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Everything posted by bandit4910

  1. Post your result. Err yeah I posted this cause I got bored.
  2. Tip#6 Wear a helmet. Tip#7 Press the launch button indoors. Tip#8 Wear fire retardant clothing. Tip#9 Call 911 if a fire breaks out.(Or whatever your emergency help line is...) Other than that have fun!
  3. So I just got change from a store and their was a Euro coin in my change... I just want to know this cause I\'m starting a savings account...
  4. Well that\'s good. I thought it was my ISP... Considering they 503 almost every site on the internet... (The suns out too long now so the signals coming in to hot..)
  5. At the time it was about five minutes before this post.
  6. So I was just going onto the site and it gave me 'Internal Server Error' and when I refreshed I still kept getting it until right now... Any solutions?
  7. No. I have a 2yr old PC that only has 1 BiOS (might be because the motherboard is an HP one...)
  8. I would also get Malawarebytes just in case a virus is doing this.
  9. Well I just read the terms of service. We aren\'t suppost to host web servers... Hosting game servers is fine, but they strongly recommend making a bandwidth limit on the server or while its running the server will take up 80% of the bandwidth we can use at once. Basically meaning I\'m not hosting a server.
  10. Well I won\'t be able to see the rocket launch from philly...
  11. I spend more time on there forums then actually playing MC...
  12. I\'m hard wired and right behind my router... Anyways, I searched under there server ports and almost every MMORPG is on there so minecraft ports are not blocked. I am hosting a minecraft server. Also, does downloading a minecraft mod from a torrent count as 'something your not suppost to torrent'? If they don\'t allow us to host servers I\'ll start looking for a VPS...
  13. Uhg find another game to keep you occupied, like Minecraft. (That\'s what I play to design figure out my rocket designs.)
  14. I have been trying to find out if I have a monthly bandwith limit with FiOS, I don\'t pay the bills in my house.(I\'m 14.) I have actually found that half the videos on youtube either end up freezing to a black screen often, is this just them doing something wrong or bandwith? I have asked my parents they have no clue about this, this is actually needed now so I can know if I can host a server.(Not web server that sort of crashed my PC...) Well this post is like a paragraph long now... Thanks in advance.
  15. Well this isn\'t a surprise to me. Eh, could be WAY worse like the forums shutting down for good.
  16. Well in honor of this I\'ve started trying to make a wall around a village that will block out any unwanted visitors. This will also mean adding a layer of water inside the wall for endermen. I\'ve already spent more than an hour on it. I will upload screen shots as soon as I\'m finished.
  17. It\'s where I do all my evil things, like plotting....and...thinking...and...fun... I assume that\'s it in disguise. =P
  18. Ermm I only got the ones I know of... Is it Halo 3:ODST?
  19. I am... here\'s the video for the ending and the preview of Halo 4. Halo 4 Extended Trailer (FM) HD
  20. You need to see the ending of Halo 3 to be able to figure out what happend in 4...
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