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Grand Ship Builder

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Posts posted by Grand Ship Builder

  1. 19 hours ago, Palaceviking said:

    And explosive decoupling! 

    @Grand Ship Builder is it me or has ksp changed into something a bit too serious,  what happened to the more boosters approach?  Lithobraking techniques?  Enough srb's to give you 2fps? Bah humbug...

    Probably because Danny and Nexter are dead, the more serious KSP channels took over, and us non-serious people are slowly dying out.


    revolution intensifies

  2. 2 hours ago, harrisjosh2711 said:

    Well hello, welcome to my version of a kerbalized SpaceX. This is relatively new mod (released around two months ago) and currently is a WIP. currently included in the release is four command pods, a heat shield, and the trunk for the dragon V2. Presently, I am working on finishing the IVA's on the pods, next will be to finish texturing on all the service modules (already modeled). If you would like to see what will be coming in the future, you can flip through this forum and look at my pictures.

    Now, I cant really tell you anything about Laztek, as I have only been playing kerbal since 1.2.2, and its always been outdated. But, I have played with Tundra. This is made to be a bit more realistic than Tundra, but still maintain the stock flair. For instance, my dragon V2 is a seven man 3.75m pod, yet balanced for stock. I believe tundra was a five man 2.5m pod. Also, all pods besides the Dragon have engines and animated docking ports. The Dragon flies with RCS and has a static docking port. All of the pod's are a normal size (2.5m,3.75,7.5m). Meaning if you have tweakscale anything can be used with them. 

    That's about all I can think of at the moment. If you have any other, more specific, questions I would be happy to answer them.

    Once again, welcome to Kerbalized SpaceX, hope to see you around!


    Thanks. I'll try this mod out, and hopefully see it on CKAN soon.

  3. 8 hours ago, harrisjosh2711 said:

    Spacedock (algorithm)sucks and Curse rocks. Seriously though, mods that are getting 1 or 2 downloads daily are rated higher than mods that are getting twenty daily. Their featured list still host mods that have been outdated for many KSP updates. Also, in the past month my curse downloads are killing my spacedock. Once again, spacedock sucks!

    *CKAN laughing in the distance*

  4. Elon Musk Time (EMT):


    Nanosecond = 10 minutes

    Millisecond = 10 hours

    Second = 10 days

    Minute = 100 weeks

    Hour = 150 months

    Day = 15 years

    Week = 5 decades

    Month = 20 centuries

    Year = 1000 millennia

    Decade = 100 million years

    Century = 20 billion years

    Millennium = 10 googol years

    Million years = 100 kjghpillion years

    Billion years = basically the end of the universe many times

    "It'll be done Soontm" = NEVER

  5. Hello everyone! Today, I decided to give back to the community, in the form of a new mod! This mod will feature Therma, a new planet. It's basically a modified Kerbin, yes, but it's just a start.


    In the future, I might turn this into a planet pack, when I actually get some experience.



    • Is a new planet.
    • Is slightly warmer than Kerbin, but still comfortable.
    • Has liquid water oceans.
    • Has a breathable atmosphere, containing oxygen.
    • Is basically a modified Kerbin.
    • Has lower gravity than Kerbin, low enough for jetpacks to work effectively.
    • The atmosphere is slightly smaller, but denser too.
    • Is not a mix of Duna, Laythe, and Kerbin.
    • Is between Duna and Kerbin.
    • Has rings (in the future)
    • Will have multiple moons, soon™.
    • Is Eve's worse nightmare.
    • Is also the name of this mod.
    • Doesn't exist yet.


    Since the community seems to be very supportive of mods, I decided to go here.


    I am only starting to develop Therma, any new updates will go here.

    I don't have much experience in making mods (this is my first real one!), so, I need your help!


    Tips and tricks here will also be appreciated.


    UPDATE 1:

    1. Development on Therma will start soon.




    Concept art:




  6. Once I made the trunk made out of service bays directly attached to the capsule and put the rest of the craft down under so the trunk can survive. I had to weld 8 thuds together for the craft to even take off. Meanwhile my experimental re-usable craft which is mostly inflatable heatshield can lift off with only 4 thuds pretty well.


    Not directly related to SpaceX, but I mention "trunk" and "re-usable", so of course it counts!

  7. I like changing the UI scale to fit my needs, but Kerbal Engineer and Mechjeb's buttons and HUD seem a little out of proportion for me. So, is there any way to change their sizes?


    KER's HUD really doesn't fit in with my UI scale. An option to have KER's HUD align with my UI scale would be nice, but are there any current solutions for this?


    Mechjeb's drop down menu is also nice, but at the same time, out of proportion with my UI scale. Pretty much the same situation as KER but with Mechjeb.


    So (for the fifth time), is there any solution to the proportions of the HUD and buttons?

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