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Everything posted by bandit4910

  1. Be glad we still have MediaFire. I agree with Capt\'n Skunky on this one. The governments word MEANS NOTHING anymore.
  2. From what it seems,the open IP act does not look that bad. I do think we should at least limit piracy.
  3. I think he wants the answer Soap.
  4. The best thing is, CBS WANTS the law to pass when they did most of the pirating. Cnet is THERE copyrighted item they, hosted a bunch of pirated material. Gave out the peoples IP\'s to the government who, downloaded the material. So CNET should be shut down, and there TV network might I add.
  5. WHY?! Now I can\'t host my own software due to people not trusting mediafire downloads. (Yes it is my own I coded it in the MONO framework.)
  6. If you have a parachute you should be fine. If not then you WILL fail landing on kerbal. Oh, yeah. Welcome to the Kerbal forums. Enjoy your well foruming!
  7. Even if they shutdown TPB they can always open up a new domain name. Here\'s what I say. The shutting down of sites that HOST piracy should not be up to the Copyright owners but to the hosts or police. I am against them shutting down google,twitter,yahoo,ETC.. If you say a copyrighted name on a site or post a video of a copyrighted game I think you should be allowed. As long as it doesn\'t break the ToS of a the copyrighted item(s). The Pirate Bay\'s server\'s ARE in Stockholm,Sweden thus,the US can only block us from seeing it.
  8. I am making a simple MONO for android app and I need a way to port my PC app into a Android app. (It is a simple web browser.) I am trying to make a UI but it keeps coming out wrong. Any tips on C# styling?
  9. OK, Instead of Way on the sentence way are they even considering this try putting why. I\'m not trying to be mean or anything. Having corrections from people can help you learn better.(Or atleast it does for me.)
  10. Yea, that\'s right, it\'s a giant head thing. It\'s my first working mod and I\'m pretty pleased with the result myself. Anyway, enjoy this.. thing. Edit: yes, I am mighty well aware that the happypod has no room for parachutes, but then again who would enjoy a parachute stuck to the top of their head? Why not make the head thingy a parachute? Or, if possible make the head have the rocket float in the water...
  11. Well I launched your space craft and after a few seconds of flight your engines over heated... Anyway to stop this?
  12. The sun is just a background with unlimited light. Thus, if you were to crash into it you would most likely go to a white screen.
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