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Everything posted by Zarpar

  1. I can't appear to get this code to work. I've got all the right imports added and compiled it to a dll placed in GameData/PluginName but keep getting the error EDIT: Fixed now, I was compiling for .NET 4.0 instead of 3.5.
  2. I posted on the Addon Dev forums about this and got some help there, just testing the code someone came up with and will polish it. I'll update here with progress.
  3. Wow this is detailed, thanks. You ok with me building on this for a full mod, with credit to you for the prototype? EDIT: Also, what is a UIPartActionFloatRange?
  4. I was essentially trying to research whether this was possible.
  5. I'll do some research but this shouldn't be too hard. Did you want it as a toggle on the existing part or has a whole new part? I can't really model a part.
  6. I've done a bit of research and posting a question on the Addon Development help sub forum pertaining to this but I can't currently find an easier way to edit the built-in options in a part's right-click menu.
  7. This examples appears to add something to the right-click menu, whereas I want to edit a built-in option. I'll clarify it in the OP.
  8. As the title says, I was wondering whether it is possible to edit the right-click action menu of parts when in the VAB and in-flight. Thanks EDIT: To clarify, I want to edit one of the built-in options in the right-click menu.
  9. Installing the mod with the latest version of ModuleManager seems to get it to work to some degree in 1.0, I just need paint masks for all the new parts. Not sure about the bugs though, I'm not very good at shader coding.
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