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Everything posted by ZentroCatson

  1. The booster hits my transfer stage just about as I'm jettisoning it, resulting in some pretty fireworks. I crash a LV-N into the nest user's house. Oh, and the LV-N's reactor is still active.
  2. You said something? Waiter, there's a shotgun in my soup.
  3. Because cheese is tasty. Why can't we all talk in Doge memes?
  4. Granted, but it all ends in WW3 and a global nuclear war. I wish the weather would be better here in Switzerland.
  5. …is, in fact, a kraken drive that propels a spaceship hidden under the building itself. That facility that contains an experimental fusion reactor…
  6. This is the next poster => :v Quack! I'm the second poster since that duck posted something, right? I attack the next poster with a katana. No, two katanas.
  7. Nice and clean design, also, a lot of ribbons. And Kegways.
  8. Banned because the god of RNG decided so.
  9. Nah. Why should I press it? If you press the button, you will either become the lord of the dank memes, or you'll get a potato-battery-driven chicken launcher.
  10. Mmh, cheese! But wait, where are the crackers? I aim an arrow at the next poster and say:" Life or crackers!"
  11. The cook is a Tolkien fan. Waiter, excuse me, but my soup is on fire.
  12. Well, my idea is that we could have three parts: A razorback adapter, a razorback extender and a razorback end that could function as a tail mount. I also tried out the prop engines, they are a little unbalanced, but still fun to use I recommend that you change the ISP to a higher value, like 5'000 on the Marlin and 8'000 on the small one (forgot its name). I don't know if that's supposed to be there or not, but the Marlin starts off with a really high thrust value (about 150kn) and drops off slowly to 50kn. Isn't it supposed to be the other way round? EDIT: Wait, I forgot something. The half length fuselage holds only 50 units, but it is only logical for it to hold 200 units.
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