I have been up since I woke up yesterday... (It\'s about 6 AM here in the east coast of america.) I ran out of my room cause I heard a mouse or something similar scratching at my wall... It was not my cat cause she is sleeping... So I attempted to sleep downstairs on the couch. Nothing. I was too paranoid of that bug from the [bug] Bug report thread coming to bite the shit out of me... So I got my cat to lay close to the couch, still couldn\'t sleep.(I knew I would be safe with the cat there because she can rip the thing to shreds if it\'s anything like a mouse...) Any suggestions on what to do to sleep?
WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME PARANOID?! Now I\'m not buying any imported products from NZ Incase they crawled into a jar or box and their babies eat my insides...
Um, the program would need to be scanned by: https://www.virustotal.com/ So we can be sure it has no viruses... When the project is done upload the file to the site and give the link in the thread. After a recent attack on my computer I don\'t trust any program sorry.
Erm.. NASA has found an invisible galaxy. They have been running scans on it and they found it was made of Anti-Matter.. This is most likely where ALL of the Anti-Matter went to. We have only found one of the galaxies though...
Ermm If a Gas Giant with the same gravity as Jupiter has been orbiting two stars for a long time at a close distance the two stars can collide, this is because the planet\'s gravity is very large/
Well most of my friends moved out of my sucky neighborhood... Plus after the shooting on my block I\'n not supposed to go outside. The ones that stayed are now my enemies... Ah well..
But it isn\'t against their terms... Of course they reserve the right to suspend/terminate my services... I still can\'t afford a host and WILL not deal with free hosts. Now to get they\'re business service...
I cannot work with free hosts anymore, they say 99.9% up time but it\'s 40.9% up time. This is why I want to host the site myself I keep my computer on 24/7 so it don\'t matter. Do not recommend XAMPP that webserver program does not use my IP.
Game Maker sucks and is for people who can\'t code. I have used it your better off making a Unity game. Plus, I don\'t consider the game your\'s the drawings may be yours but, the game is not. You coded HALF of it and drew it all.