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Everything posted by StellarumSectatio

  1. Does anyone have any part recommendations for high efficiency engines, like Ion engines, VASIMR, bimodal NTR, etc?
  2. Haven't ever used Ferram but i'm looking to get into it (I need more realistic aerodynamics to advance any further in my glider development) Does anyone know if Ferram aerospace was/is/will be compatible with B9 Procedural Wings? They're pretty essential for my purposes.
  3. How do I calculate the D/v required to reach a specific orbit? Not a Hohmann Transfer, an ascent directly from the surface of a body (Specifically Europa in my case) To a 60 kilometer orbit. I have absolutely no idea how to go about this.
  4. I'm doing a personal project, i'm attempting to design a manned Europa landing and exploration vehicle. And I just realized that my grade 10 physics knowledge is scarcely capable of helping me here. I'm disregarding the transfer and Europa orbital injection burn, and starting off already in a 60 kilometer orbit at 1,405 m/second. Main issues, I'm not sure how to work out the landing, and the ascent, aswell as I have no knowledge of the actual rocket science part of all this. Isp, Delta V, and the such.
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