is this a known anything or other? later I was able to make it work okay so it seemed to be isolated, but thought I should mention it.
  10. Yes, it seems default doesn't have/need me to do anything. So if folks want to include this, they should feel free. But I am not embedding any hooks to it in my core code at the moment.
  11. Apparently I did not include the CKan Ref file some how... my bad. I will add it in the next update, which hopefully will be in the next day or two. I /did/ fix an AVC issue and I have also fixed the VAB/SPH issue. Additionally now if you have MIA or KIA kerbals it raises the cost but only of kerbals in that career. After all why should you pay more for a scientist just cause all of your pilots seem to some how go missing?? The default math is: Each MIA raises cost of that career by 5%. Each KIA raises cost of that career by 10%. Additionally I have been told that there really is no way to modify appearances? Not without adding another mod to the mix. So... I guess we're done on that trail for the moment. I hope to look into adding a 'creative' mode that allows 0 to 5 and free cost at an option for even career mode. I also am looking into adding a 'cattle call' kind of mode where you set some basic parameters, pay a fee and a list of applicants that sort of match your request show up and you can either pay a new fee to make new kerbals show up or you can hire any of the kerbals that do show. That second bit will take some doing. So don't look for that right away.
  12. Thanks, I already create new kerbals, even on a loop until the career matches the desired selected career. Thanks for the info on the UTaR. UTaR seems to be some what random from kerbal to kerbal. Do you have any idea of what parameters are used to normally generate this value? Perhaps I will dig to see if I can find any new references to this in the C-Sharp api hook now that I know it relates to respawn.
  13. So for MKS/OKS the current math from the source file seems to be as follows: Kerbalfactor = kerbal experience level / 2 If this is less than 0.1 then make it 0.1 (Zero level kerbals are worth 0.1, not 0) Robo, or no kerbals, are worth 0, no using MKS/OKS without kerbals. If it is an engineer then take that value and x 1.5 If it is a scientist then take that value and x 1.0 And if it is a pilot then take that value and x 0.5. This results in: Level 0 pilot = 0.05 Level 0 scientist = .1 Level 0 engineer = .15 Up to: Level 5 Pilot = 1.25 Level 5 Scientist = 2.5 Level 5 Engineer = 3.25 Now there is also a happiness value and a workspace value. As RoverDude's well commented file indicates this is a function of: - Workspaces - 25% of crew cap (People are happy with more space?) - ACtive MKS Module count - Crew in actual module - All kerbals in crew total - Efficiency parts Note that as far as I can tell there is NO call to stupidity/Courage or BadS traits in MKS/OKS at this time. I was mistaken on that. Only EPL seems to call those at the moment.
  14. I am uploading a fix to the SPH/VAB access now. It will be on Kerbal Stuff and GitHub in the hour, and will be listed as version 0.1.2. I have been told I am being silly about appearances as they all actually look the same other than the big four.... is this something anyone can verify? If true I can stop trying to figure out what the ToD and UTaR relation to the kerbals is. Also if anyone knows what that field is storing? I'd love to know... Next upgrade I'm looking at to this is the cost increase based on MIA/KIA kerbals of each career type. I have the core code in place already. After that it is the level limitation tied to kerbal at the complex on planet combined with the level of the complex itself... So have more to do but wanted to release this fix to the Space Plane hanger and VAB access to the facility as soon as I could. -OakTree42 http://www.twitch.tv/oaktree42/ Note to self: Don't try to update version files with very little sleep. Should be okay now but I had to set the version to 0.1.3 to make Kerbal Stuff happy I guess. Should be good now I hope.
  15. Should clarify, I am well aware of what a double type is. I just mean that the range the game uses seems significantly less than a full double range.
  16. So the protoCrewMember UTaR field is directly related to (ie is) the same as the ToD field for a kerbal in the persistant save file. This /seems/ to be how a kerbal appearance is defined but I can not find anything other than it is a 'double' as reference for valid ranges, and what kind of effects various values have. I am not even entirely sure this is what I think it is as my testing didn't show any appearance changes I could specifically determine. If the UTaR/ToD field is not related to the appearance of each kerbal as it seems to be relatively unique, does anyone know (can they tell me?) what this field is and what attribute /does/ effect the randomized appearance of kerbals? I would very much appreciate this as I am trying to apply this to my existing mod that hires kerbals and to this point I can not figure out how to randomize their appearances in a way that is noticeable? Thanks very much in advance. People in this forum have been incredibly helpful so far!! -OakTree42
  17. In theory and in practice from what I can tell, stupidity is 'bad', so the higher it is the less efficient your kerbals should be. Be sure that you aren't comparing pilots and engineers at the same time. I know MKS/OKS gives a massive multiplier boost to Engineers over Pilots for example, a big enough boost that it would overcome any difference in stupidity I believe. I shall double check the source code on MKS/OKS and EPL tonight to make sure I have this right. If not I shall correct the mod ASAP. Also hope to make a few other changes in the next day or two as streaming time allows. In particular I want to fix the VAB/SPH access bug (right now it goes to the old complex if you enter from there). I also really really want to get it so that the star rating of the available kerbals of that career type cap the level for that career (at -1) so that having a level 2 pilot would cap your new pilots to level 1 while the pilot trainer was there for them. Other things that have been mentioned is the ability to sort the active roster. I'm looking into that but as I mentioned before that would require changing another core part of the complex. I may do it yet but it is lower priority. Please note that as for names I have carefully set it so that if you remove my mod your kerbal careers will not change. The names match the career types, which is how KSP tests for some kerbal's career. -OakTree42 http://www.twitch.tv/oaktree42/
  18. Right now the kerbal name is tied to the career so there is no way to let the player 'choose' the name. I'll see if I can think of something here though. What about a system where you hit a button and it pulls up three kerbals with stats /near/ what you requested? So you can pick from say three (each name shown along with stats). So you don't get the exact stats you want but you get a range of things near your desired stats? I can also see the fearless trait being random again, not just a yes/no but I do think that you should be able to see it if it will effect some mods... as it does in some efficiency math. I'll see what I can think up, but with streaming it may be a week or two until I can nail down that kind of change. - - - Updated - - - There might be, in fact I am sure there is, but it would involve over-writting the right hand side of the astronaut complex, something I do not do at this time. If I were to do this I might overwrite the entire center and redo the entire interface from scratch, but I'm afraid that is a bigger project than I want to take on at this moment, if just because Squad has indicated they are making some serious UI changes as they shift to Unity 5.0 and I kind of would like to wait and see what those UI changes are first as it may mean redoing everything from scratch at least UI side (Even what I have done already potentially). So I think that might be a neat thing, able to organize by various means, such as who is in what SOI or the like. I would like to add a 'training' area as well, where you can train up kerbals rather than just hiring them fully trained. But again, want to wait until I see what is coming down the pipe with the UI changes in the shift to Unity 5.0....
  19. Thanks for the heads up, link added to the first post in thread via edit.
  20. Yes, it creates a kerbal, checks it against the profile requested, then if it doesn't match immediately removes it and tries again. It is designed to hopefully not leave any extra kerbals in memory. Was tricky as I tried a lot of different ways but ended up having to use brute force or use crew roster method of overriding things and I really wanted to make it so that if you removed my mod nothing you made would change on you. So while it is a bit 'brute force' it did work. And usually only takes a few 'loops' to get the right kerbal type. - - - Updated - - - RoverDude you and EPL were in part what inspired me because of the efficiency checks based on courage, stupidity and such. I think/hope it is a nice addition to allow colonization with MKS/OKS. Without it hiring enough kerbals for a real colony was becoming almost impossible. This still costs money but is far more reasonable I think...
  21. Updated mod, added AVC and Mini-AVC, uploaded it to KerbalStuff: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/871/KSI%20-%20Placement%20Services Current version: 0.1.1 Change log: Added additional Debug Log messages Streamlined some of the 'create a kerbal' code to remove redundant method calls. Added a loop check to see how many kerbals had to be created behind the scenes to fit the requested career type. (Message should show in debug log). Currently working on: Fixing the appearance of the kerbals so they don't all like alike by gender. Fixing the fact that accessing the Astronaut complex by the SPH and VAB bypasses my mod.
  22. Bug should be fixed. Files updated. Fixed a placeholder text field that was displaying when a kerbal was created as well, and moved this into the debug log instead. If anyone sees any other new bugs please let me know! I will be checking back here a lot for a while.
  23. Found the bug, trying to isolate and fix now. Thanks for the heads up, Joshwoo69.
  24. Thanks to RabidNinjaWombat for making the toolbar icon transparent background wise. Icon has been updated.
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