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Everything posted by ZentroCatson

  1. Banned for having five dot things. R.I.P green rep bar
  2. 1418: Two guys are debating over the speed of swallows and their ability to carry coconuts. You decide to go to the next floor incase the killer bunny comes along.
  3. No, the soup is sitting inside an exosuit. Don't forget the difference between an exosuit and a cyborg! Waiter, there's mountain dew and doritos in my soup!
  4. Dis is a knoaf! *terrified alligator screaming* The frightened alligator flees and attacks the next poster.
  5. Luckily I'm wearing an exosuit. I punch the next poster with my exosuit arms!
  6. That's a pretty rare sight. Waiter, there's a dead rat in my soup!
  7. Well, someone has to cut your beard… Waiter, there's an unladen african swallow in my soup!
  8. When your dog learns to pilot MEKA. (Wich is never) Why is a dog with pink thingies on its face funny?
  9. My CIWS cannons shall get rid of that foul brick! I throw an egg at the next poster.
  10. You know what they say? A pilot never dies, he just doesn't come back. That also applies to astronauts. And KSP devs/community managers/whatever. I wish you luck on your future adventures.
  11. I would explore this universe, we haven't even really started exploring it! Probes can do only so much… Would you rather have to use the old pre-Porkjet spaceplane parts or not get the rocket parts revamp?
  12. Do you want some black holes to your soup? Waiter, my soup is using foul language!
  13. ?/10 I don't get it If you're going trough hell, don't forget to teach the devil orbital mechanics!
  14. I'm definitely interested in this movie! I really hope it'll come to swiss cinemas, otherwise I won't be able to watch it. Actually, I didn't understand half of the english in the trailer American english spoken in the USA is almost another language!
  15. Very nice looking mod, I'm exited to see more of it A suggestion from my side would be an implementation of interstellar fuel switch so you won't have to do more tanks and can focus on the more interesting parts. That's only a suggestion, of course. If you'd like to make methane tanks, sure, go ahead! Anyways, good luck with your mod and keep up the good work!
  16. 3/10 That pun is so lame… Quoted from @cantab.
  17. ERROR 404: LOGIC NOT FOUND I wish for another week of holiday.
  18. Quickly, get some duct tape so we can seal it! Waiter, there's a duck swimming in my soup!
  19. Banned for your location being random so I can't find you.
  20. Nope, don't even mention Wink… he gives me such headaches… @legoclone09? You failed at summoning me, but can I summon you?
  21. You could probably make a comet texture for stock asteroids and make them spawn in highly eccentric orbits like real life comets. I'm sure there are enough modding tools to make this possible. Try asking in the add-on discussion, maybe some modder will get interested… I personally would love to make a comet mod, but I lack texturing and programming skills
  22. You mean Maximus97, right? Waiter, there's a Glaurung in my soup!
  23. Granted, it only comes out for console. I wish for a lll swear words to be forgotten.
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