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Everything posted by marcello639

  1. I could live with them to release best community missions as free Dlc mission packs for career. Otherwise I stay disappointed. Don't get me wrong - Dlc is good, just not what I expected.
  2. I am really disappointed too. I hoped for new missions in career. Or historical story mode. Making history is wrong name for this Dlc. This had to be split in two smaller Dlc's - historical parts pack and mission builder
  3. There is even hint for that. U had to read that pop up message after opening VAB. There was something about probably not being able to launch at full capacity.
  4. From my point of view rovers are not reliable, one mistake and it's ruined without chance of repairs. And second thing, which is even worse - no sense of speed, no sound effects, could use some camera vibration at high speed. Otherwise they are useful if u can find a purpose, since this is sandbox, everything is up to player.
  5. What KerikBalm said. By using navbal and targeting I had situation where I had to change direction in very last second to avoid landing on top of the other lander.
  6. After ~600h in career i noticed that Part Test missions feels so wrong. My suggestion is to completely remove Click Test part from game, but introduce time, location based test where have to actually use part to complete test. It also can be combined with tech tree to unlock next tiers. For Example: Do with engine LV-T30 "Reliant" 30sec burn in lower atmosphere on full trust (it can be hold on launchpad with clamps or actually flied - doesn't matter) Do with J-20 "Juno" 3min burn on trust greater than 50% Do with LV-909 "Terrier" 5min burn in vacuum on 25-50% trust e.t.c combinations ar limitless, just not anymore one click tests Same can be done with different type parts like wings, structural parts e.t.c but requirements can be like having certain part on craft what travels on X speed, X altitude, X time to test part capabilities. Can be even added crash tests for parts like pods (without kerbals inside), fuel tanks, landing legs... If combine with tech tree then to unlock next node have to complete all tests for all parts in current node (this is optional).
  7. from steam disappeared 1.1 pre-release, yesterday was there. Preparing for 1.2 pre-release...
  8. 784. Make kerbin a centre of universe and everything orbits around it
  9. I completely agree, but for Ksp2. I don't think such huge changes should be done in fully released game
  10. At what part of launch it started to lag? I have noticed that atmospheric effects create huge lag on high settings.
  11. I don't know if using steam changes something. But I can tell that a lot of problems are in pc's themselves. I play huge variety of games with steam and even with crossfire. I have big experience of tweaking system settings to get some games working. And I always have ended with reasonable settings. It can be too many things to say something for sure
  12. I always tough it's stands for "Vertical Assembly Building"
  13. I think I saw sale for ksp on humblebundle or indiegala stores something like 66% off
  14. Runaway changes: T1 asphalted and smooth but short and narrow T2 longer and wider than T1 T3 long, wide with nice lights and stuff T4 adds north to south runaway for easier polar orbits Test track for rovers. Pretty much self-explanatory. Maybe not really needed but nice thing to have. Docks and Dry docks. Not much fun to bring every ship, submarine or seaplane from runaway to shore. New building tiers can be similar to others. For ease to use and not to jump between VAB, SPH or Docks can be added new function for Launch button. For example: In SPH build ship and when pressing Launch it give selection menu between places Launchpad Runaway Runaway (North to South) Docks Test Track For carer compability it grey out launch options witch are not upgraded to meet vehicle size. Planetarium: Building that can be visited only by Kerbal. It contains miniature solar system which adds planets, moons as you explore them. Beginning only with Kerbol and Kerbin
  15. Very useful tool is kerbal engineer (only mod I use myself) it will help to build much more efficiently.
  16. I started to play just before 0.9 came out. Till now, i had no complains about updates. But now i really felt that 1.1 was rushed out way too early.
  17. After ~500h finally started to try some SSTO (had some failures before). Managed to bring orange tank to space station. Then slightly modified SSTO tried to bring satellite in orbit in middle of ascent realised that staging was wrong and satellite are loose in cargo bay. Instead or retry I continued, got it successfully in orbit. On reentry due eating SSTO nose cone, front tank exploded. Plane flipped and flew backwards and.... I landed it vertically on engine.... Quite crazy SSTO beginner experience...
  18. because using mods introduce more problems and bugs, more mods - more problems. and i have trust issues - mod development might be stopped after new update which causes new set of problems.
  19. I would like to see realism as additional game mode in stock game. It could be career with real fuels (not all of them), realistic engines configs e.t.c. maybe bigger planets. Maybe some basic life support. Stock game as it is right now is completely fine, but realism as additional game mode would be perfect solution to stop this battle...
  20. Well, I probably didn't explain properly what I meant. Fuels/propellants stays same. Changes way they are being controlled. Lets say we have VTOL what uses for vertical liftoff 4 mainsails. They still uses Lf/Ox mix. But they responds to RCS controls. Crafts balancing gonna be much easier. Or let's take vernors and switch them to main engine group. Benefit - low profile, lightweight engines
  21. Would be nice to select mode for any engine or thruster. Main engines or RCS. It could be ideal solution for VTOL's or big size ships.
  22. I propose fallowing things: New skilltree what unlocks spacesuit, spacesuit upgrades and skills what kerbals do while EVA. First Node unlocks spacesuit and spacewalk, instead being unlocked by building upgrade. Fallowing nodes may unlock: Increased mono propellant storage EVA gyroscope EVA Lights Flags Experiments like surface sample maybe some others Communication device - Allow in certain range transmit science experiments from EVA to ship (if antena and control is present) Abilities like repairing wheels, repacking chutes, resetting experiments (basically provides tools to do that) e.t.c Kerbals levels only provides efficiency of unlocked abilities. Abilities are still tied to classes except they are unlocked by skilltree not their levels. Pilots levels affects how precisely can hold maneuver Engineers how quickly repairs are done, mining efficiency Scientists still effects science lab efficiency plus how quickly resets experiments. One of the top nodes might be Cross training which 5 star kerbal unlocks all other class skills. Also all abilities and skills are obtained only if kerbal is returned to KSC.
  23. There will be ksp2. Squad is business not hobby at some point they will decide to make new game to have fresh income with cash. And since ksp is such a success it doesn't make a sense not to try luck with ksp 2. It all is matter of time.
  24. Also after click with mouse on craft in tracking station it should be deleted by pressing on keyboard DEL and ENTER. Clicking all this with mouse are so frustrating when deleting 50 debris.
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