Hi there! I'm not sure this topic is the right place, so if you know a better one, please let me know.
I see a strange behavior of Action Groups and VAB upgrades. But it also applies to stock game(v1.12.3), I checked it with no mods.
My observations from stock game:
VAB lvl1 you cannot use ActionGroups since menu is not there. VAB lvl2 It says you can only use basic ActionGroups. As I remember when I played a couple years back, it means you can only use groups like gear, brakes, light, etc. But now when I select a part, I can assign custom groups 1-0 as well. Custom groups work fine in flight. VAB lvl3 it says you can use custom groups and it works like in lvl2.
I am posting it here, cause I installed Custom Barn Kit for my unkerballed start career. And as I remember, action groups were available from the very lvl1(SPH).
Am I doing smth wrong? What is the expected availability of ActionGroups in stock and modded game?