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Everything posted by DestinyPlayer

  1. First: Aerodynamics still work with the drives, unless you turn off gravity with them. Second: If you don't turn off gravity - just fly as you would've flown a normal plane/spacecraft, just also use the RCS controls to be able to produce thrust in whatever direction you need. Third: If you turn off gravity - always use the RCS controls, they're very useful for that. Fourth: You can increase the thrust of a GN drive, just look at the Right Click menu of it. Fifth: You can increase the thrust of a GN drive even further by using the Trans-am option, but it'll eat up GN Particles like nobody's busyness.
  2. Personally, I would be very happy if all the units of measurement were standardised across the world. Not even because of the metric/imperial system, mostly because of all the different currencies with all the different sizes. As in, 1 dollar is 54,26 roubles, 0,89 euros and 0,65 pounds, it changes all the time, and even then it's not constant transferring from one to the other, so you either have to look out for the worldly changes continuously, or depend on calculators. Yes, I know, it's pretty much impossible to standardise currency, but a person can dream of a fictional time when you won't have to google exactly how much is that in that to correctly buy a plank from outside of your country and not get screwed over...
  3. That's really weird. For me, the only problem MechJeb is having is circulization, and even then it's just the ascend autopilot circulization.
  4. I don't really know how hard is it... GN Drives get their thrust accordingly to the size of the craft, while the fuel consumption stays the same. But from what I can tell - just do whatever you want to do. Unless you want to go to an orbit using a Condenser, you'll be allright.
  5. Boring ultramen mysteriously posted. xadriopfal
  6. Are you allowed to do the good old trick of sticking a rope onto a ship, to make a classical Sci Fi spaceship/UFO, and to use a video editor to disappearify the rope?
  7. Darn it, now I feel bad. Why? Because in my country, KSP in Steam costs less than 12$ RIGHT NOW, without any discounts or whatever. And overall, almost every game on steam costs like that where I live. And I'm not in any low-level countries. Now I also feel sad...
  8. There's one part of adventuring armor that everybody forgets. The fact that it should not only defend against everything, but also work with what you're capable of, and with the environment you're going adventuring to. For example, if you're a capable swordsman but couldn't use a bow even if your grandma's life depended on it, you would require something heavy, cause your enemies would, most likely, be shooting at you with everything they can, so you either have to be quick enough to dodge them, which is superhuman, or be armored enough so that it doesn't really bother you that much. From the other side, if you can shoot a hummingbird into the eye from a kilometer away, but the only blade you can use is the one in the kitchen, then you'd need something lighter, less restrictive and, preferably, silent. You'd be better off not being seen at all, than being seen and surviving a few blows. And even if you do get noticed, it'd be much easier to hide from plain sight if your enemies wouldn't be able to hear you from a hundred meters away. And even if you take away the hiding aspect, I don't really know just how restrictive/unrestrictive custom-made plate armor is, but I still don't think it'd be that easy to quickly operate the bow between and during firing. It's still more weight you have to move and endure, and it still, probably, slows you down significantly. There are also other weapons, such as spears, that require specific gear and skills, but I don't have the time I need to ramble about them right now. And even if you're great at everything weapons-wise, there's still the environment you're going adventuring into. If it's a swamp, you'd need something light and mobile, as even if you take away the drowning part, moving through water is still hard. If it's a dungeon, you'd probably need something warm and heavy, cause there's not a lot of range to shoot from and places to hide behind, and if it's underground but not too deep, it'd probably be cold. But I think that as it gets deeper, you'd be better off with something less warm. If it's an in general wilderness, i.e. a forest, huge plains or city ruins (yeah, not wilderness, but close enough in conditions), it'd also depend on weather, the time you're going to spend there, and the current season. Overall, there's just too many variables to make a perfect armor for adventuring in medieval times, and if there is a variant, I can't think of it. What do you people think? Have I missed something?
  9. IMaKIDfromPH, this already works in 1.0, so you can use it in this state. It's not even glitchy, for me it works perfectly. And I've not seen the author reply here for quite a while, so dunno.
  10. From my experience, ATM shines at making the game load fast as Jeb on a solid rocket booster after the first launch. For example, the first time I add a new mod, it takes about five minutes to load KSP. But when I launch it the second time, it's not even a minute. Also yeah, lowering the vanilla settings could also work, but not that much I think, cause it probably only affects the vanilla textures.
  11. My theory is that they have more RAM available. Yes, I know that KSP can't use more than 4 gigs, but the rest of the computer can, if it's 64 bit, and so KSP has all of these 4 gigs available, with the OS and stuff not grabbing RAM from it.
  12. At least you only have a single craft... I have a whole mission. For testing purposes, I've wanted to try getting to the nearest resource patch, and mining some of it. About ten different crafts, almost none of them reached their destination, and the ones that did, for one reason or another couldn't mine anything. Even if I used an engine that turns gravity off and allows thrust in any direction, it still always messed up somehow.
  13. Yeah, that's a nice idea. I think that there should be enough RAM/Processing power to cram in some scale-up stuff. Are there any mods out there that allow you to configure just how much scaling up is there going to be?
  14. So, I've had an interesting idea for a career game. Basically, it's starting from normal, real-lifey rockets, and then moving into the more Sci-fi stuff, and ending by using a GN Drive to simulate all of these far-future spaceships that can fly in atmosphere almost the same as in space. And yet I want to have some sorta challenge to all of it. So, this here is my current list of mods outside of quality of life. B9 Aerospace (Only the colossal HX parts) BDArmory CivilianManagement ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads GlowStrips KAS/KIS KerbalFoundries GN Drive Lack Luster Labs + Extra MechJeb2 ScanSat USI Warp Drive + USI Life Support Interstellar Extended Is there anything more I could add, for the full experience? Or do you have any suggestions that would work with it?
  15. I have: B9 (only the huge butt sci-fi parts) BD Armory Chatterer Civilian Management Extraplanetary Launchpads + some additional parts GlowStrips KAS/KIS Kerbal Flight Data GN Drive LackLusterLabs MechJeb2 QuickScroll/QuickSearch SCANsat ScienceAlert Stage Recovery Kerbal Alarm Clock TweakScale USI Warp Drive/USI Life Support How unstable should that list be? Because I don't think my KSP has died even once on this installation.
  16. You could create a GN Beam rifle by using BD Armory, using GN Particles instead of Ammo, and using a custom texture for bullets. A Shield Generator is harder, though... Don't really know if there are any mods that even add anything reminiscent of Shield Generators. The only thing that's close that comes to my mind is USI Warp Drive, with it's Warp Bubble that destroys anything it touches, even if it's the same craft, but I dunno how hard would it be to detach the bubble code from the warp code.
  17. Hm... I am missing the construct button when I right click the launchpad. Am I missing some required mod or something?
  18. From what I remember, LF and O have the same density, and vanilla tanks are filled with an approximate ratio of 9 LF units per 11 O. So, from what I understand - you just use a sum of normal LFO for both LF and O.
  19. Is the maximum amount of GN drives going to be configurable? I'd really like to have a customizable limit on each type, to have only a single drive of each type available. Or even only of a single type, to have some sorta challenge if something bad happens to the starship that's using it, and you need to rescue it.
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