I was doing some experimentation with high CoM rockets, and was looking for some advice. I'm led to believe an early gravity turn is efficient:
Asparagus staging is also efficient. Asparagus staging generally requires radial attachment, and if you want to retain control, these tanks need to be high up on the rocket, like moonfrog posted pictures of. Even more generally than asparagus staging, I have problems with every type of radial decoupling but bi-radial decoupling, as the stage collides with the rocket when it detaches. It's just above the rocket, and falls into it. One of the stages is inevitably on top of the rocket, and gets pulled into the rocket by gravity. Fancy piloting and staging (spinning and decoupling the radial attachments on top of and below the rocket when they're sidways, then spinning back), or building a rocket as wide as the Atlantic Ocean solves the problem (causes lots of drag), but I was wondering if anyone could come up with an elegant solution. Cheers