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Everything posted by ZentroCatson

  1. Banned for having the color purple in your avatar.
  2. Banned for thinking that Dres doesn't exist.
  3. Granted, McCree shoots you from behind. I wish for McCree to get a watch so he'll stop saying that its high noon when its not high noon.
  4. Banned for writing Overwatch wrong.
  5. I deflect the stream of bullets at the next poster using my sword, just like Genji!
  6. 6/10 Mastering Tracer is quite difficult, but why did you only play 6 minutes as Mei? Mei is one of the best Overwatch heroes, y'know.
  7. Ovrwatch: you have to watch over a bunch of Ovrs, a type of cyborg sheep, while defending them against other players in epic multiplayer battles!
  8. Banned for having three of the number six in your name.
  9. It looks tasty, so why don't you eat it? Waiter, there's a living pigeon in my soup!
  10. Because cats like moving dots! Am I a cat or a cow?
  11. Luckily I'm a cat (even tough my avatar is a cow), so I still have 6 lives! I hire a bounty hunter for killing the next poster!
  12. Sir, you're currently not in a warship, you're in a restaurant. Waiter, there's a [insert overwatch related joke] in my soup!
  13. That's the first thing I got for "picture".
  14. Banned for having a confusing name.
  15. No, but you can failure brain maths. Why is sewer horse watching me?
  16. Call the ghost snake busters! Waiter, there's a cheesecake in my soup!
  17. Granted, all your e-mail account gets spammed with e-mails that only contain 4s. I wish for Overwatch to finally finish downloading.
  18. Everything's fine? Waiter, there's a fight between a couple Overwatch characters going on in my soup!
  19. No, because rats don't eat plutonium. Why is Overwatch still downloading?
  20. Because that meme's really popular. Why do I find lampshades so funny?
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