PartTweaks aims to improve the working in editor and making parts more realistic. It also ballances partgroups like air intakes out to solve some big problems with parts never get used because of their bad statistic. Overall Patwe just wants to make your time ingame as comfortable as possible.
Target group are new players but also veterans hanging around a lot in VAB and SPH wanting their play experience as smooth and uncomplicated as possible! (Archieve best experience with other mods like: TweakScale, Mechjeb, Kerbal Engineer Redux)
Page is work-in-progress so please be shure that there will be more in future
Gameplay changes:
Fuel filled wings, aerodynimcs and structurals (since: 0.1 changed: 0.2, 0.4, 0.65)
Ballanced air intakes (since: 0.75)
Easier to use Mechjeb2 and Kerbal Engineer Redux (since: 0.65)
Advanced part categories (PLANNED!)
Note, that some facets of KSP get easier but other more difficult by this changes. Prepare for another partballancing than you know!
Download: Curse, Curseforge, SpaceDock
Compatible with 1.0+
Supported / Included mods:
Heat-Resistant Parts (s)
Interstellar Fuel Switch (i)
CrossFeedEnabler (i)
KSP-AVC Add-on Checker (s)
ModuleManager (i)
Planned Features:
Custom categories
What can you think of? Feel free to share ideas, critics and other meanings right here in KerbalSpaceProgram forum.