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Posts posted by slontone

  1. 17 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Ok, so here is what's happening (you are going to kick yourself)

    Even though you changed the value in the part, the value is NOT changed in any vessels that are either saved or in flight.  Those values are stored in the vessel.  This is why, when you changed the part value, it wasn't appearing in the vesse.

    I did find a bug which was only significant if you had multiple drive modules, it had no effect in your case since you only had a single drive module.

    I've also added the charge time and combined generator force to the analysis report to better identify this in the future. look for an update later this evening

    LMAO, you're right. Kicking commenced.

    I didn't think about that at all. I'll do a quick test to confirm everything works, I'm sure it will now.

    Thanks for your help, glad it was such an easy fix.

  2. 3 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Ok.  It's still not the whole log, the data I linked with that may be missing some info.

    But, what you provided is useful.  I'll try the same tomorrow morning and see what results I get

    I'll need copies of the craft file also, please

    There are a number of things impacting the success probability.  The Force Required is what's required to do the jump, not what can be generated


    Yes, I realize that the force required is how much force is required to do the jump. I've understood that from the beginning. (Not being rude, just want you to know we're on the same page). But the maxGeneratorForce is how much force the drive can produce, correct? Because if the force required is 250000, and I set the maxGeneratorForce to 750000, that should have given me way more than the required force to complete the jump in question, right?

    Here is the craft file: https://kerbalx.com/download/craft/23611 (I made it big and bulky intentionally, its nothing more than just to test the FTL. I wanted it to be large so it would increase the force required, so I could test to see if the force generated would have any affect)

    As far as the log goes, it is most certainly the complete player.log file found in ~/.config/unity3d/SQUAD/Kerbal Launcher. As I mentioned in the other post, ~/.config/unity3d/SQUAD/Kerbal Space Program doesn't exist.

    17 hours ago, slontone said:

    I looked in the location you specified, but there is no "Kerbal Space Program" directory under ~/.config/unity3d/Squad. Only "Kerbal Launcher"


  3. @linuxgurugamer Here is the log before I edited maxGeneratorForce in /GameData/FTLDriveContinued/Parts/FTLDriveS2/FTLDriveLarge.cfg. (It was set at the defualt of 2500 in the cfg)



    Beacon: Kerbin (10.0Mm)
    Force required: 145418.8iN
    Success probability: 1.7%

    Vessel orbiting around: Eve
    Vessel altitude: 20000000.0m
    EveRadius: 700000.0m

    Beacon orbiting around Kerbin
    Beacon altitude: 9999289.2m
    KerbinRadius: 600000.0m


    Here is the log after I edited maxGeneratorForce in the same cfg (I set it to 750000, and yes, I closed and re-loaded the game after changing the config befor getting the next log). Which should be more than enough to give me 100% success, but its the same problem as my original post, the change I make in the .cfg doesn't reflect anything in-game. (Except to change the text showing it has a max force of 750000, but that doesn't affect the jump calculations at all)



    Beacon: Kerbin (10.0Mm)
    Force required: 145418.8iN
    Success probability: 1.7%

    Vessel orbiting around: Eve
    Vessel altitude: 20000000.0m
    EveRadius: 700000.0m

    Beacon orbiting around Kerbin
    Beacon altitude: 9999289.3m
    KerbinRadius: 600000.0m



    4 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    well, the log on pastebin is only 70k, and is only about 1500 lines long.  It definitely isn't a complete log.

    Could you use Dropbox or Google Drive instead?

    Noticed your reply while I was writing this post. That's because the log is 70.7kb with 1512 lines. (Checked it on my PC just now) so the pastebin link I gave you was a complete log.

    Again, thanks for your assistance.

  4. 7 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    I need the whole file, not just a part of it.

    anyway, the success depends on, among other things, the location of the jumping ship and the location of the beacon, specifically in relation to the nearest planetary body.  If you are too close, nothing will work and you will explode.

    So, before you jump next time, record exactly how far you are from the nearest body, and how far the beacon is from the nearest body.  Nothing is hard-coded, I'm thinking (without the full log file) that you are too close with one or both of them.

    I did post the full log. Selected all, copied, pasted into pastebin. As I said in my other post, I think you were looking for another log. But the one you requested wasn't there. That was the only player.log in ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/

    Also, I used hyper edit for testing, I noticed the forced required changed the further I got from the planet, but my max force generated did not. (Even though I changed it in the .cfg.)

    I will update the mod and paste the new log as you requested in a few minutes.


  5. 1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Nothing to be annoyed about (yet).  That episode was when there was a new set of parts and new code,people were saying there was a problem but nobody posted.

    In your case, I would still appreciate the log file.  Among other things, it shows me what OS you are on, what version of the mod you are using, what version of KSP, etc.  None of which, you realize, you mentioned above :-)

    Anyway, the log file:

    To find your log file:

    • Windows (32-bit): See {KSP}\KSP_Data\output_log.txt
    • Windows (64-bit): See {KSP}\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt
    • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log. Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log
    • Linux: See ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log


    Thanks for your reply.

    I'm running Ubuntu 16.04. KSP 1.2.2, and the latest version of this mod.

    I looked in the location you specified, but there is no "Kerbal Space Program" directory under ~/.config/unity3d/Squad. Only "Kerbal Launcher"

    There is a player.log file in that directory, here it is: http://pastebin.com/0kC3ywsj

    I hope that helps.

    Thanks again

  6. @linuxgurugamer I'm having the same problem editing the .cfg as others here have had. I don't see a resolution.

    For example, I tried to increase the maxGeneratorForce in /GameData/FTLDriveContinued/Parts/FTLDriveS2/FTLDriveLarge.cfg. I increased the value to 750000 for testing purposes.

    I just did a test jump. The required force was around 250000iN. Even with the edited config, it had a 0.1% success rate. While the drive was spooling up, I noticed it only reached 2500iN (the default in the .cfg I edited, which should have been changed). I obviously exploded because the maxGeneratorForce was not recognized by the part in-game after editing the .cfg.

    Is the maxGeneratorForce hard-coded into the .dll? I assume that's the case. After editing the .cfg, the part displays 750000iN in-game, but that only seems to be a reflection of the text I changed, not the actual function of the drive.

    Is there anyway to actually change the maxGeneratorForce thas has an effect on jumps?

    Also, I saw you were upset a few posts back about not adding any logs. If you think a log would be helpful, just let me know which one you require, and I will add it. But I don't see it helping right now since I've described the issue pretty clearly.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Papa_Joe said:

    Yes.  There are some known bugs, and I'm almost done correcting them.  Here is the proposed change list for the next version:

    Version - Release xx Jan 2017 - KSP 1.2.2 Compatibility Edition
     - New:  Refactored for KSP 1.2.2
     - Fixed:  Enumeration error when opening or closing more than one hatch at the same time.
     - Fixed:  Respawn Kerbal fails. Github issue # 35.
     - Fixed:  Opening/closing hatches via a part's tweakable doesn't properly update the transfer windows xfer/eva buttons when CLS spaces change.
     - Fixed:  Fill buttons do not have tooltips.  Can be confusing as to their behavior.
     - Fixed:  Part level fill buttons do not behave as expected by users. Should not be available in flight with realism on.
     - Fixed:  Roster and Settings Icons sometimes appear in flight scene.  Should only be in Space Center Scene.
     - Fixed:  Highlighting is disabled temporarily when hatches are opened and closed.
     y Fixed:  Resource selection in the Manifest window is behaving erratically. Resources are disappearing in the display when multiple selections are made.
     y Fixed:  Vessel to vessel transfers are failing with an NRE in ShipManifest.SMVessel.UpdateDockedVessels
     y Fixed:  Sometimes crew transfers do not work.

    Items with a "y" next to them are still unresolved.  The rest are fixed.

    Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply. I'll give it a go for now, doesn't seem like the bugs will cause any game-breaking issues.

  8. 7 hours ago, falcoon said:

    It doesn't require TEG. You just need to fix this one line of code in .cfg file where wavelength is set to 0. After that, it started recieve very small amount of power. I didn't figured it out yet why the amount is so small (much smaller than expected), because I'm tired of testing for now, but it works.

    I think it does require a TEG since it is set to only receive thermal power. I need electrical power, so I would need to convert the thermal beamed power to electrical power.

    But that brings me around to another question.

    I have a transmistter attached to my power station. The power station has a generator converting thermal energy to electric. Its being sent on ka-band microwave. Is it transmitting thermal or electrical?

  9. 3 hours ago, slontone said:

    My problem with time warping engines is now solved. It seems it was a conflict with another mod, which was caused by my own configs.

    But now I'm trying to learn about beam power. Most of what I've learned came from the KSPI-E github wiki. But it seems alot of the info there is outdated and/or incomplete.

    I've learned a bit from this thread as well. For example, I had the same problem as facloon with the Dual Mode Thermal Sphere Receiver. It wouldn't receive any power. But now I understand it requires a TEG (I'll have to research that a bit more to see what it is) to work.

    Right now I have 5 probes in orbit. One is a power station with an antimatter reactor and electric generator. The other 4 are relays. All 5 probes use the Phased Array Microwave Tranceiver. The power station is set to transmit, the relays are set to relay. (From my understanding, size and position don't matter when transmitting or relaying)

    When I send a test probe up with a receiver (again a Phased Array Microwave Tranceiver) and a plasma engine, it seems to be able to receive a bit of power. When I "point" the receiver to the power station probe, it receives about 750MW of power. (it should be able to receive 1-3GW, I can't figure out why it isn't receiving the full amount.) When I point the receiver at one of the relays, it only receives about 25MW of power. That's another thing I can't understand, shouldn't my relays be able to relay roughly the same power as the power station transmits?

    All of this is happening pretty close to kerbin, so I don't see distance being an issue. (Power station is at 85km, relays are at 240km, and test probe with receiver is at 100km.)

    All of that brings me around to my biggest issue: not knowing where to look for info. On the github wiki there seem to be 2 seperate systems for beaming power. There is the Beamed Power page and the Microwave Power Transceivers page.

    I haven't been able to make much sense of the Beamed Power page, it seems like beaming power with Microwaves is an older (and easier to use) system. But I'm kind of confused as to why both systems are included in the mod of that's the case.

    Does anyone know of a more detailed/accurate/up-to-date source of information? All of the other videos and tutorials seem to be quite old, don't talk about beamed power, or offer very little information.


    I'll quote myself so you know the problem I was having and where I am now.

    I think I understand the reason for my relays not working correctly. The spot size of the microwave beam is too large for my relays. (I think. I included distances and the transmitters/receivers I'm using in the quoted post so you can see if I'm correct.)

    If I am correct, that would mean that I would need to decrease the spot size. Either by using a shorter wavelenght and/or reducing the transmit aperature.

    But that brings me to another question. I know the spot size has to be smaller than the receiver diameter. So if I had a 5m receiver with a spot size of like 0.05m, according to the wiki it should receive the full transmission power. But that doesn't make much sense, so I think I'm getting something mixed up. It also mentions distance. It says it will receive less power the further it is from the transmitter, but I can't see a way to calculate that.

    How does distance affect the power received? And does a very small spot size have any affect on the power received?


  10. My problem with time warping engines is now solved. It seems it was a conflict with another mod, which was caused by my own configs.

    But now I'm trying to learn about beam power. Most of what I've learned came from the KSPI-E github wiki. But it seems alot of the info there is outdated and/or incomplete.

    I've learned a bit from this thread as well. For example, I had the same problem as facloon with the Dual Mode Thermal Sphere Receiver. It wouldn't receive any power. But now I understand it requires a TEG (I'll have to research that a bit more to see what it is) to work.

    Right now I have 5 probes in orbit. One is a power station with an antimatter reactor and electric generator. The other 4 are relays. All 5 probes use the Phased Array Microwave Tranceiver. The power station is set to transmit, the relays are set to relay. (From my understanding, size and position don't matter when transmitting or relaying)

    When I send a test probe up with a receiver (again a Phased Array Microwave Tranceiver) and a plasma engine, it seems to be able to receive a bit of power. When I "point" the receiver to the power station probe, it receives about 750MW of power. (it should be able to receive 1-3GW, I can't figure out why it isn't receiving the full amount.) When I point the receiver at one of the relays, it only receives about 25MW of power. That's another thing I can't understand, shouldn't my relays be able to relay roughly the same power as the power station transmits?

    All of this is happening pretty close to kerbin, so I don't see distance being an issue. (Power station is at 85km, relays are at 240km, and test probe with receiver is at 100km.)

    All of that brings me around to my biggest issue: not knowing where to look for info. On the github wiki there seem to be 2 seperate systems for beaming power. There is the Beamed Power page and the Microwave Power Transceivers page.

    I haven't been able to make much sense of the Beamed Power page, it seems like beaming power with Microwaves is an older (and easier to use) system. But I'm kind of confused as to why both systems are included in the mod of that's the case.

    Does anyone know of a more detailed/accurate/up-to-date source of information? All of the other videos and tutorials seem to be quite old, don't talk about beamed power, or offer very little information.


  11. 3 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

    Specifically what engine to you attempt to trust at time warp

    As mentioned in the post above this one, I originally tried it with the VASMIR, and then tried again with the magnetic nozzle as suggested by Nansuchao. The result was the same, I am unable to enter time warp with the thrust above 0 or enable it while time warp is active.

    And neither engine provides any thrust for me while at time warp.

  12. 1 hour ago, Nansuchao said:

    I'm not sure VASMIR has actually this ability. Can you make the same test with the magnetic nozzle?

    Thanks for your reply.

    I think it has the ability since it shows a "warp isp" and "warp thrust" in the context menu. (Other engines that don't have the ability don't show that)

    But the result is the same with the magnetic nozzle. I can't enter time warp at all with the throttle greater than 0.

  13. 1 minute ago, Nansuchao said:

    In theory, you should set your throttle to a low-level thrust (~-30%) and enter TimeWarp. What engine are you trying to use?

    I was testing it with the vasimr. At even the lowest thrust (like 5%) when I try to enter time warp it says "your ship cannot enter time warp while under acceleration" (not the exact wording, but whatever the default KSP warning is when trying to enter time warp with the thrust above 0)

  14. I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find an answer (after spending the last hour looking through this thread)

    I know thsi mod allows engine use during time warp. I was just testing it. With the throttle at 0, I have a "warp thrust" of 0.0000000. I have a positive warp ISP, but no thrust. When I advance the throttle, the "warp thrust" increases, but I cannot enter time warp while the throttle is above 0. I also cannot change the position of the throttle during time warp.

    From what I've read, you're supposed to leave the throttle at 0 and then use time warp. I've tried that, the engines never provide any thrust.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  15. I'm at a loss. With CTT enabled, I am able to see the Torch Drives in my parts list, but then there are no drills. Without CTT, there are no torch drives, but the drills are there.

    I can understand why with CTT enabled, I can see the torch drives (experimental rocketry node exists in CTT, it no longer exists in the default tech tree). But I can't understand why I can't see the drills in my parts list with CTT. The drills use the tech node fuelSystems, and in the tech tree I can see that those parts show in the node, but in the VAB, they aren't in the list.

  16. This isn't compatible with 1.xx. The tech tree required in the config is "experimentalRocketry" and that tech node does not exist any longer.

    I manually edited the config file to fix this, but I don't know why there hasn't been an update. This issue has been brought up more than once over the last week. You even directly replied to someone mentioning this problem, but you only answered part of his question and completely ignored this issue.

    Its obviously an easy fix, I don't understand why its been looked over.

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