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Everything posted by LightStrikeBoom

  1. I am not sure on this idea, but would it be possible to delay the first patch till these issues are fixed since I think they are critical?: Camera not focusing on the current ship/thinking other parts are still attached. Decouplers often not working. Vessel Randomly Being Destroyed(I got a save where whenever my ship tries to land on eve the camera treats a few procedural wings from the first stage, that have been following the whole mission, as a part of the craft and tries to focus on all of them, but it appears that once the main craft gets too far away from the camera it just gets destroyed, or the game says it is). I haven't built any crafts yet that risk running into this bug myself but I have seen a lot of people talking about or running into the fuel crossfeed bug. I just think it would be nice to fix those before releasing the patch if that isn't planned already to make it easier for people to return to the game if they were having issues with the bugs from the first version. Sorry if I just missed some stuff mentioning these issues or if it will be added to the patch notes already.
  2. I am not sure what causes it but often when building planes the wing control surfaces will work backwards at least visually, though sometimes making the plane unable to fly correctly without inverting them. I think it is more likely when adding multiple sets of wings though it sometimes happens with only one set. I am not sure if this guess is correct, but I think it sometimes is the wings getting confused about their position on the craft and whether to change direction by creating drag or pushing the air another direction. I was having issues putting in a screenshot but when trying to make my craft fly up on non-inverted wings, the main wings angle the control surfaces downwards creating drag in the wrong direction with the wings not being in a position to push the air another direction. On atleast 1 plane the effect was so strong I had to invert the wings or else the SAS wouldn't work and I would have to press the opposite button I intended.
  3. In KSP we have Space Crafts and Planes it has lots of water but we cant really go explore it. It would be nice if we could have submarines with special engine and pod types. I know currently there isn't much in the sea so you could add some coral or easter eggs under the water. The sub engines would basically be propellers under water. The submarine parts will have a setting for buoyancy level determining if it should sink or float overall. The submarine has a set of parts for it you get engines, fueltanks, and pods, with parts to weigh your craft down. You wouldn't get too much science under water but you would get some and when going eva with a kerbal, while swimming ctrl and shift should make you go up or down. For this to work the water will need alot of changes like : Better underwater effects, A bottom view of the sea like when your in a pool and see the waves upsidedown, Less light the farther down you go, Water Pressure, Compressed ores at the bottom, 3D underwater light models, Water not being like concrete mainly softer for impacts, A part that is only in the code that removes all water in your ship testing for all around where it can spread and where water can get in(like an air bubble to not have the inside of you place filled with water or water come through walls), Coral(always rendered no matter what settings unless its farther than 3 km or more than a setting for max amount being 20-unlimited(mainly 100,000) and it would be very tall being able to hide ships in it).
  4. Its a editor screen that works for making parts you get limited options and textures its mainly resizing and shaping another part the mass and lift and fuel amounts in automatically calculated. Changing objects in like making a fairing but being able to move sideways too. Each part has like bones like blender does and you can move dots and set how many to move the part so you could make curved M-Beams by moving the top. You can choose which axes to move a part or grow it by. This would really help with rocket making. Parts like the Structural Panels have 8 starting change points which you can use to remove parts of them and make slopes. When a part being made reaches a certain size it becomes multiple breakable points so you can just have a whole ship made of Metal so a super long M-Beam could be broken into 3 small ones. In career mode it costs alot to make parts mainly twice the cost of the materials making it. The editor would be its own building that is small and men't for forging it can be upgraded to allow more max custom parts and ends with unlimited. P.S. Squad can I be able to model cities for Kerben because you don't want them but what if I make them for you? Would they be able to be added then I only know how to model and texture not code, but it would be nice not being on a planet with almost no life.
  5. Exept for 90% of the physics being disabled this was a non complex way to do it.
  6. I thought of a way for timewarp to warp with physics but not lag. The system would be multiplying : Crash Resistance, Speed, Gravity On Ship, Air Resistance, Rotation Speed, Power Generation Speed. Then Divide : I forget oops(I have a bad memory but you need to divide something, I think it might be the trajectory speed or something) Each by the Time Warp Value Set and Each part would also timewarp any other part within 15 meters of it(Only If your in Multiplayer which the config can change that). This would allow timewarping with rotation and not floating through parts and also be able to use while falling or using thrust. I am not that good at writing so it could be better. This would be very nice for KSP.
  7. I know but KSP physics doesn't allow it and also its super laggy with lots and lots of parts.
  8. A new part that when activated through right clicking opens a gui setting its rotation speed and auto torque saying how fast it rotates and its made of carbon fiber which for it costs $1000 per ton. Its a procedural part with setting as thickness, length, center width(how wide the center hole is), it has 50 electric charge per ton and the torque of 2 Advanced Large S.A.S.'s per ton, this part is men't for advanced space travel. It needs a lot of physics changes to Kerbals and rovers to work like allowing them to walk and stay on it in time warp. This is the only part that can rotate in timewarp automatically, it uses 1 electric charge per second each ton to rotate at full power. Sense this part is so big, you would be able to move rockets outside which adds 5% on to the whole rocket cost. The part has settings for if the center should have super strong reinforced glass protecting it making an air lock and what material the inside part is made of like grass or water also it should have animals in K.S.P. I know it said it was not or shelved but it would allow lots of more things in it. The part is super complex and in career it is the last thing to unlock, It can have certain parts on the inside lowered and raised for maybe like grass hills and it has a sea level thickness level setting so if you lower the land it could have lakes. This part would be very fun to have in the game and be very useful for long waits and space stations, the sea level is a separate object in unity and has super complex coding with could be used for the normal Kerben and other liquid oceans/lakes, if the material is grass each pod has a setting for seeds which Kerbals can plant which also comes with new types of powerful lights men't for lighting up the whole place. The part has 85 crash resistance. The Water could float around if the gravity is lower than 0.05G, turning into multiple entities/objects with distorted models each for 2 pieces for each 1 ton of water, The glass can also be stained and each Kerbal has a right click function called plant seed which only works on that part. On land of Kerben or other planets with plants it would say "This place already has plants and has no need for more.",(Mainly so it doesn't have lag issues). I hope to see this added sense I needed it a lot for my space stations and other people might want it too for their's. Sorry for the bad order I am not that good at grammar.
  9. They are but heavy and hard magnetic shoes would mainly be dragging across the floor as long as it doesn't hit an edge you would have to leave the shoes on the ground to get off you could have them but it would cost a fortune for the building process mainly giant compactors and they would weigh alot like 100 pounds so maybe only being able to use them in certain places smooth enough to overcome friction.
  10. I want to be an inventor and I have some designs that would be good for KSP : 1. Magnetic Pod(I have suggested this before but with almost no detail) It has a steering wheel held by magnetism also the pod is super expensive with the most torque and power is also is very clean but heavy : http://imgur.com/BHDJSnq. 2. Magnetic Space Suits(as an option when selecting kerbals) they attract them to nearby ships. 3. Magnetic Gloves, so a kerbal can grab on to any part of a rocket. 4. Magnetic Wheels, so you can drive rovers through space ships. 5. Optional Magnetic Shoes for kerbals allowing them to walk in space ships. 6. Retractable Magnetic Parachutes(they have small amounts of metal in them and super strong magnets at the bottom), they are slow but can be reused. 7. Some parts having metal in them as a option but it adds to the mass(for the ones without metal). This is all I have for now bye.
  11. For 16. they would make a short one but it wont last long at all I ment explosion of debrees and a shockwave
  12. Rath only parts of it are gold not all like just a line or 2 on the sides of the runway. Second Comment(ment to be a new one but I accidently added it to the same reply:D) : Sorry I just didn't have to much time and am not that good at grammer also funny profile picture.
  13. I have suggestions for KSP I recently started playing career mode and I got some suggestions from it too. 1. Ways to earn money just from launching a ship and how good it does so you don't always need to test science experimental parts. 2. Upgraded Space Center Buildings like one super expensive allowing unlimited parts and weight but also a lot larger and stronger so when you launch a rocket it takes a lot more to destroy it, it would basically be made for giant ships maybe a new 5 meter part the launch pad would also look really good and have some reflective golden supports it also would have a really detailed collider so you could walk into it, it also have a working water tower that activates each time after you launch choosing the amount of water based on how much your rocket ways, the runway would be steel with diamond or gold sides with a small ramp at the end it would also extend out over the ocean the upgrades for space planes/rockets would cost 9,500,000 money. The Tracking Center upgrade would cost 5,000,000 it would be gigantic and could track a rockets orbit no madder how far away it is and stops parts from vanishing when over 2.5km or around that distance away and you can see rockets infinatly out so if you launch one that escapes the solar system you can see it no madder how far away it is, it also allows you to have better render distance from a ship so like when its super large but far you can see all of it not only part of it within render distance(I saw this in a modded game with a super giant ship surrounding the planet half of it was invisible/to far to render). The Research facility when upgraded allows you to not need at much research and you get lots more science parts for like analyzing a whole planet from any angle in orbit even seeing its layers of material not just normal ore, it would cost 4,250,000 to upgrade to with lots for decoration and radiation painted pillers(radiation from the science a kerbal gets when the goo starts to glow and they say it would be fun to paint a rocket with this). The astronaut complex when upgraded allows you to time warp walking kerbals with a specific destonation so it doesn't take forever to walk a long distance they also can run faster, hold on to ladders better, hold parachutes when falling, take their helmet off when in a fine atmosphere, they can run/swim faster and don't trip as easily, it would cost 4,500,000. The Mission Control would cost 4,750,000 and would allow sas to control super good, have it watch how much fuel you have and be able to hold you ship in a specific location relative to its orbit or altitude on the ground(it would help for getting a kerbal into a hover craft while its flying). All others would just be stronger, larger, look better. 3. Animals like Kerben birds, cats, and more. 4. Ways to remove parts from staging like fairings for decoration. 5. More ways to decorate ships. 6. Ways to make artificial gravity in space crafts that spin(mainly physics improvements). 7. Propellers for helicopter designs or lifting rockets up some use fuel and are very strong, others use electric charge but are not as strong, they both need intake air. 8. More modding tutorials(I can never find a working one). 9. More terrain objects like 3d collideable trees and forests, also better land texture changes like from grasslands to beach. 10. Being able to have air in space stations like if you cut off all holes from space and if the parts can handle the pressure it would be hard but can be done 11. A type of Sas being able to turn on/off or change engine power 12. Roads from the space center connecting to nearby watch places connected to it, mainly other research spots or rocket/plane launching spots mainly for environment ships or getting orbits at certain places not just along the equator or north access. 13. Parts having 3 models but only 1 of all together used unless an object comes within 15 meters heading super fast straight for it so when it hits the part can split. 14. Magnetic Engines(ones that can help get the ship off the metal launch mad or launch part farther). 15. Magnetic Pods(I want to be an inventor so this is one of my designs a sphere in the pod that has one spring but otherwise uses magnets to stay in place so if pushed forward would move forward if rotated steers if moved sideways goes sideways, it is made of lots of small magnets all pointing in one direction to keep it north or sound on all sides). I think that was a little much "()". 16. Rare temparary worm holes allowing you to be sent to a random location the worm holds are randomly spawned and last 1 to 80 kerbal space program days astroids can come through them they arn't that big but some can swallow the largest astroids on the other side normally is giant astroid debree ones so large that they attract gravity they are randomly generated as they come within 500,000 km of your ship, some would be white with medal like trees sticking out of them like spikes, ships can link to them and set up space centers, some of them glow as if they were from some other galaxy they go really fast and all have gravity the biggest can be about half the size of minimus with such unique surface and gathering huge amounts of science, you could travel to them its like a distant 5,000,000,000km to 5,050,000,000km astroid sphere filled with like endless exploring, the worm holes are quite common around minimus for unknowns reasons and when formed rarely can split an atom of when a ship crashed into them making nuclear explosions there is always aleast 1 around minimus they can be found with a highly upgraded tracking center due to high energy amounts. When a worm hole is formed a huge blast of electricity is blasted temperarly malfunctioning nearby ships. In Sandbox mode they can be spawned in with alt f12. When 2 astroids collide it makes a huge explosion that can blow other ships away. These are all my suggestions for now I forget the rest also done delete this thread for saying this but you should allow other solar system and planet suggestions it would be really good this that part is optional well they all are but you know what I mean. I hope you like these suggestions. Also can you add a kerbal scientist face to the forum. I went a little over board on some of the suggestions just because I liked them so much.
  14. I have Lots of Suggestions for Multiplayer: 1. Ships cannot time warp when within 5K of another ship that isn't theirs and isn't still for over 3 minutes 2. Ship Modes like, 1: Ships being able to connect to yours but not drive it,2: can connect other ships, no drive, can transfer fuel,(3: them working like checkboxes) 3. Ships on launch pad are deleted after not moving for over 5 minutes and if in career get that persons money back from it. 4. Better ways for walking in ships and talking to other people. 5. Ranks for Staff or Admin in a Spectator like mode as an option to watch others. 6. Commands for specific ranks like admin or owner like /stp cords {player} {ship} (teleports the ship)/ban or /kick /unban /mute /tempban 7. Custom Flags for players to plant that can be set by owners so only 1 flag design so only1 player can use that flag but they can only choose one unused flag only admins can set that as a gamerule(I play M.C. alot so sorry if it sounds to close to it you can change it) 8. Server Pictures and a way to seach all servers for popular currently hosted ones 9. A server hosted by Squad 24/7 for everyone to play
  15. I have lots and lots of new part ideas for KSP. 1. CRC(Cordinate Retain Controller(you can change the name)), Press U to activate it has 5 sizes the bigger is the faster and more power usage it also moves the wings and engines to hold the ships hight and more(you can select which directions it controls in the SAS method, foward/backward,left/right,up/down) 2. A super lite procedural part that looks like a fairing but can link around parts and can be used for making a blimp, it also can have its color changed like the lights 3. A procedural wing that has toggle able fuel settings, also with it mainly a procedural wing set mainly everything that goes with the wing catigorie 4. A External Fuel Duct with crossfeed to both connections 5. Pods, SAS, Landing Gear, Batterys, Air intanks, RCS Tanks, Jet Engines, and cargo bays for the kerbodyne tanks 6. Procedural nose cone parts 7. Better controlling of giant ships(with more computer pods) 8. Flexable parts 9. Engine Rotators, a gear that can rotated engines and parts and also and be toggled to be controlled by a SAS or my CRC idea, it can be rotated infinatly far aslong as it doesn't hit anything, speed, max or min distance(if toggled), and acceleration can be set but used more power the larger(accept for max distance) 10. Fuel Drill, can drill the power and any type of fuel out of a fuel tank, can be handy if you forgot docking ports or a fuel tank fell off while in space 11. Procedural Lights with color, size, rotation, width, length, hight, distance, light widith/hight/length, shape(circle, square, triangle, pentagon(up to an octagon)) 12. Rope ladders(Are Procedural for the length) 13. Procedural Glass(for a window or a view) 14. Procedural SAS 15. Heavy Procedural Parts(for changing the center of mass) 16. Lot of ways and parts to decorate your ship 17. Procedural Landing Struts 18.
  16. no its not your just using small parts for the medium landing gear also the medium helps with larger plains too there could be a landing gear for the really tiny parts though.
  17. I like it but the currents ones for me are best maybe having 2 types of fairing 1 normal and 2 this.
  18. I have ideas for more places to go in KSP : 1. another solar system thats gravity caused the kerben system and it, to orbit eachother in a circle like a dance so they are right next to eachother 2. a large bright toxic planet located 1,000,000,000 meters from the kerben sun in a fast orbit where 1 year on it is 48 hours(and a day is 56 hours), it is 3 times bigger than kerben but has no moons or atmosphere 1 side is super hot and the other is super cold, its name is SeeLevu(made up can be changed), its color is red and mostly in the day is lava with rock islands and freezing obsidian land at night(a ship that lands would have to keep moving because the lava would destroy it). 3. a planet is the other solar system which is 1/16 the size of the kerben sun and has a huge atmosphere that a kerbal can float towards the top of it but will be crushed any lower, it has land very deep down, its color is bright green with a blue surface, you can choose the name. 4. class f-z astroids and m-z you can walk on in the astroid belt.
  19. This suggestion is for things like well let me just show you : 1. a wheel(uses electricity, and its speed can be choose when making) that rotates that you can place parts on and can be toggled(allows fuel crossfeed) 2. a gear(uses electricity, and its speed can be choose when making) which can be rotated to certain angles by right clicking(opens a gui), staging, or using actions(allows fuel crossfeed) 3. a flexable part that can bend and can have its length adjusted and how much it bends adjusted(has fuel crossfeed) 4. a rope ladder which length can be adjusted and it takes awhile to retract based on length. 5. a flexable caged ladder that can work like a docking port that kerbals can craw through without a space suit on(its length can be set). I hope this gets added it allows so much more to be done with ships:)
  20. These are suggestion for bigger parts for the larger fuel tanks : 1. a 2.5m and a 3.5m R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine 2. a 2.5m and a 3.5m turbo and normal jet engine 3. two larger type of air brakes for 2.5m and 3.5m parts 4. another larger wing connector 5. another larger station upgrade for a super strong runway and 5.0m parts(for super far space travel or grabbing a class z astroid(if ever added in the W.I.P. Astroid belt)) 6. 2.5m and 3.5m air intanks 7. a pod for the round 3.5m fuel tanks that holds up to 5 kerbals 8. 2.5m and 3.5m Xenon fuel tanks with a 1.25m and 2.5m and 3.5m engines for it 9. 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.5m round PB-NUK's 10. larger drills and smaller drills for all the meters 11. a S.A.S. for all sizes 12. a R.C.S. for all sizes 13. cargo bays for all the sizes I hope you like these suggestions.
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