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Everything posted by bandit4910

  1. How many spam posts are there gonna be until this thread gets locked?!
  2. There\'s almost no July birthdays at all...
  3. bandit4910


    Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
  4. Welcome! Enjoy your stay. On the mean time why is everyone getting on the mun but me?! I have been playing since like KSP 11.0.0... Of course the mun was implemented later,but I still have rocket skills. I orbited the (insert sun like star name here.).
  5. Oh errr... Welcome! Enjoy your stay. +1 for pony ban. The brony\'s almost scared me away.
  6. >PLEASE COMPILE AFTER BOOT >BOOT >YOU HAVE COMPILED >WIFE.EXE has started ruuning >WIFE.EXE has encountered a problem and is now closing >WIFE.EXE has removed KSP.EXE and Brain.EXE >WIFE.JAR HAS REMOVED EVERYTHING!!! >ERROR BOOT.DOS not found ending Life.exe
  7. (I have been meaning to say this a while...) Anyway\'s welcome and enjoy your stay.
  8. Could be true... It\'s highly doubtful it is true though...
  9. No I said I do NOT believe in the 2012 non-sense... IF, nemesis does not exist how do you explain Sednas orbit? It COULD not of been wider than Pluto. Evidence suggest\'s how it got there was simple, but how it\'s orbit changed is not. Explain that.
  10. No, Nemesis COULD exist, Sedna doesn\'t have to be a moon... Nemesis can force it\'s path closer again with it\'s gravity...
  11. Nemesis is not in our solar system YET. It did pass by the Sun and most likely WILL do so again in 10 thousand to billion years. Sedna CAN be dragged back closer to the Sun by Nemesis.
  12. IF Nemesis exists when it comes back to rain death it could drag Sedna along so Sedna can kill earth...
  13. Welcome to the KSP complaint center forums. Enjoy your stay.
  14. So I was doing some research on Nemesis(Hypothetical star.) Read about it here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemesis_(hypothetical_star) Then found out about 90377 Sedna, IF this is Planet X then, it can come towards earth at any time... (Of course I don\'t believe in 2012 but, Planet X could still be there but hit the earth at a different time.) So, evidence suggest\'s that 90377 Sedna WAS I repeat WAS in our solar system, but was pushed away. Probably within the gap between the last planet and Pluto.(If Pluto was formed yet...) So, this EX-Planet could be Planet X. Does anyone else agree post why or why not in the comments.
  15. FATAL ERROR; Life.exe has been deleted. Brain.exe has exploded. Universe.exe has been altered by brain.exe. KSP.exe has bee altered by Universe.exe. Universe.exe has been deleted by KSP.exe.
  16. Dance... Dancing is for old people... I can\'t remember dancing...
  17. Roblox. (Of course I only use it for the building now... Considering the community sucks.)
  18. Time to kill the people who created MLP.
  19. July 31st I\'m JUST in July .
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